Song of Susannah, the penultimate volume in Stephen King's Dark Tower series, is being released today. Fanboy that I am, I'll be swinging by my local Borders immediately after work to snag my copy which, with discounts, will clock in at 432 pages for just over twenty bucks.
(If you've been out of the Dark Tower loop for a while and are wondering whatever happened book five in the series, Wolves of the Calla was released back in November '03 and was, overall, quite good.)
I'm optamistic about Song of Susannah
despite King writing himself into the volume; Kurt Vonnegut pulled off a similar stunt rather well in Breakfast of Champions, so I'm willing to induge King here.
If you'd like to get a sample of DT6, the prologue is available on King's website, where things are off to a damn fine start.
Artwork this time around is courtesy of Darrell Anderson, and promises to kick my ass:

As much as it pains me to set aside my current paperback, The Honourable Schoolboy by John Le Carre, I'll be burning the midnight oil to finish Song of Susannah posthaste and will post impressions when I'm done.