Lets go back to the days of 8 bit gaming. What are the best NES games in your opinion?
I'm thinking these off the top of my head, just because I used to own them back in the day. Not so much as they are the best games on the NES, more so for nostalgia:
Super Mario Bros./Duckhunt
Super Tecmo Bowl
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Bases Loaded II
Castlevania II
What are your essentials?
I'm thinking these off the top of my head, just because I used to own them back in the day. Not so much as they are the best games on the NES, more so for nostalgia:
Super Mario Bros./Duckhunt
Super Tecmo Bowl
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Bases Loaded II
Castlevania II
What are your essentials?