Unknown One
I'll aim for 41-60 just to be safe.
I'll aim for 41-60 just to be safe.
ferr said:I have these world tarots for thesidequest.. what am I missing:Azelstan
Port Omish -> The Rogue Diego -> The Pirate Azelstan -> Flowers of Remembrance
Can anyone confirm that I am missing an event, because I can't get the 2nd Port Omish battle to trigger.
Yeah, I tried that, no go. I seem to be having the same problem as this guy http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/999440-tactics-ogre-let-us-cling-together/57669533Jerk 2.0 said:Hmm, all that seems to be in order.
Did you try to re-read the Report entry? It should not make a difference, but...
Jerk 2.0 said:Woot, just recruited Cressidia without grinding it out.
The battle to get to her was epic without my Archers (They are level 34 the rest of my crew is level 24).
Fimbulvetr said:So, just what can a Necroprentice do?
ferr said:Yeah, I tried that, no go. I seem to be having the same problem as this guy http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/999440-tactics-ogre-let-us-cling-together/57669533
You know I think you're right. I don't really get how anchor points work exactly, because I anchored back to one point to get the Flowers Of Remembrance tiding, but once I anchor back to another point in the future, that tiding is GONE (even though I can still see that tiding listed on the world tarots, it just doesn't show up in my Tidings list which is suspicious as hell). So I'm thinking I do need to go through the entire process again..?Jerk 2.0 said:Try doing the Banisha series of missions (9-12) before it.
You need them during a normal playthrough It may apply to WORLD as well...
ferr said:You know I think you're right. I don't really get how anchor points work exactly, because I anchored back to one point to get the Flowers Of Remembrance tiding, but once I anchor back to another point in the future, that tiding is GONE (even though I can still see that tiding listed on the world tarots, it just doesn't show up in my Tidings list which is suspicious as hell). So I'm thinking I do need to go through the entire process again..?
Jefklak said:Any tips on Qadriga Fortress?
(The steep uphill battle in the very beginning, against a coward mage and a bunch of undead archers who rape me before I can even fully reach them!)
Most of my chars are lvl4-5 but to get the ranged evade skill I seem to be needing lvl9 at least. Do I really have to grind all the way to 9 just to get past this battle?
Masaki_ said:I have a question for Basileus, if you're still around.
I'd like to know where you got the equips in this image.
Yeah, I was stuck thee for couple of hourse untill I found out that there is other mission battles up north which will bring you up to the speed interms of levelling up and what not.Jefklak said:Any tips on Qadriga Fortress?
(The steep uphill battle in the very beginning, against a coward mage and a bunch of undead archers who rape me before I can even fully reach them!)
Most of my chars are lvl4-5 but to get the ranged evade skill I seem to be needing lvl9 at least. Do I really have to grind all the way to 9 just to get past this battle?
faridmon said:Does the second chapter splits into an evil and good paths?When I got asked if I could choose if I should slaughter the town folks or not. I choose yes thinking that they would say no after all, but no, he went with it
would it turn out differently if I said no?
Abooie said:Come back after a few more story missions. You can come back anytime through Ch.1.
It's too hard (or at least I thought so) when you first open it up.
Jefklak said:Stupid question: do you have to spend rounds picking up all the loot bags, or do you get all the loot anyway at the end of the battle? I remember from Knights of lodis you had to pick 'em up, right?
oracrest said:What exactly happens when a character's number reaches zero? I recruited a character, they died and their timer went to zero, but they still joined after the battle.
Basileus777 said:You automatically get any loot bags that the enemy doesn't steal at the end of battles. Tarot cards have to be picked up during battle though.
Paznos said:Finally picked this up yesterday, any tips before I dive in?
What's the HG shortcut?Crakatak187 said:Nope you have to progress all the way to Coda. Don't worry about Hanging Garden there is a shortcut after the beat the game.
Edit: I'm trying out your auto battle skill grinding tactic right now Shuusui and it sure takes a while to set up, but it works great.
I'll won't post a screen because it has spoilers written all over it.
The_Darkest_Red said:I think I'm finally in that weird stage where offensive magic is becoming kind of useless. At least, I'm assuming it's a stage. I'm pretty far into Chapter 3, most of my characters are level 16~17. Any tips for making magic relevant again (preferably tips that don't involve auto leveling my augment skills)?
Augemitbutter said:craft the best rings and get the best spells, the rest should come from skills. i find mages with an elemental slot and draconic magic to be the most useful in my current setup. you can buff and use utility spells if something hinders you from doing damage.
faridmon said:OK, I think I had hit a terrible spike in difficulty just because I decided to change some stuff. Initially I had 4 healers in my party so any battle would drag for quite some time just because i didn't have enough melee fighters so I changed one of the healers to an Enchanter and that back lashed on me very hard.
For one, she is at low level of 3 which means most of the magic haven't been opened to her and what she know is very useless as she silences only melee fighters and the stun status is just superfluous. On top of that, her stats are terrible. She can get killed in one hit most of the time and she isn't that fast.
Question: Should I stick with the Enchanter even though she will be more of a bother than anything else, or should I go back to her being a healer? Or should I go for another class altogether?
The reason I ask is that I am one of the mission in the start of the 2nd chapter and I have to go invade the port? And in the last mission of the dungeon there are Golems that take only 2-7 damages and they do hit hard. Any tips for that section?
cheers!The_Darkest_Red said:This is a pretty common issue that you'll learn to deal with after you play the game for awhile. Whenever you get access to new classes they come in at level 1 and they are going to be useless in battle until you spend some time leveling them. The best thing to do is find a good map for random battles (just walk back and forth until you trigger one) and take a few of your strongest units along with the one you want to level. Lower level units get more experience in battles so just leave the low level unit at the back away from the action and let your heavy hitters take care of the enemies. You'll be surprised at how fast you can make a class relevant with this tactic.
As far as the healer issue goes I only use 2 healers and I'm pretty deep into Chapter 3 right now. Anything more than that seems like it would be more harmful than good but I suppose you could pull it off if you use them to buff once in awhile. I definitely wouldn't suggest more than 3, though.
The best way to take care of those Golems (that I've found) is magic, so bring along a wizard/enchantress or two. Those Golems seem to have ridiculously high defense.
I think you should always have at least 2 healers and at least 1 unit who is primarily geared towards offensive magic (although having 2 or 3 probably wouldn't hurt). It's also a good idea to focus on one or two magic types for each wizard/enchantress, and make sure you have the Augment [whatever type of magic] skill equipped to them.
faridmon said:cheers!
the thing is, that i don't have magic users in my party except for the winged dude. So that is the reason why I chose to go with changing her class into an Enchanter, but apparntly I am screwed in that battle.
I know that having too many healers isn't good, but I am kind of used to it by now which will take a while before i get too comfrtable with out them.
I totally thought about you when I fought that dude. Are you playing a second time or does he come back as an undead?John Harker said:Damn you Hektor! You foil me yet again!
The_Darkest_Red said:Awesome, thanks for the advice. I've been crafting a decent amount ever since the option was available and I'm actually really enjoying it (in spite of its inefficiencies). I haven't tried buffing much though (other than a few divine spells like Boon of Swiftness), maybe that will help me more. I am enjoying the debuffs that come with Dark Magic though, especially when their hit percentages are over 50%.
I have one draconic arcana in my inventory and I noticed that the only class I have available that can use it is the Warlock. Are Mages a class you get later and are they basically an improved version of a Wizard/Enchantress?
Augemitbutter said:oops, i should've wrote warlock, not magethere is no class named mage as far as i know. wizards can buff with elemental spells too, but not as well. fire can buff attack, earth will buff protect for example. you can combine them of course, but i'd prefer a warlock.
The_Darkest_Red said:So do you think Warlocks are worth the time investment to level the class up? Are they much better than Wizards or are they just different?
The_Darkest_Red said:So do you think Warlocks are worth the time investment to level the class up? Are they much better than Wizards or are they just different?
Atolm said:So...what are the requeriments to unlock the extra/DLC chapters? (chapter 4 and beyond spoilers)
I'm at the Coda right now. I've beaten the game via Lawful route, with both Vyce and Catiua alive, but so far only the subplot about Canopus's sister is unlocked. What do I miss? I've heard there's also subplots for Lanselot and Warren.
Also, it seems you can't get Diego on the Coda. I've beaten the Pirate's graveyard for the first time and didn't get him ;/, and I did the battle at Omish in Chapter 4.