Poet Centuriate
Something something "Felix fucked up the OP" something something. I couldn't think of a good subtitle so shoot me.
Most of this shamelessly and quickly borrowed from madp
Welcome to AnimeGAF's third OT of Summer 2013! New shows, old shows, new to anime in general: It's all good in the neighborhood.
irc: irc.rizon.net #animegaf
Cajunator's Eternal Throne aka the Wall of Shame:
Simulcast Schedule
CR - Teekyu Season 2 - 7:30am PDT
CR - The Eccentric Family (Uchouten Kazoku) - 8:00am PDT
CR - Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist - 10:05am PDT
VZ - Blood Lad - 11:00am PDT
CR - Fantasista Doll - 11:30am PDT (1 day late)
CR - Yami Shibai: Japanese Ghost Stories - 11:45am PDT
FN - High School DxD New - 5:00pm PDT
CR - The World God Only Knows: Goddesses - 11:00am PDT
CR - Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East S2 - 11:25am PDT (1 day late)
CR - Dog & Scissors (Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou) - 12:30am PDT
CR - Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-Bu - 9:30pm PDT (4 days late)
CR - Watamote - 10:05pm PDT
CR - Senyu Season 2 - 10:00am PDT
CR - Gifu Dodo!! Kanetsugu and Keiji - 11:00am PDT
CR - Sunday Without God (Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi) - 12:00pm PDT (3 days late)
FN - Brothers Conflict - 9:00pm PDT
CR - Free! - 12:15pm PDT
CR - Recorder and Ransell Mi - 9:00am PDT (3 days late)
CR - Silver Spoon - 11:45am PDT
CR - Chronicles of the Going Home Club - 12:30pm PDT
CR - Servant x Service - 2:00pm PDT
CR - Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen - 10:00pm PDT
CR - Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya - 11:00am PDT
CR - Love Lab - 11:25am PDT (1 day late)
CR - Gatchaman Crowds - 11:30am PDT
FN - Danganronpa The Animation - 2:00pm PDT (1 day late)
FN - Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation - 6:30pm PDT
CR - KINMOZA (Kiniro Mosaic) - 8:00am PDT
CR - Day Break Illusion (Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou) - 9:30am PDT
DS - Monogatari Series Second Season - 10:00am PDT
CR - Genshiken Second Season - 11:30am PDT
CR = Crunchyroll
VZ = Viz Anime
FN = Funimation
DS = Daisuki
(regional streaming restrictions may apply) Thanks to Articalys for compiling this!
The Lineup
["You'll be my first I drink from--my blood calls out for it."
7/7 (Sun) 24:30 tvk
Dir. Shigeyuki Miya (Buzzer Beater, Supernatural), Comp. Kenji Konuta (Library Wars, Haitai Nanafa), Prod. Brains Base (a lot of things that look a lot better than this)
"A forbidden sibling 'love conflict'!"
7/2 (Tue) AT-X 19:30
7/2 (Tue) Tokyo MX 24:30
Dir. Atsushi Matsumoto (Persona Trinity Soul, Night Raid, lol.), Comp. Natsuko Takahashi (Moyashimon, Togainu no Chi, Traitor Knows My Name or whatever the hell people call that in English), Prod. Brains Base (Drrr, PenDrum, Natsume)
"Want to graduate? Kill a classmate!"
7/4 (Thu) 25:35 MBS
7/5 (Fri) 25:55 TBS
Dir. Seiji Kishi (Persona 4, Devil Survivor 2, Humanity has Declined, Carnival Phantasm), Comp. Makoto Uezu (School Days, Is This A Zombie, Humanity has Declined, Carnival Phantasm), Prod. Lerche (Carnival Phantasm)
"Shining stars above! Glittering eternal crystal! In the name of the holy infinite stardust, show me your true form!"
7/6 (Sat) 27:28 MBS
7/7 (Sun) 24:00 Tokyo MX
Creative producer Goro Taniguchi, Dir. Hisashi Saito, Prod. Hoods Entertainment
"An off-the-wall tale of a girl led on by 'Fate'!"
7/6 (Sat) 22:30 Niconico
7/12 (Fri) 25:30 TV Tokyo
Dir. Shin Oonuma (ef, BakaTest), Comp. Kenji Inoue (BakaTest novels), Writer Hazuki Minase (C^3 novels), Prod. SILVER LINK. (BakaTest, inexplicable punctuation, not hiring a single writer who's ever worked on anime before YOLO)
"Grasp the future, 400 meters ahead."
7/3 (Wed) 24:30 Tokyo MX
Dir. Hiroko Utsumi (shared AD credits on the K-on! and Haruhi movies), Comp. Masahiro Yokotani (Maria+Holic, Maou-sama), CD Futoshi Nishiya (Nichijou, Hyouka), Prod. KyoAni (I really shouldn't have to fill this in)
"In 2013, Gatchaman soars to new heights!"
7/12 (Fri) 25:58 NTV
Dir. Kenji Nakamura (C, Tsuritama, please forget when i was hyping him for C), Comp. Toshiya Ono (Suite Precure, Tsuritama), Suit design Koji Nakakita (Wandaba Style, Dancouga Nova), Prod. Tatsunoko (Sket Dance, C)
"This is the eternally-recurring battle of girls who shoulder that unescapable destiny."
GEN'EI WO KAKERU TAIYO or, il sole penetra le illusioni or in English this time, The Sun Penetrates The Illusion
6/27 (Thu) 24:00 Tokyo MX (Episode 0)
7/6 (Sat) 23:30 Tokyo MX
Dir. Keizo Kusakawa (Campione, Loliball, I guess doing Sekirei gave him all the tits he ever needed), Comp. Michiko Ito (Loliball, Hentai Ouji), Creature design Hiroyasu Oda (Dog Days, Nanoha movies), AS Harume Kosaka (Humanity has Declined), Prod. AIC (R-15, Acchi Kocchi)
"Genshiken is back, with even weirder freshmen!"
7/6 (Sat) 25:00 Tokyo MX
Dir. Tsutomu Mizushima (Genshiken, Joshiraku, Girls und Panzer), Comp. Michiko Yokote (Genshiken, Joshiraku), Prod. Production I.G (Azazel-san, Eden of the East which at this point I insist was a comedy in retrospect)
"The kanji for 'honor' is written by combining 'self' and 'beauty'. Thus, it can be said that to be 'honorable' makes oneself 'beautiful'; or that to live 'honorably', one must live 'beautifully'."
GIFUU DODO!! KANETSUGU TO KEIJI or, Inventing Our Own 4CCs Is Fun And Profitable or, fd8y9y890gwohgw8oh8g80ysoiafsaioisaioa dodos, or IMAGAWA IMAGAWA IMAGAWA
7/2 (Tue) 25:40 TV Tokyo
Orig. Tetsuo Hara (FotNS) / Nobuhiko Horie, Dir. Bob Shirahata (Hetalia), Writer Yasuhiro Imagawa (G Gundam, Shin Mazinger, Bartender), Prod. DEEN (Nura, Sankarea)
"He had to make that choice, or die."
7/7 (Sun) 22:30 Tokyo MX
Chief Dir. Osamu Yamasaki (Hakuouki), Dir. Mitsue Yamazaki (AD on kure-nai and PenDrum), Comp. the directing team together, Prod. DEEN (haven't we been over this already?)
"Fuck you, Excalibur."
HIGH SCHOOL D×D NEW or, Yes Virginia, "New" Is A Valid Pun For "Breasts" In Japanese
7/7 (Sun) 20:30 ATX
?????? Tokyo MX (like you even care about the broadcast version)
Dir. Tetsuya Yanagisawa (HSD&D S1, World War Blue), Comp. Takao Yoshioka (Working'!!, HSD&D S1, Senran Kagura), Prod. TNK (HSD&D S1, School Days)
"This is Gamindustri. Beings called the Goddesses rule the countries of this unreal world."
7/12 (Fri) 22:00 BS Animax
7/12 (Fri) 25:00 Tokyo MX
Dir. Masahiro Mukai (Madoka eps 2-9. Yu-gi-oh! Zexal eps 1-2), Comp. Shogo Yasukawa (Zero no Tsukaima F), Prod. david production (Ben-to, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
"Even edgier than the novel!?"
INU TO HASAMI WA TSUKAIYOU or, Dogs and Scissors: Only Good for One Thing
7/1 (Mon) 25:00 Tokyo MX
Dir. Yukio Takahashi (Last Exile 2), Comp. Toshizo Nemoto (Inuboku SS), Prod. GONZO (Chapter 11)
"And on the seventh day... God abandoned us."
7/6 (Sat) 25:30 Tokyo MX
Dir. Yuji Kumasawa (Nobuna Oda), Comp. Tomoko Konparu (this lady has been writing FOREVER; recently Kimi ni Todoke and UtaPrince), Prod. Madhouse (Chihayaful, aaaalllll those Marvel shows, Kaiji)
"Her name: Shiki Ryogi. Her life was saved... But nothing could open her eyes."
KARA NO KYOUKAI or, Garden of Sinners or, 2013: 2009 4TH ANNIVERSARY PROJECT
7/5 (Fri) 24:00 Tokyo MX
"Love hurts."
KIMI NO IRU MACHI or, A Town Where You Live
7/13 (Sat) 23:30 TV Tokyo
Dir. Shigeyasu Yamauchi (Casshern Sins, Dream Eater Merry), Comp. Reiko Yoshida (MariMite, K-On!, Girls und Panzer), Prod. GONZO
"Ancient China, BCE: A land at war."
6/8 (Sat) 23:45 BS Premium
Staff: Dir. Jun Kamiya (Bleach: Diamond Dust Rebellion), Comp. Naruhisa Awakawa (Kingdom S1, Akibarangers), Prod. Studio Pierrot (Beelzebub, Kingdom S1)
"A relaxing, lighthearted comedy of Japanese and British schoolgirls!"
KIN-IRO MOSAIC or, Gold Mosaic
7/6 (Sat) 20:30 ATX
7/8 (Mon) 24:30 Tokyo MX
Dir. Tensho (NakaImo ep 2 and 7, Katanagatari ep 7), Comp. Yunico Ayana (Denpa Onna), Prod. Studio Gokumi (Saki Achiga-hen, NakaImo)
"What fun will Natsuki have with the Go-Home Club?"
7/4 (Thu) 26:43 NTV
Dir. Hikaru Sato (AD on bad Aria and Polar Bear Cafe), Comp. Go Zappa (Koihime Musou, NakaImo, I think he used all his clever coming up with that pen name), Prod. Nomad (Kampfer, Bleach: Diamond Dust Rebellion, Bleach: Fade to Black)
"What brought these wildly different girls together" 'To learn how to love'!?"
7/4 (Thu) 26:05 MBS
7/5 (Fri) 26:25 TBS
Dir. Masahiko Oota (Minamike, Mitsudomoe), Comp. Takashi Aoshima (Minamike, Mitsudomoe, Yryr), Prod. Dogakobo (Koihime Musou, Yuruyuri)
"Who will be Hell's regent!?"
7/7 (Sun) 25:05 TV Tokyo
Dir. Chiaki Kon (Junjou Romantica ep director), Comp. Michiko Yokote (rapidly closing in on Mari Okada's spray-and-pray reputation), Prod. Dogakobo (Koihime Musou, Yuruyuri, wait what?)
"'Queens' of the savannah!"
The Midnight Animals
August, Hikari Channel
"The four girls of Milky Holmes grow up with more cases to crack and new underclasswomen at school!"
FUTARI WA MILKY HOLMES or, Toei Lawsuit Incoming
7/13 (Sat) 22:00 Tokyo MX
Dir. Hiroshi Nishikiori (Index, Index II, but not Railgun), Comp. Hideki Shirane (Merry, bad Aria, Kill Me Baby), Prod. J.C. Staff/Nomad (oh lol.)
"Don't let your youth end until you've seen it all."
-monogatari series sec8u90w087ewf0u8vdsuohs7vds09vdovsbuivds-ovd89yiudugfdaghacisfi9d9dsf90luisdiulgf98safssfdnsdhu-67e0t4;auvh0pypwyot6y3a98g7v803pv p683q7tg48iw3quy8997q9ay985y0g0um94w9674g5tp\2p9uaqcf
trying that again
-MONOGATARI SERIES SECOND SEASON or, -Story Series Second Season or, My Living Hell (working title)
7/6 (Sat) 24:00 Tokyo MX
Dir. Akiyuki Shinbo, Prod. SHAFT (Again, if I have to tell you...)
Most of this shamelessly and quickly borrowed from madp
Welcome to AnimeGAF's third OT of Summer 2013! New shows, old shows, new to anime in general: It's all good in the neighborhood.
irc: irc.rizon.net #animegaf
Cajunator's Eternal Throne aka the Wall of Shame:
cajunator 1,600
Kirbyguy 1,365
Theonik 698
CorvoSol 615
Branduil 550
Narag 531
R_thanatos 451
Syrinx 433
cnet128 392
Dedication Through Light 391
firehawk12 390
dakkumauji 382
Regulus Tera 382
ZachDeKoromaru 379
Articalys 372
wonzo 368
Hitokage 341
madp 328
hosannainexcelsis 319
Jarmel 297
chickdigger802 272
BGBW 242
zeroshiki 240
Dresden 238
Tenumi 219
Shard 216
cosmicblizzard 215
fertygo 211
Novid 200
duckroll 195
SDBurton 182
Jexhius 178
Shergal 175
jbug617 175
yami4ct 170
Kurita 170
FelixOrion 166
nintendoman58 161
Jintor 150
Save 'N Quit 137
PdotMichael 130
kayos90 126
BluWacky 119
amishpriest99 114
Watanabe Kazuma 113
jgminto 111
Mature 110
rhizomatic 109
dimb 106
Chet Rippo 99

Simulcast Schedule
CR - Teekyu Season 2 - 7:30am PDT
CR - The Eccentric Family (Uchouten Kazoku) - 8:00am PDT
CR - Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist - 10:05am PDT
VZ - Blood Lad - 11:00am PDT
CR - Fantasista Doll - 11:30am PDT (1 day late)
CR - Yami Shibai: Japanese Ghost Stories - 11:45am PDT
FN - High School DxD New - 5:00pm PDT
CR - The World God Only Knows: Goddesses - 11:00am PDT
CR - Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East S2 - 11:25am PDT (1 day late)
CR - Dog & Scissors (Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou) - 12:30am PDT
CR - Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-Bu - 9:30pm PDT (4 days late)
CR - Watamote - 10:05pm PDT
CR - Senyu Season 2 - 10:00am PDT
CR - Gifu Dodo!! Kanetsugu and Keiji - 11:00am PDT
CR - Sunday Without God (Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi) - 12:00pm PDT (3 days late)
FN - Brothers Conflict - 9:00pm PDT
CR - Free! - 12:15pm PDT
CR - Recorder and Ransell Mi - 9:00am PDT (3 days late)
CR - Silver Spoon - 11:45am PDT
CR - Chronicles of the Going Home Club - 12:30pm PDT
CR - Servant x Service - 2:00pm PDT
CR - Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen - 10:00pm PDT
CR - Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya - 11:00am PDT
CR - Love Lab - 11:25am PDT (1 day late)
CR - Gatchaman Crowds - 11:30am PDT
FN - Danganronpa The Animation - 2:00pm PDT (1 day late)
FN - Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation - 6:30pm PDT
CR - KINMOZA (Kiniro Mosaic) - 8:00am PDT
CR - Day Break Illusion (Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou) - 9:30am PDT
DS - Monogatari Series Second Season - 10:00am PDT
CR - Genshiken Second Season - 11:30am PDT
CR = Crunchyroll
VZ = Viz Anime
FN = Funimation
DS = Daisuki
(regional streaming restrictions may apply) Thanks to Articalys for compiling this!
The Lineup
["You'll be my first I drink from--my blood calls out for it."

7/7 (Sun) 24:30 tvk
Dir. Shigeyuki Miya (Buzzer Beater, Supernatural), Comp. Kenji Konuta (Library Wars, Haitai Nanafa), Prod. Brains Base (a lot of things that look a lot better than this)
madp bully pulpit said:There was no attempt made to optimize the material for animated format whatsoever; this is basically Blood Lad: The Manga: The Anime. Definitely feels like something for a young adolescent audience--conspicuously 2kool4skool slacker protag, a pair of huge tits masquerading as a sidekick, lots of EVERYTHING IS FUNNY IF YOU SHOUT IT humor. Watch Uchouten Kazoku instead.
"A forbidden sibling 'love conflict'!"

7/2 (Tue) AT-X 19:30
7/2 (Tue) Tokyo MX 24:30
Dir. Atsushi Matsumoto (Persona Trinity Soul, Night Raid, lol.), Comp. Natsuko Takahashi (Moyashimon, Togainu no Chi, Traitor Knows My Name or whatever the hell people call that in English), Prod. Brains Base (Drrr, PenDrum, Natsume)
madp bully pulpit said:The heartwarming story of thirteen identical siblings clamoring to see who can be the first to jam their dick into their sweet and trusting adoptive sister. Not even the Studio Pablo backgrounds could make this watchable. Watch Uchouten Kazoku instead.
"Want to graduate? Kill a classmate!"

7/4 (Thu) 25:35 MBS
7/5 (Fri) 25:55 TBS
Dir. Seiji Kishi (Persona 4, Devil Survivor 2, Humanity has Declined, Carnival Phantasm), Comp. Makoto Uezu (School Days, Is This A Zombie, Humanity has Declined, Carnival Phantasm), Prod. Lerche (Carnival Phantasm)
madp bully pulpid said:With NISA bringing the game over, there is no reason to watch what is, by most accounts, yet another Kishi butchery of a video game adaptation. Watch Uchouten Kazoku instead.
"Shining stars above! Glittering eternal crystal! In the name of the holy infinite stardust, show me your true form!"

7/6 (Sat) 27:28 MBS
7/7 (Sun) 24:00 Tokyo MX
Creative producer Goro Taniguchi, Dir. Hisashi Saito, Prod. Hoods Entertainment
madp bully pulpit said:I'll have something here once I watch an episode.
"An off-the-wall tale of a girl led on by 'Fate'!"

7/6 (Sat) 22:30 Niconico
7/12 (Fri) 25:30 TV Tokyo
Dir. Shin Oonuma (ef, BakaTest), Comp. Kenji Inoue (BakaTest novels), Writer Hazuki Minase (C^3 novels), Prod. SILVER LINK. (BakaTest, inexplicable punctuation, not hiring a single writer who's ever worked on anime before YOLO)
madp bully pulpit said:It's your average otaku-targeted magical girl show--cram in tons of smut under the laughable pretense that you're subverting or parodying the "purity" of shows in the genre that are targeted at kids. There's not even anything for weirdoes like me who watch things BECAUSE they're directed by Oonuma--Watamote is where he's really at this season and this is just a paycheck. Only endure this if you really have a thing for albinos or loli armpits. Watch Uchouten Kazoku instead.
"Grasp the future, 400 meters ahead."

7/3 (Wed) 24:30 Tokyo MX
Dir. Hiroko Utsumi (shared AD credits on the K-on! and Haruhi movies), Comp. Masahiro Yokotani (Maria+Holic, Maou-sama), CD Futoshi Nishiya (Nichijou, Hyouka), Prod. KyoAni (I really shouldn't have to fill this in)
madp bully pulpit said:It was already the most entertaining show of the season weeks before it aired due to the sweet, salty tears of entitled/homophobic male otaku crying over KyoAni making a show for someone that wasn't them. So far, it's a fun bromance with superior production values (ofc), plenty of UPPER BODY, and *gasp* actual female characters.
"In 2013, Gatchaman soars to new heights!"

7/12 (Fri) 25:58 NTV
Dir. Kenji Nakamura (C, Tsuritama, please forget when i was hyping him for C), Comp. Toshiya Ono (Suite Precure, Tsuritama), Suit design Koji Nakakita (Wandaba Style, Dancouga Nova), Prod. Tatsunoko (Sket Dance, C)
madp bully pulpit said:If you were like me and weren't sold on the first episode, keep watching. Nakamura proves again that there is (usually) method to his madness and that the most unlikely of characters and concepts can bear rich thematic fruit. Still, if you're expecting anything like the Gatchaman of old, Regulus Tera said it best: "95% Hajime doing Hajime things, 5% robot suit action."
"This is the eternally-recurring battle of girls who shoulder that unescapable destiny."

GEN'EI WO KAKERU TAIYO or, il sole penetra le illusioni or in English this time, The Sun Penetrates The Illusion
6/27 (Thu) 24:00 Tokyo MX (Episode 0)
7/6 (Sat) 23:30 Tokyo MX
Dir. Keizo Kusakawa (Campione, Loliball, I guess doing Sekirei gave him all the tits he ever needed), Comp. Michiko Ito (Loliball, Hentai Ouji), Creature design Hiroyasu Oda (Dog Days, Nanoha movies), AS Harume Kosaka (Humanity has Declined), Prod. AIC (R-15, Acchi Kocchi)
madp bully pulpit said:There's no way that I can improve on what Mandoric said so here you go: If you've ever been wondering how long it takes for an original anime to move from concept to completion, just count back to when Madoka's sales numbers came in. Except this time, there's 22 girls doomed to suffer eternal battle rather than just two!
"Genshiken is back, with even weirder freshmen!"

7/6 (Sat) 25:00 Tokyo MX
Dir. Tsutomu Mizushima (Genshiken, Joshiraku, Girls und Panzer), Comp. Michiko Yokote (Genshiken, Joshiraku), Prod. Production I.G (Azazel-san, Eden of the East which at this point I insist was a comedy in retrospect)
madp bully pulpit said:Never saw S1 but I'll have to get around to it eventually because firehawk won't stop posting images of that girl with the colored eyelashes. hnnng
"The kanji for 'honor' is written by combining 'self' and 'beauty'. Thus, it can be said that to be 'honorable' makes oneself 'beautiful'; or that to live 'honorably', one must live 'beautifully'."

GIFUU DODO!! KANETSUGU TO KEIJI or, Inventing Our Own 4CCs Is Fun And Profitable or, fd8y9y890gwohgw8oh8g80ysoiafsaioisaioa dodos, or IMAGAWA IMAGAWA IMAGAWA
7/2 (Tue) 25:40 TV Tokyo
Orig. Tetsuo Hara (FotNS) / Nobuhiko Horie, Dir. Bob Shirahata (Hetalia), Writer Yasuhiro Imagawa (G Gundam, Shin Mazinger, Bartender), Prod. DEEN (Nura, Sankarea)
madp bully pulpit said:Once you get past the butchered art and DEEN-tastic production values, there's actually a really fun cheeseball bromance overloaded with pomp and badassery. It deserves more love!
"He had to make that choice, or die."

7/7 (Sun) 22:30 Tokyo MX
Chief Dir. Osamu Yamasaki (Hakuouki), Dir. Mitsue Yamazaki (AD on kure-nai and PenDrum), Comp. the directing team together, Prod. DEEN (haven't we been over this already?)
madp bully pulpit said:Is this actually airing? S1 had an ace OST so I'll probably get around to this eventually.
"Fuck you, Excalibur."

HIGH SCHOOL D×D NEW or, Yes Virginia, "New" Is A Valid Pun For "Breasts" In Japanese
7/7 (Sun) 20:30 ATX
?????? Tokyo MX (like you even care about the broadcast version)
Dir. Tetsuya Yanagisawa (HSD&D S1, World War Blue), Comp. Takao Yoshioka (Working'!!, HSD&D S1, Senran Kagura), Prod. TNK (HSD&D S1, School Days)
madp bully pulpit said:I still think that the logo looks like a ballsack.
"This is Gamindustri. Beings called the Goddesses rule the countries of this unreal world."

7/12 (Fri) 22:00 BS Animax
7/12 (Fri) 25:00 Tokyo MX
Dir. Masahiro Mukai (Madoka eps 2-9. Yu-gi-oh! Zexal eps 1-2), Comp. Shogo Yasukawa (Zero no Tsukaima F), Prod. david production (Ben-to, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
madp bully pulpit said:Didn't watch S1 because I loathed the game. Expect lots of moe, probably. Watch Uchouten Kazoku instead.
"Even edgier than the novel!?"

INU TO HASAMI WA TSUKAIYOU or, Dogs and Scissors: Only Good for One Thing
7/1 (Mon) 25:00 Tokyo MX
Dir. Yukio Takahashi (Last Exile 2), Comp. Toshizo Nemoto (Inuboku SS), Prod. GONZO (Chapter 11)
madp bully pulpit said:Seriously, fuck this show for using animal cruelty for laughs/otaku bonerzz. Please don't watch this show. Watch Uchouten Kazoku instead.
"And on the seventh day... God abandoned us."

7/6 (Sat) 25:30 Tokyo MX
Dir. Yuji Kumasawa (Nobuna Oda), Comp. Tomoko Konparu (this lady has been writing FOREVER; recently Kimi ni Todoke and UtaPrince), Prod. Madhouse (Chihayaful, aaaalllll those Marvel shows, Kaiji)
madp bully pulpit said:I'll just get impressions from someone else for this one. 2LN4me
"Her name: Shiki Ryogi. Her life was saved... But nothing could open her eyes."

KARA NO KYOUKAI or, Garden of Sinners or, 2013: 2009 4TH ANNIVERSARY PROJECT
7/5 (Fri) 24:00 Tokyo MX
madp bully pulpit said:Mandoric: "A 13-ep clipshow of your favorite Type-Moon movies and not mine, crammed into chronological order in hopes of making sense. (Good luck there.)"
"Love hurts."

KIMI NO IRU MACHI or, A Town Where You Live
7/13 (Sat) 23:30 TV Tokyo
Dir. Shigeyasu Yamauchi (Casshern Sins, Dream Eater Merry), Comp. Reiko Yoshida (MariMite, K-On!, Girls und Panzer), Prod. GONZO
madp bully pulpit said:The reason, and the only reason, that I'm watching this is because I'm a Yamauchi whore. Even if the premise didn't scare you off already, it's been Gonzo'd to fuck and back so there's not much for anyone but the most broken individuals like myself.
"Ancient China, BCE: A land at war."

6/8 (Sat) 23:45 BS Premium
Staff: Dir. Jun Kamiya (Bleach: Diamond Dust Rebellion), Comp. Naruhisa Awakawa (Kingdom S1, Akibarangers), Prod. Studio Pierrot (Beelzebub, Kingdom S1)
madp bully pulpit said:I have nothing to say here so I'll use this space to say that more people should be watching Uchouten Kazoku.
"A relaxing, lighthearted comedy of Japanese and British schoolgirls!"

KIN-IRO MOSAIC or, Gold Mosaic
7/6 (Sat) 20:30 ATX
7/8 (Mon) 24:30 Tokyo MX
Dir. Tensho (NakaImo ep 2 and 7, Katanagatari ep 7), Comp. Yunico Ayana (Denpa Onna), Prod. Studio Gokumi (Saki Achiga-hen, NakaImo)
madp bully pulpit said:Most of the thread loves it but I couldn't handle it. You see those girls? They're supposed to be SIXTEEN, but there's an unsettling dissonance between their supposed age and their childlike appearance and behavior; furthermore, the characters are all iterations on the same pure, innocent, small-fuzzy-animal-in-the-body-of-a-girl. If you just want moe girls doing moe things, I guess this is your fix.
"What fun will Natsuki have with the Go-Home Club?"

7/4 (Thu) 26:43 NTV
Dir. Hikaru Sato (AD on bad Aria and Polar Bear Cafe), Comp. Go Zappa (Koihime Musou, NakaImo, I think he used all his clever coming up with that pen name), Prod. Nomad (Kampfer, Bleach: Diamond Dust Rebellion, Bleach: Fade to Black)
madp bully pulpit said:Watch Love Lab instead.
"What brought these wildly different girls together" 'To learn how to love'!?"

7/4 (Thu) 26:05 MBS
7/5 (Fri) 26:25 TBS
Dir. Masahiko Oota (Minamike, Mitsudomoe), Comp. Takashi Aoshima (Minamike, Mitsudomoe, Yryr), Prod. Dogakobo (Koihime Musou, Yuruyuri)
madp bully pulpit said:Surprise of the season. Expression porn, amazing character chemistry, tons of fuel for the yuri delusion-inclined. What else could you possibly want? If you believe that, in general, execution trumps premise, this is your show.
"Who will be Hell's regent!?"

7/7 (Sun) 25:05 TV Tokyo
Dir. Chiaki Kon (Junjou Romantica ep director), Comp. Michiko Yokote (rapidly closing in on Mari Okada's spray-and-pray reputation), Prod. Dogakobo (Koihime Musou, Yuruyuri, wait what?)
madp bully pulpit said:Space reserved for a DTL review.
"'Queens' of the savannah!"

The Midnight Animals
August, Hikari Channel
madp bully pulpit said:who wants to bet that the production values are better than Kimi Iru no Machi?
"The four girls of Milky Holmes grow up with more cases to crack and new underclasswomen at school!"

FUTARI WA MILKY HOLMES or, Toei Lawsuit Incoming
7/13 (Sat) 22:00 Tokyo MX
Dir. Hiroshi Nishikiori (Index, Index II, but not Railgun), Comp. Hideki Shirane (Merry, bad Aria, Kill Me Baby), Prod. J.C. Staff/Nomad (oh lol.)
The majority of Milky Holmes fans here seem to think that this guts basically everything that was enjoyable about previous seasons. But, for the love of God, don't watch Futari wa Pretty Cure by mistake because I will seriously request a ban as an act of atonement if there's more Precure discussion here than there already is.
"Don't let your youth end until you've seen it all."

-monogatari series sec8u90w087ewf0u8vdsuohs7vds09vdovsbuivds-ovd89yiudugfdaghacisfi9d9dsf90luisdiulgf98safssfdnsdhu-67e0t4;auvh0pypwyot6y3a98g7v803pv p683q7tg48iw3quy8997q9ay985y0g0um94w9674g5tp\2p9uaqcf
trying that again
-MONOGATARI SERIES SECOND SEASON or, -Story Series Second Season or, My Living Hell (working title)
7/6 (Sat) 24:00 Tokyo MX
Dir. Akiyuki Shinbo, Prod. SHAFT (Again, if I have to tell you...)
madp bully pulpit said:I was happier once I accepted that the franchise would never be as good as Bake again and just started watching for the bonerzz. (not referring to Hachikuji I swear)"A big little brother, and a little big sister."
RECORDER AND RANDSELL ミ☆ or, Really, How The Fuck Do You Pronounce ASCII Art Of A Shooting Star
7/1 (Mon) 22:25 ATX
7/4 (Thu) 25:00 TeleTama
Dir./Writer Itsuki Imazaki (Ai Mai Mi), CD Toshiomi Iizumi (R&R S1), Prod. Seven (R&R S1)
madp bully pulpit said:nope
"A rolling sports comedy! The off-kilter girls on the basketball team have got him wrapped around their fingers!"
RO-KYU-BU! SS or, Why Don't You Take a Seat Over There Again
7/5 (Fri) 22:30 AT-X
7/7 (Sun) 24:30 Tokyo MX
Dir. Shinsuke Yanagi (extremely prolific journeyman AD with no series credits), Comp. Michiko Ito (coming back for more salty loli balls), Prod. project No. 9 (nothing. but. loliballs.)
madp bully pulpit said:NOPE