Masaki_ said:I think there should have been more than one Chapter 4 so both paths could go on more appropriate directions. Yet, I'd say it's implied that Denam has way more people at his side than just a small group.
But I still don't think the issue with the massacre is handled the way it should be. Let's not forget, not only he killed 5,000 people, he's deceiving a lot more who don't know the truth about his acts. And, in the end, the story stills makes him out to be a hero.
If he's not punished for what he did in the end, I'll be pissed.
Masaki_ said:I think there should have been more than one Chapter 4 so both paths could go on more appropriate directions. Yet, I'd say it's implied that Denam has way more people at his side than just a small group.
But I still don't think the issue with the massacre is handled the way it should be. Let's not forget, not only he killed 5,000 people, he's deceiving a lot more who don't know the truth about his acts. And, in the end, the story stills makes him out to be a hero.
If he's not punished for what he did in the end, I'll be pissed.
John Harker said:I finally lost a battle. Will, I didn't really "lose," but it was dragging on too long and I lost a couple hearts (first time), so I didn't like the lay of it and quit. Will retry tonight.
The battle against Hektor. The dude was easily the smartest villain I've faced. He's the only Knight that actually Healed himself. Heal II and Phalanax made rushing him pretty hard (which works 99% of the time in this game). And with all those ranged dudes up top firing down on me and the dragons taking tank attention... it was a good fight. Upset I wasted 40 min on it, but it felt like the most 'intelligent' AI fight to date that really took advantage of the terrain they had.
The_Darkest_Red said:Mind tagging the spoilers?
I haven't made it that far so I don't know who Hektor is or what role he plays in the story, I just assumed that talking about specific characters from story battles was considered spoiler material. If not, pardon my ignorance.
John Harker said:Didn't realize uneventful filler battles counted as spoilers
Fimbulvetr said:He never actually killed anyone at Balmamusa, he only supported and oversaw it. His guilt is based on letting it happen, not actual murder.
John Harker said:No worries mate. He's a nobody! Tagged it anyway.
The discussion before was on how easy the game was. I just threw that out there as 'hey, this seemingly random 'story battle' finally kicked my butt. Enjoy the fight.
Masaki_ said:That really isn't much better.
Jerk 2.0 said:So, I plan on using the following non-human generics (the only generics on my team):
Lizardman: Hoplite
Ogre: Juggernaut
Lamia: Matriarch
Octopus: Octopus
Dragon: Not Sure
Any advice for the sole Dragon on my team? They all seem similar, but if I only have one, I want the one with the most punch.
Yaweee said:Getting an Orc (you mean Orc, not Ogre) is really damn difficult and not possible until the postgame.
Dragons... you can pretty much take whichever one you want.
Hikash Winzalf said:Is it possible to do unfinished sidequests on the postgame? Likethe Diego Azelstan or Dead Palace?
Yaweee said:Palace of the Dead, yes. Diego, no, super time-sensitive series of events in Chapter 4 that you'll probably miss anyway, but the dungeon you need for that sidequest is for a different post-game quest as well.
How do you get Diego then? I think I just saw his entry in the Warren report talk. (I'm in 4C) Should I go to the Pirate thing right away?Yaweee said:Palace of the Dead, yes. Diego, no, super time-sensitive series of events in Chapter 4 that you'll probably miss anyway, but the dungeon you need for that sidequest is for a different post-game quest as well.
careful said:How do you get Diego then? I think I just saw his entry in the Warren report talk. (I'm in 4C) Should I go to the Pirate thing right away?
Thanks for the answer. I'll try to get Diego then, I did the first battle to get him. I'm also in theYaweee said:Palace of the Dead, yes. Diego, no, super time-sensitive series of events in Chapter 4 that you'll probably miss anyway, but the dungeon you need for that sidequest is for a different post-game quest as well.
Fimbulvetr said:He never actually killed anyone at Balmamusa, he only supported and oversaw it. His guilt is based on letting it happen, not actual murder.
charlequin said:Can't even start to get into how much that isn't an excuse.
Urban Scholar said:Nuts.....guys were near level 20 and too much at the time I went. Guess I'll go recruit him during new game +
Augemitbutter said:so the graveyard in SW is the next level wildwood? i finished it, but it's still red.
Yaweee said:All 4 of the main bonus dungeons stay "red" forever.
Augemitbutter said:so the graveyard in SW is the next level wildwood? i finished it, but it's still red.
Augemitbutter said:that's good to know. i wonder why lich don't fall into the undead category, they seem very undead to me.
Fimbulvetr said:Jesus Christ, I can't believe you guys are so hung up about not getting all the hot chicks.
charlequin said:Totally not even talking about that anymore, just the same issues I've always had with the Law path in TO.![]()
Yaweee said:EDIT: Oh well, I'll get them later. Time to start WORLD-ing to old chapters:
I know I'm missing Wicce, Buccaneer, Divine Knight (both genders), but what else? Female Lich, for completeness. Haven't seen one yet.
Fimbulvetr said:That Denam doesn't constantly get stabbed in the face every two seconds?
Did you hate it when Delita became king?
....Where's your Arc Dragon?
Peff said:Well, for the most part the extra stuff is dialogue with enemy leaders during some battles, but some characters are important for sidequests too. This particular character happens to be a fantastic archer anyways, so it's worth making the effort.
oracrest said:What happens if you change your only unit of a class into a different class? Does that original class level shoot back down to 0, or does it remember what level you had gotten to?
oracrest said:What happens if you change your only unit of a class into a different class? Does that original class level shoot back down to 0, or does it remember what level you had gotten to?
Yaweee said:It remembers, always. That's part of the point of the system; your army levels its expertise with different classes, while skill points and purchased skills are the individual unit's contribution.
It doesn't make a whole let of sense in terms of Dragons or Golems, though =( I'm pretty sure being a Flame Dragon feels pretty goddamn similar to being an Earth Dragon.
JLateralus said:Question regarding taking skills from dead units - do you actually have to do anything on the battlefield, or is it afterwards? Neither the strat guide or the warren report are very clear on this.
I had a pretty good archer (skills wise) before I recruitedis much better stats wise....Arycelle. She
Which brings me to pretty much the only thing I don't like about the whole class leveling thing. There isn't a quick way for me to get newly recruited characters up to snuff with my existing characters with relation to skills. This archer already had 11 levels worth of skill points before I even got this new one.
Fimbulvetr said:I was kinda disappointed when I found out Cloud Dragons can't fly though.![]()
Fimbulvetr said:Other than being able to walk on magma,(which is a pretty damn rare thing to need) Flame Dragons are just dragons with a fire breath.
A Flood Dragon's natural swimming is pretty okay, what with there being a good number of water maps.
I was kinda disappointed when I found out Cloud Dragons can't fly though.![]()
Fimbulvetr said:Other than being able to walk on magma,(which is a pretty damn rare thing to need) Flame Dragons are just dragons with a fire breath.
A Flood Dragon's natural swimming is pretty okay, what with there being a good number of water maps.
I was kinda disappointed when I found out Cloud Dragons can't fly though.![]()
How does the Wildwoods work? I've gone in there several times since chapter 1, gotten about three maps in for some quick leveling, and then decided to continue on with the main story/ran out of supplies. Is there a finite number of maps within the Wildwoods? Do you get something special for beating them? Considering going as far as I can right now at the end of Chapter 3 Chaos, and I figured I should know some details.Fimbulvetr said:All areas like that remain red, because you can never truly conquer them.