"Ori and the Blind Forest had to be the most beautiful awful game this year"
Yeah lol wtf was that?
Guys have i missed any Trailers?
"Ori and the Blind Forest had to be the most beautiful awful game this year"
Should've cut these Mega 64 guys, so annoying.
Her Story is really something remarkable. Not sure if it's a great game, or just a brilliant piece of narrative art - but damn if it leaves an impression.
Also, how is Ori a 'best indie' when it was published by MS?
Should've cut these Mega 64 guys, so annoying.
Man Undertale got undertold there.
lolwutI think you're determined to be angry unless Nintendo is front and center. You have a long ass show.
Working fine for me on Twitch.
Is it choppy for you guys on Youtube too?
I really don't understand this opening. It's like people talking about games they didn't play or like? Wuh? I feel like I'm missing something. Stream is really laggy on YouTube for me as well.
Yep. Switched to Twitch. Much better.
I blinked and missed undertale
Same here. I never get such awful performance from YT. IDK what is going on
Unwatchable on Youtube. Constant stutter/juddery/skippy mess. It's fine on Gamespot but sometimes the quality drops down really low.
sorry bro but they're the best parts of this so far