Click the score for the review!
The Gaming Vault (Kayos90's Import Review): 7/10
RPG Fan (Import Review): 90%

Q: Are there going to be Japanese Voices?
A: No. The game is all in English dub.
Q: I’m new to the Tales series. Do you think this would be a good starting point?
A: Definitely. Plus it’s the first Team Destiny game to be released in NA, so you’re getting two for the price of one.
Q: Is this game a sequel to Tales of Vesperia/Tales of the Abyss/Tales of Symphonia?
A: No. It’s all in the same franchise but it’s a different game It’s also made from a different development team than those games.
Q: How long is the game?
A: It’s around 30-40 hours for the main story arc. The Future arc will take a good 5 hours.
Q: What if I already played this game?
A: Buy it anyway; there’s nothing wrong with double-dipping. You’re supporting the series and increasing the chances of another Tales coming to the West.
Q: How will you rank the Tales Games?
A: People will generally rank Tales of Graces ƒ pretty high in regards to battle system and combat. For story, it’s not as great as Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Xillia, or Tales of Vesperia but it does the job. There isn’t anything annoying or cringeworthy and the pacing is fine. The story may be a bit generic. For a better idea, read the reviews in the reviews section.
Q: How long is the game? How long will it take me to get the platinum trophy?
A: Graces is 30-40 hours for the main arc and it’ll take another 5 hours to complete the future arc. It will roughly take around 100 hours to achieve the Platinum trophy. It’s highly recommended that you do two playthroughs to get it. Lastly, it’s a little easier to achieve Platinum compared to Vesperia’s 1000 Achievement Points.
Q: How many costumes are in the game?
A: Most of the playable characters get about 3 costumes, and two characters get costumes in the Future Arc. Most of the better costumes are paid DLC. Asbel, Sophie, and Cheria can get Tales of Vesperia cameo costumes from Carta Card as prizes.
Q: How do I unlock other difficulties in this game (for trophies. challenge, etc)?
A: To unlock the second-hardest difficulty (“Evil” in the JP version), you must fight 200 battles on Hard. To unlock the hardest difficulty (“Chaos” in the Japanese version), you must fight 300 battles on the second-hardest difficulty (“Evil”
Q: I need help! Can you help?
A: Check out this handy Wiki/Google Doc. It’s a guide! I didn’t write it. https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ARRHUgO6_FEhZGpjNDV4Nl81Z3d2NW52Yzk

Thanks to the following people for helping me with the OT!!!
Dark Schala for contributing information and being a morale boost!
Ultros! for contributing the Avatars and editing!
Aeana for giving me the idea to do the OT
Everyone else for being super awesome! Buy this game!!!!