Well it's by no means as bad as D&D rn, but for starters
- Massive influx of "stronk wamen" trope, which mostly shows in the form of gender swapping and hilarious demonstrations of the "women can do this, too" type edits
- Senseless / context-free oversexualization of parts of the lore, resulting in whole source books dedicated to nothing but shagging in the high fantasy world of Dere
- Embarassing focus on making sure all races are free of any strong stereotypes, leading to a weakened contrast between them and making everything feel less meaningful (i.e. in character creation)
It seems they still haven't stopped, either. Since the 5th edition, this type of content has infested all publications. I'd recommend just going with the 4th edition, which doesn't have any obvious woke agenda in it. Beware the pseudo progressive gender-relativization has always been a part of The Dark Eye, as this is a very German element and an expression of our post-war understanding of female empowerment and feminism. It can be easily ignored before the 5th edition, though.