Does the gold edition comes with a T-Shirt!?cause it just arrived and it had one and its actually cool.
Man - I am starting to get annoyed with the whole idea of clans and how they have been implemented in this game.
There is some consternation in my group over the idea that each player can only join one clan. In fact - has this been confirmed anywhere? The guys that I played with all throughout the first game are now having a bunch of awkward conversations over whether they will join our clan. Understandably, they are dedicated players, so they probably have other offers from other good players who are forming their own clans.
I'm actually hoping that we are wrong about this, and players can join as many clans as they'd like (but can only cash in one clan cache per character per week and can only earn clan XP in activities in which they are playing with another clan member). This way, it's nobody's business how many clans a player joins.
Someone on reddit suggested rolling back to nvidia driver 419.17. I did and had no crashes on dx12 anymore.
I'm loving the game. Played for hours today and i was entertained the whole time. No frustrations. No annoyances.
For those that played D1 on PC, how big a leap are the graphics for you? I was on PS4 and it looked good but man on 1440p/Ultra/60 this is very pretty game
Playing with the Police M4 now. Very nice.
My best weapon is the Urban MDR, which pairs nicely with a shotty.
Does the gold edition comes with a T-Shirt!?cause it just arrived and it had one and its actually cool.
Projects are kind of confusing, but I think as you progress and unlock new missions in different zones, they'll give you new projects pertaining to that zone. I'm not sure of this, but I don't recognize the project "Southwest Liberation" at The Theater that showed up as I've moved south into the city. Maybe it's just the last one that I didn't notice?Do projects pop up new daily or are they limited? I feel like there were new ones when I logged in today but maybe I advanced the settlement without realizing it
Anyone suffering with random frames dropping? On ps4 pro and every so often it starts chugging. Going to try a database rebuild and clean the fan to see if they help.
Yes. I'm on PC, but if remember right, this was an issue during the beta on all platforms. Assuming it's the same issue.
Restarting the Uplay and the game seems to fix it.
I had this issues also when I started the first main mission,the one to rescue Elanor or something,almost unplayable,after I shut down the console cause I had something to do ,when I cam back I did that mission again and I didn't had any issues,I guess a restart would fix the problem.Anyone suffering with random frames dropping? On ps4 pro and every so often it starts chugging. Going to try a database rebuild and clean the fan to see if they help.
Glad to see people enjoying this. I liked the first game when it came out but ended up selling it because the endgame was lackluster (at the time).
I’ll probably pick this up down the line, not enough free time to really enjoy a game of this scale, currently.
How, specifically, does this feel/play differently than the Division 1? Or is it pretty identical?
Keep the impressions coming!
Romania,when the package come in,I saw this cloth wrapped around the game,at first I though it was something to protect it from impact,but when I took that out it was a Division 2 grey and orange T-shirtWait, what? Where are you from?
That is helpful! That’s all I really wanted to know. The experience of getting to max level in Division 1 was really fun, and that’s all I really care about here.I’m not gonna sit here and say it reinvents the wheel or anything. My basic take on it after 16 hours so far is it’s a better Division. I dunno if that’s helpful or not.
Romania,when the package come in,I saw this cloth wrapped around the game,at first I though it was something to protect it from impact,but when I took that out it was a Division 2 grey and orange T-shirtand it also my size ,cause I was never asked about it
I’m very intrigued by this. I didn’t hate the first game, it was fun if just lacking end game content for being the first of several destiny clones. Hopefully this turns out better than anthem.
Don't know what's the update all about but I see that the uplay rewards are working now,they are in your inventory if you redeem them,it was a problem with that before and they didn't appear even if it said you own them.Any news on this update I just downloaded? Patch notes? Hoping it fixed some issues I was having with my abilities canceling out on their own for no reason.
If I remember correctly, mine was located under the Grants section of the stash.Thanks for the responses.
Also, I claimed the MPX SMG from uplay, and it shows as i own it, but I cannot find it. When i go to the stash mailbox, there is no mail.
Also had a weird glitch last night, assets did not load properly, so had low texture models and some models flat out missing, had to fast travel to correct it.
But enjoying it otherwise. Need to progress and then join up for some coop action.