I'm down, been playing this for the past week or two and have a character that is fairly far progressed now. I can definately help you guys out with earning Par times and hidden objectives for most of the online missions. Can even give some pointers to help unlock some of the beefier equipment.
Shadow: The online experience demands a headset though, expect to be kicked out of rooms constantly for not having one. The missions require mad communication and planning especially when trying to get the par times. This really isn't Kill.Switch or Rainbow Six 3 where you can just run and kill freely while shooting the shit. Think Perfect Dark with 4-players I suppose, cooridinating and divvying up objectives/tasks as well as covering fire, developing pre-game strategies and routes to utilize. If you can't communicate you'll have no clue where or what everyone is doing and will just end up pissing everyone off. It won't be very fun for ya either.