
Developer: Nintendo
Release Date: June 19th 2013 (Japan), March 27th 2014 (Europe), August 6th 2014 (US)
Format: Wii U Virtual Console (eShop Download - ??MB)
Price: ¥800 / €7.99 / £5.49 / $7.99
Having thoroughly explored Dinosaur Land in Super Mario World, Mario decides that what it really needs is a whole bunch of racetracks building so he and his friends can compete in go-carts. Of course, despite the recent murder attempt, Bowser is also invited. Mario holds no grudges.
Joining Mario on his quest to be the best at everything ever are Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad, Yoshi, Koopa Troopa, Donkey Kong Jr and Bowser. They'll visit famous locations from Super Mario World such as Donut Plains, Chocolate Island and even some Ghost Houses. Also Rainbow Road, which is far better than Star Road. It's where you go when you die.
Super Mario Kart is the original kart racer and while there seems to be a whole genre for it now, back then there was nothing like it. I certainly can't remember any other SNES kart racing games, other than Street Racer which was pretty poor in comparison. And while there have been many Mario Kart sequels, none of them have quite the pure racing feel the the original did. It does help immensely that Super Mario Kart doesn't have the dreaded Blue Shell. The limited selection of items all took some skill to use, there was no way to get an item in last place and use it to magically become first. Well, okay, maybe the lightning comes close, but that one's hilarious.

Super Mario Kart has some of the best music in videogaming, full stop. Check out some of these wonderful ditties.
Title Theme
Mario Circuit
Koopa Beach
Rainbow Road
Funky Mario Circuit - A cover by The OneUps

Mean Machines - 92%
Who'd have thought that the race game to supercede F-Zero would come in the form of a Go-Kart racing game? But still, if ever a game was going to topple F-Zero from its perch as a no-frills racing game of the highest order, Super Mario Kart is it.
IGN - 9/10
I don't mean to elevate the incredible magical awesomeness of this first Super Mario Kart game by belittling its sequels -- that's not my point. All of the Mario Kart games to come after this one have been great, too. I'm just making the case that this original design has a different aim that most of its follow-ups -- and to finish the point, I'll just observe that the original Super Mario Kart has no Blue Shell. That sums things up pretty well.
Nintendo Life - 9/10
To play it today is every bit as enjoyable as it ever was; sure the graphics and sound may have dated, but the core gameplay is still top notch. This is one hell of a fun racing game with enough playability to keep you coming back for more.
Need to make a proper header for this but the template is at work. Ah well. So yes, Super Mario Kart has some actual honest-to-goodness codes to unlock things!
Shrink Yourself - When selecting a racer, hold Y and then press A. You become small! For, uh, some reason.
Unlock Special Cup - If you can't be bothered to play the game, highlight Mushroom Cup and press L R L R L L R R A. Boom, Special Cup.
Save Time Trial Ghost - Hold L, R, and Y at the menu screen that displays after you've completed a Time Trial race and press X.

As some of you know, I maintain a Wii U Virtual Console leaderboard "system" (a very loose term) for NeoGAF Wii U VC players. F-Zero was very popular, Punch-Out was not. It can vary! But I am hoping that Super Mario Kart gets an amazing turn-out. There will be a leaderboard for each track, and I'll probably log the top 15 players for each. Thanks to how Miiverse now works on PC, submitting a time is simple! Just post your time to Miiverse, then link the Miiverse post to us here on the forum. You can use this thread or the NeoGAF Wii U Virtual Console Leaderboards thread, I don't mind.
Submissions from Miiverse are the only ones that will be accepted, but part of the reason I am posting this OT early is so that people can get practicing via other methods in advance and get to grips with how SMK plays again.

Yes! Thanks to the lack of a translation for this game, Super Mario Kart in Europe is 60Hz. That means Europe can finally compete with our faster American cousins! What a glorious day.

What OT would be complete without a selection of avatars that people can use? So, I've made one for each character of the game using the original artwork. First come, first served.

Mario Kart 8 Digital Bonus
This is only confirmed for Europe so far. People who purchase Super Mario Kart will get the price subtracted from Mario Kart 8 if they decided to download digitally. This effectively makes Super Mario Kart free if you intend to download Mario Kart 8.