You kids should read:
Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West
Well, Red Dead Revolver is selling swimmingly, and kids these days love A Clockwork Orange. . .so let's combine the two. In Blood Meridian, author Cormac McCarthy presents an atmospheric and depraved study of violence (culturally, socially, and historically) set within the context of a classic Western. This book probably isn't for the squeamish. McCarthy's style is very visual, and meticulously detailed. I've literally had nightmares inspired by this book.
More people need to read it. It's A-list fiction that I don't have to worry about turning up on Oprah.
I just finished this for the second time, and I've had a between book snack with some of Kafka's letters. Tomorrow, I'm going to tackle Nikolai Gogol, hardcore. The next couple days, I'm diving into the short stories. Then the existing parts of Dead Souls, and then the few letters. I really want to crack inside Gogol's head because he's a major influence to a bunch of my favorites (Kafka, Borges, Nabokov, and ol' Dostie).