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Bakudan * Handan/Sweet Fuse: At Your Side
Developer: Idea Factory, comcept
Publisher: Idea Factory [Japan]/Aksys Games [North America]
Platform: PSP
Genre: Visual Novel/Otome Dating Sim
Release Date: June 14th, 2012 [Japan]/August 27th, 2013 [North America]
Official Websites: Japan/North America

What is Sweet Fuse: At Your Side?

Sweet Fuse: At Your Side is a visual novel/otome dating sim developed by Idea Factory. It stars the fictional niece of Keiji Inafune (yes, you read that correctly) and showcases the highs and lows of falling in love while simultaneously trying to stop a theme park from being blown up from a porcine super villain. (Yes, you also read that correctly.)
Players will navigate a bombastic (heh) amusement park with various video game themed attractions in the company of SIX ATTRACTIVE MEN. Tempers will flare and hearts will swoon as Saki attempts to save the lives of her family and new found friends, but can love truly blossom in such intense circumstances? And why has this weird pig guy(?) subjected them to this twisted "game"? You have seven days to find out...
One thing to note specifically about Sweet Fuse, as compared to other otome games, is the pedigree of those involved with the game, and the general feel of the title as opposed to many other games in the genre. Sweet Fuse (amazingly) features Keiji Inafune, who helped contribute to the development, and who actually makes an appearance in the game itself. Also, the character designs were done by Kumiko Suekane, of Ace Attorney fame, and are a very refreshing contrast to the usual type of art found in otome titles. Instead of a brood of very similar looking "pretty boys", Sweet Fuse provides a lot more variety in the types of datable men.
Who are Idea Factory?

Idea Factory is an independent video game developer based in Japan. They have a bit of a dubious reputation when it comes to some of their games, but they have built a cult following for their niche sensibility. On thing that is for sure, their visual novels are definitely their strongest offerings, and they are the undisputed kings and queens of the otome market.
Who are comcept?

Comcept is an independent video game & media developer based in Japan, led by Keiji Inafune. They specialize in pairing with other companies to create unique content based on strong, creative concepts.
Who are Aksys Games?

Aksys Games is an independent localization firm based in the USA. They specialize in more niche type games with a heavy bent towards Japanese style titles. They are known for their excellent localizations, and for being champions of unique gaming experiences.
What are otome games?

Otome games are titles that star a female protagonist and usually feature some form of dating mechanic. (Mainly pursuing or being pursed by male love interests.) The genre is generally marketed towards female players, but anyone that can appreciate stories with a more romantic/mysterious feel are sure to find a game worth experiencing. (Idea Factory's specific brand of otome games are known as Otomate.)

Our heroine, Saki is a bright and intuitive young woman. Dedicated to seeing the truth in every situation, her determination is a force to be reckoned with. Has a tendency to yell when she loses her temper... very, very loudly.

Subaru is a police inspector. Charged with the security of the theme park during its grand opening, he's not off to a great start. None the less, he is a calm and collected young man that prides himself on his deductive skills. But his emotionally detached approach makes it hard for him to heed other opinions, and as such, he can be a stubborn individual.

A member of the pop group the Junior Jr. Boys (yeesh...), Towa is full of energy on stage. Off stage though, he is skittish and easily scared. However, when things are going well, he has a mischievous side, but is never malicious.

A genius gamer, (nicknamed "Ares" for his fighting game prowess), Kouta is an extremely intelligent, but pessimistic person. His vast knowledge of video games will definitely come in handy, but it has left him quite physically weak. Don't expect him to swoop you up in his strong arms, you'll probably be giving him a piggy back ride instead.

A weathered but extremely experienced freelance journalist, Ayumu has been around the block many times. As such, he is incredibly knowledgeable about a variety of subjects, but his years of experience have made him wary of any handouts. Prepare to give as much as you get when dealing with him. (Minds out of the gutter!)

A much sought-after fortune teller, known as the "Oracle of Shinjuku", Kimimaro is gentle, yet aloof. Living his life based on his premonitions, his creedo is "He who foresees the future lies, even if he tells the truth." His easy going nature makes him a natural mediator.

The top earning escort at the popular club "Ulysses", Ryusei is a hot tempered and physical man, but is known for his professionalism. (He is also known for his ability to hold his breath...!!!) Balks at being polite for politeness sake, Ryusei has a sharp tongue (and ears), but is very careful not to reveal his hand to those he deems untrustworthy.

A laid back, but slightly odd, college student, he was abducted at the start of this whole fiasco. Maintaining a mysterious air about him, he seems to have taken a particular interest in observing Saki and her new friends in their predicament.

The aforementioned swine that has taken The Gameatorium hostage, Count Hogstein claims that he intends to blow up the park as "punishment" for people's greedy behavior. The true reasoning behind his machinations is still unknown.

Count Hogstein's lackeys, the Piglets are a bizarre group of masked henchmen that only communicate through mime. It is unknown how many of them there are roaming the park.

Famed video game designer, and our heroine's uncle, Keiji Inafune has been taken hostage during the attack on the park. Being the creative force behind the park's attractions, he will contact his niece through text messages during the game to provide her with any assistance he can. He's also sporting a pretty wicked diamond broach made from the tears of Mega Man fans.

A young girl wandering the park amidst all the chaos, Mai is curious and self reliant. But how did she slip in undetected? Is she part of the Count's plot? Surely even the maniacal porker wouldn't put an innocent child's life in danger... right?

Sweet Fuse is a visual novel, so the main gameplay will involve reading text and making selections that will influence the story. The game also includes text based puzzle mechanics, utilizing your "Explosive Insight". You'll also come across situations where choosing whether to stay calm or blow your fuse will have a heavy impact on the game.
Considering the branching narrative aspect of the game, players can hope to experience up to 14(!!!) different endings.


Japanese OP
Japanese Gameplay Video
North American OP
English Gameplay Video
Official Idea Factory Homepage
Official Otomate Homepage
Official Comcept Homepage
Official Aksys Games Homepage
Official Aksys Games Twitter Page
Anime News Network's Interview with Aksys's Ben Bateman (Scroll down for the interview.)
StickItInYourPocket's Interview with Aksys's Ben Bateman

Gaming Media Reviews
Really, I cant recommend Sweet Fuse: At Your Side highly enough. If you have ever been interested in a visual novel, this is the game to go with. If youre a man, go ahead and play it anyway, going for whatever guy seems most interesting or entertaining to you, for an incredible story. If youre a woman, enjoy the opportunity to swoon over virtual men and read a great story. Sweet Fuse is a great game for anyone with a PSP or Vita, and my greatest wish right now is that it does well enough for Aksys to agree to take more chances like this.
RPGFan.com - 85%
While eerily similar in concept to the excellent 999 and Virtue's Last Reward, Sweet Fuse puts a decidedly less grim spin on events. After all, this is an otome game, meaning that the player will be in concurrent pursuit of an answer to the game's overarching mystery as well as the affections of an eligible bachelor. It's a relatively short experience, but Sweet Fuse is packed with laughs and tender moments in equal capacity, making it easy to recommend to visual bibliophiles of either gender.
GamePodunk.com - 8.5/10
With such a small amount of otome games easily available to the American audience, Sweet Fuse shoots up to the top of the top of the list.
TechnologyTell.com - A-
After you figure out how to best earn affection points and utilize quick saves, youll find yourself compelled to discover as many endings as you can. Theres so much story in Sweet Fuse: At Your Side, and the wonderful translations make it a joy to read through. I never thought Id enjoy a dating simulator as much as I enjoyed Sweet Fuse. Its so well done, you could flip the genders on everyone and nothing would feel too out of place. Trust me, this game can be enjoyed by male and females alike.
HarcoreGamer.com - 4/5
At the end of the day, Sweet Fuse: At Your Side is downright fun. It never gets hung up on thematic poignancy or an overly serious tone, but its better for it. Instead of focusing its attention on those outplayed elements, it provides wonderful prose, a localization that should be looked at as the gold-standard and a cast of characters that is diverse and eccentric. The story wont last folks too long, but what is presented is far and away one of the best in the genre. While it might not be the right game for folks looking for something like 999, those just looking for a great visual novel experience neednt look any further Sweet Fuse is the real deal.
CinemaBlend.com - 4/5
Sweet Fuse: At Your Side is an entertaining and colorful story with plenty of content to plow through (Even more if youre interested in splitting scenes and additional endings). I would have enjoyed a more active role in some of the puzzle solving but, for the most part, I was happy to just be along for the ride. I would also be remiss if I did not mention how great a lead character Saki is. Shes a strong, independent young woman who serves as an integral part of the team rather than a damsel who is constantly in distress.
USGamer.net - 4/5
By turns humorous, dramatic, touching and tragic, Sweet Fuse is a great example of how visual novels are an excellent fit for Sony's portables -- and how even the most ridiculous of premises can make for a surprisingly compelling interactive story.
StickSkills.com - 8/10
Sweet Fuse is a solid and very likable visual novel that does justice to the ideas of love and companionship. It introduces the player to a type of game they might readily assume just isnt for them and it eases them into the experience with a steady pace and a tone that isnt overbearing. It only goes half-hog on gameplay though. Those who enjoy good stories or are already fans of the genre will likely be ticking steadily throughout, but those who would also like a more stimulating experience may find themselves fizzled out.
VividGamer.com - 8/10
Aksys Games and Idea Factory have presented a really great visual novel for the PSP (or Vita if you get the digital version). The cast of characters really shine and you cant help but want to find out what happens next. Or who Count Hogstein really is. One of the reasons Im a huge fan of Aksys Games is how they are bringing more and more visual novels stateside. If not for them, we would miss out on some quality titles. But one has to wonder: What other titles from Idea Factory can we expect to see come from Aksys Games in the future?
BlisteredThumbs.net - 7/10
Sweet Fuse: At Your Side is more or less successful at everything it tries. The real question is whether or not those attempts interest you. If youre looking for something a little silly, something a little romantic, or just something a little different, you could certainly do worse than this quirky little gem. Its absolutely not for everyone, but I had a blast.
SaveContinue.com - 7/10
Few genres have the ability to cultivate a sense of earned camaraderie between characters as well as visual novels can a welcome byproduct of the intersection between unusual length and strong narrative focus. It is a potent mixture that gave us two of this generations very best games in the form of the Zero Escape series, and it has now yielded yet another delicious fruit, though this one of a decidedly different flavor. Sweet Fuse: At Your Side, an otome developed by Idea Factory and published by the once again on-point Aksys Games, does not reach the dizzying heights of Spike Chunsofts magnum opus, nor does it attempt to. But what it does, and what it does damn well, is present an incredibly likeable and ultimately cohesive cast that does not inherit these traits, but attains them. And in an industry where even inheritance is routinely bungled by incompetent storytelling and characterization, that is a feat most impressive.

First and foremost, I want to give a huge shout out to pariah164 for providing all the amazing banner graphics for the OT. They have definitely elevated this topic from the usual MS Paint disasters that I usually subject my readers to, so thank you very much. ^_^
Sweet Fuse: At Your Side has a lot going for it, from its unique art style, to its star powered contributors, I'm hoping this game can be another strong entry in a genre that has been expanding in North America over the past few years. And with the excellent Aksys Games providing the localization, I think we can rest assured that it will be a very engaging experience.
If you'd like to see more niche titles in North America, and support a publisher that goes above and beyond the norm when it comes to delivering memorable games, I hope you will consider giving this game a shot. Plus, how often can you say you played a game that features Keiji Inafune trying to hook you up with a variety of hunky men?
P.S. The topic title is supposed to be tongue in cheek. We want people who don't usually play these types of games to click the topic and check it out.
Thanks for reading.