Relative spoilers aplenty, too many to use the damn spoiler tag, so skip this post entirely if you care about Casino and have not watched the first episode:
There are some serious ringers in this show. The girl that was given the lapdance, I believe she's some girl with some promoter company. There's a picture that FMT posted of her with Jeff Garcia, which still doesn't tell me that Jeff Garcia is straight, haha... Anyway, perhaps she saw a camera and said "sure, I'll whore myself out."
The "high roller" they had is hilarious. Perhaps he was inebriated, but he seemed like a genuine jackass that I've run into in my many travels. But if you could not tell after listening to the "woman" that she was not all that she seemed, cash in your hetero-card.
The singer and entertainment manager was all scripted. Unbelievably scripted. Just way too tacky.
I'll give this show another two episodes, but if it's just more crap, I'm saving my TiVo space for something else. In the meantime, DO watch American Casino as it is way more genuine, although there are some slow points...