Real hard scratcher here; Spanish company sends press releases out (I received one) and they state they are making an FPGA console that plays every Sega console from the SG all the way up to the Dreamcast with optical disc reading capabilities and a full FPGA Dreamcast core...and even has "a few games running" when it comes to Dreamcast. No evidence of that yet...just a press release and a website that WAS up for awhile but has no completely disappeared...
But good news they say they will start crowdfunding after they reveal a prototype in September or October.
This is either wishful thinking or a real product with a team of engineers that really need to get more marketing do the math though
But good news they say they will start crowdfunding after they reveal a prototype in September or October.
This is either wishful thinking or a real product with a team of engineers that really need to get more marketing do the math though