
I was watching T2 this weekend and thought about how much of the first two movies and even the third movie was nothing but roaming around a city trying to hunt down one of the Connors. There’s also a lot of car chases. A lot.
Speaking of vehicles, in the first movie, the Terminator steals a station wagon, a motorcycle, a police car, a pick up truck, and a semi. Kyle Reese steals a Ford LTD, an AMC gremlin, and a pick up truck.
In T2, Arnie steals a Harley, a pick up truck, a station wagon, and a 67 Chevelle The T-1000 steals a police van, a police car, and a police chopper as well as a semi hauling liquid nitrogen.
In T3 it’s more of the same except the vehicles are bigger and the Terminatrix can control multiple vehicles at one time.
So, we have a movie where the characters roam around a big city...
Steal multiple vehicles...
In Los Angeles...
In the 1990s...
Yes, I’m saying Terminator should be an open world game where you can steal any vehicle you want just like GTA. In fact, modders made a Terminator MOD for GTA V. So, the concept certainly isn’t unheard of.
I was bored today, so I came up with an idea of a Terminator video game. It could follow the first two movies with the first half of the movie following the events of the first movie and the second half, the second movie.
Of course it couldn’t be a fully fleshed out sandbox like GTA. That wouldn’t even make sense since that’s not the point about a game where you spend the majority of the game running from an assassin.
No, it would be more like L.A. Noire or Mafia where the open world part is mostly to get from one mission to another with some notable exceptions.
The focus of the gameplay would be to play as Sarah Connor/Kyle Reese (T1) and John Connor/T100 (T2) and go around LA collecting the different tools/weapons you need to defeat the terminator while avoiding the police and said terminator. Maybe expand upon the story for the sake of making the game a little more meaty.
Meanwhile, the terminator goes around randomly looking for you. The more attention you attract to yourself, the more likely he is to show up. He can be slowed down but not killed, at least not at first (like in Alien Isolation). All you can do is escape.
One variation could be that since the movies are set in LA and we’ve beaten LA to death by now in the game world, you could set it in the timeframe of T3 and make it take place outside of LA. Another variation would be that when you finish the game, you get to play the other side as a terminator hunting down the Connors.
An online mode could include a death match mode or battle royale, whathaveyou.
Then for a sequel, set the game in the future and give it to the devs that made Mad Max.
Anyway, my taco salad is ready. Let me know what you think.
I’ll be back...
to check the comments.
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