SFA_AOK said:
So this falls under the "If you've got nothing to hide, what's the problem?" line of thinking?
Exactly. If I'm walking aroung doing nothing, the officer has NO REASON to need to know who I am or why I'm there. I also love how 'ooh saves us from terrism' was used as a reason by the state (IIRC). Like any terrorist worth his salt isn't going to have falsified papers anyway.
My favorite part though, is what Stevens said with the whole (paraphrased) - 'if there was an actual criminal act involved, then the 5th amendment would apply.' So CRIMINALS get more protection that law-abiding citizens.
This is completely different than a traffic stop however, when stopped one must produce proof that you are a licensed driver. I don't have much of a problem with that, driving is a privledge not a right. However, in pretty much every other case this is shit.