Steam is a digital distribution, multiplayer, and social platform developed by Valve Corporation. It is used to distribute games and related
media online, from small independent developers to larger software houses. Steam also has community features, automated game
updates, in-game voice and chat functionality. As of December 2012, there are over 2000 games available through Steam, and 65 million
active user accounts.

- Steam introduces Steam reviews.
- Steam is adding home streaming to Steam.
- Steam to demo VR Hardware in January.
- You may see 50 apps in your library, this is a bug.
- Steam OS announced - A open Linux OS dedicated to gaming.
- Steam Machines announce - A baseline of 3rd party machines to support SteamOS
- Steam Controller announced - A controller made by Valve to be used for gaming.

- Steam Support - The place to contact steam if you have a problem with the service.
- Steam Trading Cards - Gain money by selling cards or craft them for cosmetic items.
- Add funds to your Steam Wallet - You can also buy giftcards at most major gaming retailers.
- Steam Mobile - Use Steam while away from the PC. Supports iOS and Android.
- Big Picture Mode - Lets you run Steam on your TV in a more convenient manner.
- Steam Family Sharing - Share your Steam account with family and friends.
- Steam Community - A hub of what other steam users have created or are discussing.
- Steam Workshop - A showcase of Mods for games on Steam.
- Steam Greenlight - Vote for games that want to be on the Steam store.
- Steam Stats - Check stats of number of people playing games.

- NeoGaf Steam Group - You must be invited by another member to join.

Thread rules:
- Do not solicit/trade/sell/beg for games in this thread. Splitting retail packs is fine in this thread.
- Do not spam post your steam stats or post damage lists from sales.
- How do I use Modbot?! - Read this tutorial or watch this JIF.
- I changed my GAF email address, but now I'm locked out of my account - PM Stump.
- Can I register this retail game on steam? - Check here.
- How do I contact customer support? - Use this link.
- can I use my steam account on a different computer? - Yes as long as if you have the account details.
- How do I run Steam in offline mode? - Steam Offline Mode Support Page.
- Is steam down? I can't see my Profile/Friends/Chat/Cloud Saves - See if Steam is running maintenance.
- Steam won't start or run? - Delete ClientRegistry.blob and restart. If it fails: copy steamapps folder and re-install steam.
- Is using a VPN to get steam games from another region a good idea? - It can result in getting your account banned.
- Using a VPN to unlock games early?- Most people can unlock games early so that seems to be fine.
- Can I still buy games outside the Steam Client when there is a sale? - Yes use Steam Mobile.
- Can I do remote downloading? - Yes, login into the Steam community webpage and select the game to download.
- How do I track how many players are playing a game over time? - Use steamcharts.com.
- One of my grid icons is missing a picture? - Check here to see some artwork Gaf did.
- I want to clean up my Steam folder of re-distributable packages - Use TikiOne-Steam-Cleaner.
- I am running out of space on my HDD, can I move my games? - Use SteamTool Library Manager or Steam Mover.
- Where I can download skins for Steam? - Go here for a mega list, make sure that the skin is safe to use.
- Can I trade games? - If they are in your inventory then yes, you cannot trade games you have already own.
- Can I sell inventory items? - You can now sell some of your inventory - such as TF2/DOTA/Emoticons/Cards items.
- Any other places to trade? - Try: SteamCardExchange / TF2 Outpost / SteamTrades / B/S/T or Steam Trading GAF.
- So when does the 'Winter/Spring/Summer/Autumn' sale start? Stop asking this question, nobody fucking knows.
- Sites to compare Steam prices regionally ? - SteamPrices or add this to the end of the the steam url: ?cc=uk or ?cc=us
- How do you find info on upcoming releases and updates? - Steam Database is a great tool.
- Is there a list of games no longer on Steam? - Check this list.
- Any extensions to use while using Steam site in a browser? - Enhanced Steam (Chrome/Firefox/Opera.
- Any way to backup games that don't used Steam Cloud? - Use Game Save Manager.
- I want to compare prices to to other DD sites? - Use Steam Games Sales.
- How long will it take me to beat game 'X/Y/Z' ? - Check out How Long To Beat.
- Sites that list Steam profile Stats? - Check list, remember not to spam this thread with your profile stats:
- Calculates how long it will take to beat all of the games in your library
- How much you bought at full price then at sale price, as well as monthly expenditures
- Work out how much you spent on steam
- Tells you how much time you spent on steam and for each game
- See how many achievements you have unlocked as well as for each game

Warning: Some of the sites have region locked keys that only work in certain regions of the world, please check before buying:
- Green Man Gaming
- Gamers Gate
- Gamestop
- Get Games
- Amazon
- Gamefly
- Groupees
- Nuuvem
- Humble Indie Bundle
- Indie Royale
- Indie Gala