I have that purple dongle thingamajig that lets me do audio/video in. Is there a way to make it see the Dreamcast by hooking it up this way? How would I switch the screen. If this question is even more stupid than I think, I apologize.
I had question about this, too with my GC. Using the purple dongle, the best you'll get is S-Video, which doesn't look appealing on a high-res monitor for most GC games. As was explained to me, your best bet would be to use a VGA box switchy thing.
VGA is a superior connection that divides up various components of an image into individual ouputs. S-video does not divide the pieces of the image into as many components and is also lacks the ability to output a progressive signal (progressive scanning renders EVERY line on a screen, rather than every other one producing a more complete and crisper image).