
Developer: Bluehole Studio
Publisher: En Masse Entertainment
Release Date: December 16, 2014
Rating: M
Platform: PC
- Official Website
- STEAM (Early 2015):

- Tempest Reach <-- Roll here
- Ascension Valley
- Celestial Hills - Roleplay
- Mount Tyrannas
- Valley of Titans
- Lake of Tears

Being the first expansion, a plentora of new content will be introduced in waves, including a 10th Class. some of TERA Fate of Arun's changes are listed below:
After the Argon War, the resulting peace introduced a new problem to the Valkyon Federation: greed. With the alliances distracted by internal conflicts, a little-known threat once locked away in the mountains of Northern Arun finally reared its ugly head. What’s to become of this mysterious continent of Northern Arun?
All classes are getting new skills:
- Warrior
- Binding Sword: Throws your sword to snare up to 4 enemies and pull them towards you.
- Lancer
- Rallying Cry: Your defiant shout draws aggro while you and party members become immune to knockdown and immobilization.
- Slayer
- Eviscerate: Deals powerful damage and knocks the opponent down.
- Berserker
- Raze: Knocks down enemies around you while moving forward.Tackle: Spin your axe to hurl a bolt that knocks down an enemy.
- Unbreakable: Fueled by rage, your HP will not drop below 1 while active.
- Reaper
- Shrouded Escape: Cloak yourself in shadow, reducing aggro and becoming invisible.
- Sorcerer
- Nova: Unleash a massive explosion, which deals huge damage to enemies within a radius and can knock them down.
- Warp Barrier: Cancel all damage and recover MP with each hit you take while active.
- Archer
- Thunderbolt: Shoot a concussion arrow. The shock will cause damage and knock enemies back.
- Tenacity: Call on inner reserves to instantly replenish MP. Briefly increases resistance to stun immensely.
- Priest
- Zenobia’s Vortex: Unleashes a whirlwind, dealing damage to all enemies in its path and briefly throwing them into the air.
- Divine Intervention: Pulls and retrieves a party member in front of the caster.
- Mystic
- Contagion: Infects one target and spread a disease that deals damage over time and decreases enemy’s endurance.
- Vampiric Pulse: Fire a bolt which deals damage to all enemies and heals party members in its path.
- Savage Reach: (60-61)
The thick green jungles of Val Oriyn are home to the savage but noble Khirians...and the brutal lizard-like guwangi.
- Spring Valley (61-62)
A desperate group of freedom fighters and refugees hide in this idyllic valley full of waterfalls, hot springs and dangerous archdevan forces.
- Ex Prima (62-63)
Once the domain of the mighty giants, Ex Prima is little more than ruins now—overrun with goblins, wild beasts, and the slave armies of the Archdevas.
- Arx Umbra (63-65)
The ancient fortress of the archdevas is now a citadel of torment, and the seat of power of the shadow lord, Dakuryon.
- Highwatch (Main Hub)
The beseiged city of the barakas has been cut off from the outside world for centuries, and they would love nothing more than to repair their long-dormant teleportal
Baldera (Unicorn place)Never coming
- Sabex Armory
In a cavern deep underground, the archdevas store munitions. Rally the spirits of the Khirian rebels by taking it out.
- Macellarius Catacombs
Venture into the archdevan fortress, find the blood mages’ gruesome laboratory and slay those responsible for making monstrosities out of your allies.
- Ravenous Gorge
Descend into a hidden forest where three ravenous BAMs are determined to overthrow the balance of nature. Climb into the treetops and put a stop to their feeding frenzy.
- Bathysmal Rise
Plunging this ancient weapon of the giants deep beneath the sea wasn’t enough to stop it. Now it has ideas of its own. Pacify it.
Gear Tiers
To help simplify and reduce costs for enchanting, the tiers of all gear have shifted. If your gear was previously: It's now:
- Tier 1 – Tier 5: Tier 1
- Tier 6 – Tier 9: Tier 2
- Tier 10 – Tier 12: Tier 3
- Tier 13 – Tier 14: Tier 4
- Tier 15: Tier 5
Let's talk about alkahest first: Old alkahest still works, but now there's alkahest specific to each tier instead of the enchanting bonus. Any alkahest equal to or greater than the tier of the gear you are enchanting will work, provided you have enough.You need 10 alkahests per enchanting attempt, plus an additional amount equal to the tier of the item you are enchanting.
Now on to feedstock: There are five tiers of feedstock, which correspond to the five tiers of equipment. Level 65 bosses now drop tier 5 feedstock instead of dropping common (white) and uncommon (green) fodder.
You can create feedstock by dismantling armor and weapons. Quantities vary based on item level and bonuses. When you dismantle tier 4 equipment, you’re guaranteed to get tier 4 feedstock (see more on dismantling below). You can also create feedstock by combining 6 feedstock of the next lower tier.
You’ll need at least 2 feedstock to enchant handwear and footwear, 3 for body armor, and 4 per enchanting attempt on weapons. For low levels of enchanting bonus, the minimum amount is usually sufficient. But as your gear improves, you'll see the interface recommend doubling, tripling, or quadrupling the amount of feedstock for each attempt. Why would you want to spend more feedstock? Because using more improves your odds of successful enchantment while consuming the same amount of alkhest.
Taken from
Set 1: Ambit Set
- Weapon: drops from Fulminar at Bathysmal Rise
- Chest armor: drops from Tantibus at Bathysmal Rise
- Gloves: drops from Fulminar at Bathysmal Rise
- Boots: drops from Mephisis at Bathysmal Rise
- Belt: drops from Tantibus at Bathysmal Rise
Set 2: Discovery Set (improvement over the Ambit set)
- Weapon: drops from Fulminar at Bathysmal Rise and Nimistrix at Ravenous Gorge
- All other pieces: will become available in 2nd Phase in Early 2015. Recipes will also come at the same time
Set 1: Controvert Set
- All pieces: crafted (designs sold at Belicarium quartermaster)
- All pieces: crafted (designs sold at Killing Spree quartermaster) - currently not craftable. The missing ingredient will become available in future updates.
Guild Housing, 10th Class, and more!

TERA is the first AAA MMO to feature a complete action combat system. Dubbed "True Action Combat", the system uses a free targeting and location based damage system with customizable combos and skill chains. Most classes have a dodge, escape, or block that allows them to avoid enemy attacks in real time. The game eliminates the need for tab targeting or holding down right click to move.
- F2P - No purchase or subscription required. The game is completely free to play.
- Politics - Compete for the political position of Exarch. Collect taxes, control NPCs, zone settings, and more.
- Guilds - Fully functional guild system with member ranks, permissions, and guild bank.
- GvG - Guild Vs Guild large scale PVP combat. Guilds can enter GvG competition for the Guild housing when it is available.
- PVP - Open world PVP through the use of an Outlaw system. This is available on PVP servers only.
- Duels and Deathmatch - Timed 1v1 duels, 5v5 deathmatch, and 10v10 deathmatch with optional wagers.
- Battlegrounds - 15v15 or 3v3 organized team combat.
- Daily Quests - Quests from special NPCs can be completed daily to earn reputation and rewards.
- BAMs - Big Ass Monsters. These are gigantic challenging zone bosses that roam the open world and dungeons.
- Dungeons - Challenging dungeons with varying degrees of difficulty. Hard Mode dungeons offer the most challenging experiences and the best rewards.
- Matchmaking - Automated cross-server matchmaking tool for dungeons, battlegrounds, and other content.
- Enchanting - Special weapons and armor can be enchanted to increase base stats and unlock bonuses.
- Glyphs - A unique system that enhances existing abilities for your class. Advanced glyphs can be obtained from special dungeons.
- Valkyon Outfitters - Store containing primarily cosmetic items, mounts, and time-saving boosters purchased with EMP that is bought with real currency.
- Achievements - Gameplay achievements that grant player titles and rewards.
- Controller support

TERA - Elin Maids Kitchen Dance:
TERA - Elin Bunny Maid Warrior BAM solo (Fimbrilisk):
Legendary TERA OT
EnMasse's Website:
A Certain TERA Index, Espei's blog:
Yosha's Lv 65 FAQ:
NeOak's Stream: