
Title: The 3rd Super Robot Wars Z: Heavenly Purgatory
Release Date: April 2nd, 2015 (JP)
Platforms: Playstation 3, Playstation Vita, Playstation Vita TV (Cross-save compatible)
Official Site: 第3次スーパーロボット大戦Z 天獄篇
Pre-order Bonus: A code for Rengoku-hen, a side-story that links Jigoku-hen and Tengoku-hen.
Another SRW!? Which one is this?
This is the second game that makes up Super Robot Wars Z3. It's titled Tengoku-hen or "Heavenly Purgatory" chapter for a straight translation.
Tengoku-hen ends the Super Robot Wars Z series which has spanned 7 years, 4 different consoles, and 5 different games.

Just like the Alpha series, the Z series combines the stories for all of its featured anime and combines with its own elements to create a unique anime world where super robots, military robots, aliens, demons, and all kinds of other forces exist together. SRWZ primarily deals with the concept of dimensions thus being able to bring a lot of unlikely series all together under one umbrella. This is the 3rd game in the series and its slated to be the last game in this massive universe.
In SRW Z1, through a string events with Orguss at the center of it, an event called Break the World occurred where the barriers between dimensions collapsed and many unique universes combined into one, from the post-apocalyptic setting of Gundam X and Xabungle to the modern world of Seed Destiny and Zeta Gundam. Throughout the trials of the game, the heroes banded together to create the Z Emergency Union of Terristrial Humans, or ZEUTH. The Z was to represent the fact that was there no going back to show their conviction in ending the conflict in the world. They came into conflict with a group called the Chimeras, a force within the Earth government lead by The Eydell Bernal who sought the power of the Spheres, 12 sources of power that are stylized after the 12 animals of the Zodiac. When gathered, these Spheres would give full access to the Taikyoku, or the power to manipulate the universe to the controllers whim. The protagonists of Z1, Setsuko Ohara (Sorrowful Maiden) and Rand Travis (Wounded Lion) were bearers of these and were also drawn into the conflict and battled both the Chimera Corps and Asakim Dowin a man seeking the spheres to end his eternal torment. ZEUTH was able to defeat The Eydell Bernal to bring an idea to his schemes and bring to the madness and bring peace to their world.
However, ZEUTHs world wasnt the only one that was created as a result of Break the World. Another world was created where time had proceeded 20 years (compared to the several in Z1) since the event. In this world, the forces had become consolidated into several super powers that controlled the planet. It was here that many 3rd party groups began their intervention into the world to change it and from those conflicts, the group called Z EXtra International Savers, or ZEXIS was born. The Z was to signify the fact that they would not be X or Y but a 3rd party, Z that would help to oversee the world. This world was also host to Dimensional Monsters, monsters that crossed the fabric of reality. A test unit was created to battle these called the Brasta and Crow Brusto, the man with the million zeni debt, became its test pilot. He joined ZEXIS in their battles and it was during the rise of the Republic Rimoneshia that he learned the truth behind the DMs. They were the beasts of Gaioh, the King of Destruction who came to their dimension through an event that later was called the Calamity Birth. ZEXIS was able to stop Gaioh with the aid of ZEUTH, who were stranded in this world as a result of the Calamity Birthday, and bring stability to their world but that wasnt the end. The world was only in a lull but it erupted into war again with the world powers seeking to achieve their own goals and the coming of the Saint Insaraum Kingdom. The people of the Saint Insaraum Kingom were masters of Dimensional Science and their own world was destroyed by Gaioh. They came to the ZEXIS world seeking a home for themselves and fought to take the planet. It was during this later conflict where the Spheres came into play. Asakim Dowin made his way into the ZEXIS world in search of several spheres while Im Liard, a man with a sphere of his own sought them as well. Crow woke his Sphere, the Swaying Scales during the conflict. With the help of ZEXIS, ZEUTH, and the other other Sphere Holders, Setsuko and Rand, they were able to defeat the Saint Insaraum Kingdom. However, before them stood Gaioh once again who revealed he was the Dimensional General. He was one of the four people that stood to fight against a coming disaster that crossed dimension and had once ravaged his home. But during the long fight, he became twisted and enjoyed battle to become the King of Destruction. He tested the heroes once again but this time to see if they were ready to defend their universe from utter destruction. Zexis was victorious and brought peace to their world. In the time after, members of ZEUTH and ZEXIS went their separate ways and returned to their dimensions.
After their battles with the Saint Insaraum Kingdom and Gaioh, a new dimensional quake once again fused worlds combining ZEUTH and ZEXIS's planets into one. Despite having just finished the Resurrection War, peace wasn't to last. The two teams joined forces to create a new entity called Z-BLUE. Joining them were the pilots of the Genion, Hibiki Kamishiro and Suzune Saijo. In this new world, Neo Zeon rose up and declared war on the Earth and clashed with Z-BLUE. The Anti-Spirals finally decided to attack the Earth as well and set in motion a battle for their universe. During all of this, an organization called Geminiss worked behind the scenes to enact the "Eternity Flat" a state where all time would cease to move so no one would grow old or be born but living their lives as they are at that moment. Their leader, Gadlight Meonsam, was the pilot of the Geminia and the Sphere reactor for the Quarrelling Twins. As Z-BLUE and Geminiss battled, Hibiki was eventually able to steal the Quarrelling Twins sphere for himself. Once again, Z-BLUE protected the world and defeated even the Anti-Spirals. They were ready for a respite when they were thrown into battle with Shiku from the organization called Sidereal. They were the parent organization of Geminiss. A battle began and when things were looking OK, Shiku revealed himself to be a Sphere Reactor, holding "The Silent Crusteacean", the sphere for Cancer the crab.
This is where our story picks up.

Tag Battle System

This system returns from SRW 2nd OGs with a bit more Z1 and Alpha 3 flavor. Pair up units into teams to fight on the battlefield. Center, Wide, and All Attack are selectable and determines how you target your enemies.
Tag Tension/Tag Commands

A system new to SRW, it looks like to be something similar to what is seen in G-Generation games. Theres a Tag Tension meter in the game and it goes up in level when A. A unit levels up or B. One of the units kill count for that stage is greater than a multiple of two.
When the Tension is maxed out, Tag Commands are available and are special team-only spirit commands become available. Those are:
Multi-action: When the chosen unit destroys a full unit (i.e. makes their icon disappear from the map) theyre given an extra turn.
Bonus PP: Increase the PP earned from the next enemy killed by 2
Bonus Chips: Increase the Z Chips earned from the next enemy killed by 2
Charge SP: Restores the Main and Sub units SP by 15
Tactical Combo

A gauge that gives a bonus to the final damage done by a unit after everything has been calculated. It has 5 levels (1.05 damage bonus at level 1, 1.25 damage bonus at level 5) and it goes up 1 level each time a full enemy unit is destroyed. If your units fail to destroy the enemy, it goes down a level. This bonus also applies to Z Chips and Cash to use for upgrades. When you end your turn, this gauge goes back down to zero.
Maximum Break

This system showed up in 2nd OGs and it makes its return in a different format for Z3. Maximum Break can only be used when your Tag Tension is maxed out and upon use reduces that gauge to zero. However, it provides a very powerful attack chance in exchange. During standard attacks, the Sub Unit in a pair can only use their assist weapon. However, with a Maximum Break, they can use any combination of weapons they want. When this is used, the subs weapon range restriction is ignored and all weapons are considered Post-Movement usable. Additionally, the damage done by the Main and Sub units during a maximum Break is increased by 1.2 and it will ignore defensive abilities like Counter, Support Defense, or Barrier skills.
D Trader/Ace Talk

You can initiate a Trader Scenario in-between maps that will allow you to use the Z-Chips youve earned. You can buy parts, special systems, or extra items that have unique requirements. You can also have special Ace talk events during these as well.
Sub Order

Returning from Z2, you can send the units you havent used in the last mission out to gain things like XP, kills, Cash, or PP to keep them in fighting shape. Instead of 5 units, youll be able to send out 6 units at a time this go around.
Z-Crystal image[/b]
New to Tengoku-hen, you can use your hard-earned Z-Chips to upgrade these crystals to give you abilities to your units or pilots such as using the Scan abilities when a map starts or giving +1 to the Combo gauge when your unit's turn comes around.

The 3rd Super Robot Wars Z: Tengoku-hen PV1
The 3rd Super Robot Wars Z: Tengoku-Hen PV2
The Super Robot Wars Z Tengoku-Hen Look Back Video
The 3rd Super Robot Wars Z: Jigoku-hen PV1
The 3rd Super Robot Wars Z: Jigoku-hen PV2
Super Robot Wars Z Look Back Video

Akurasus SRW Wiki Great resource thatll be updated with some translated game after its released.
The Super Robot Wars Wiki More in-depth wiki with information about the various titles and characters.
SRW Community Thread - For all your SRW needs.
The Mecha Thread Love Mecha? come here
The Gundam Official Thread GUNDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!
The 3rd Super Robot Wars Z: Jigoku-hen Official Thread