Wrong forum: Mods -> could you delete this please?
So with selling off my collection, I got to be wondering what the bloody is my Earthbound cart doing going for $200... Chrono Trigger / Ogre Battle $100 etc etc...
Decided to do the basic research: ebay indicators !
Overall Economic indicator Nasdaq !
Super Nintendo
What's the rationale behind the slump in PlayStation and the rapid growth in Super Nintendo?
Trends are kinda confusing GBC / GBA massively down, but GB has same growth as SNES.
I have no insight, give me some please.
So with selling off my collection, I got to be wondering what the bloody is my Earthbound cart doing going for $200... Chrono Trigger / Ogre Battle $100 etc etc...
Decided to do the basic research: ebay indicators !
Overall Economic indicator Nasdaq !


Super Nintendo

What's the rationale behind the slump in PlayStation and the rapid growth in Super Nintendo?
Trends are kinda confusing GBC / GBA massively down, but GB has same growth as SNES.
I have no insight, give me some please.