Dash Kappei
Not actually that important

Welcome to the NeoGAF iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming Official Thread, 4th Edition!
If you're new, this thread is for discussion and recommendation of all things gaming in the App Store. Don't be afraid to recommend or review a title, as any one comment can take a game from never-heard-of to an instant classic. We also have an organized list of GameCenter IDs of everyone here that takes part in the thread. Below you will find the official list, and how to get on the list, and the means to start competing with your fellow gamers.

How to Become an Official GAF iOS GameCenter/OpenFeint Member
The List
updated daily
#RULES: How to get on the list / Update your profile / Add friends
- Send me a PM if you want to be added to the list or taken off the list, following this EXACT same text formatting
GAF Name = Name [GC] / Name [OF] / Name [Plus+] / Device
- When you add someone, add FROM GAF to the friend request and your NeoGAF name so to easily tell who's who and avoid unknown non-registered lurkers
- Send Flunkie a pm if you are ALREADY on the list but want to update your profile with more info like iOS platform(s) owned (it's cool to know who has an iPad for all the games with separate SKUs), Plus+ profile or to just change your existing GC or OF profile. Please include your number on the list in your PM.
- We are on the list and, if you are too, it's ok to add us even if we're not best buddies; don't be shy: we enjoy having more GAFfers challenging us on the friends leaderboard.
- Don't just wait for others to add you first you should at least add some of the profiles posted above yours if you want to get the ball rolling... It's really up to you. Ideally the last member of the list will be the one to add the profiles above his, and so on and on with each new member. Or maybe just add whoever you like, that's also an option
- Don't add me as a friend unless you want to participate on the iOS Challenges (read below) and are aware of the 'name showing on the TOP Scores screenshots' deal (read the FAQ section for the how-to on hiding your real name to friends on Game Center)
- Remember: your real name will be visible to your GC friends (read the FAQ section to find out how to avoid that

Is there a proper NeoGAF's App to use the forum on iOS?
Fellow NeoGaffer ckohler built an incredible web-app to give us the best way possible to browse/post on
NeoGAF from our iOS devices. It's constantly updated and you can even make requests on the specific thread (beware, the OP doesn't get updated often, so just go to the last page of the thread. It's freakin' awesome, you should really give it a try and see for yourself what an amazing job ckholer has done.
NeoGAF Mobile
A NeoGAF Web App |OT|
How to Hide Your Real Name on GameCenter
Remember, unless you do as told here, your IRL first and last name, taken from your Apple ID, will be shown to your GC friends since firmware update 4.3. If you value that information and want GAF's leaderboards to show your proper nickname instead, here's how you do it:
- Open the GameCenter app
- Go to the "ME" tab and tap the yellow ribbon that has your email written on it
- Now chose "View my Account" and you'll be prompted for your password
- Now scroll all the way down till the GC account section and tap on the Apple ID profile
- Change you first name and last name (you must enter both) with whatever you like (e.g. First Name: Dash, Last Name: Kappei)
Done, now that's who you're going to be listed as on your buddies' GC friends list from now on; this will affect GC *and* your Apple ID. If it's the same account you use for App Store/iTunes (like me), you will still be able to use it for iTunes/App Store's purchases (you can still buy whatever you want like you could before) *BUT* in the receipt it'll show your nickname or whatever you chose as First Name and Last Name when you changed those fields. The first time you will use the modified account on App Store/iTunes, you will be asked to verify the account by re-entering the 3 digits code of the credit card's CCV security code (if you make your purchases using a credit card, like I do).

NeoGAF's iOS Weekly Challenges:
Canabalt (Ends on Page 357, no dedicated thread) - Ended
Mr. Ninja (August 1st to August 7th, 2011) - Ended
Flick Kick Football (August 16th to August 23rd, 2011) - Ended
Hard Lines (September 1st to September 8th, 2011) - Ended
Bit.Trip.Beat Blitz (September 29th to October 6th, 00:01 (AM) GMT) - Ended
To participate you just need the game and to add Dash Kappei on Game Center (Dash Kappei GAF). As soon as you fire up the game and play it for the first time while being signed in Game Center, you'll be part of the Challenge. That's it.
Add "From GAF," and your nickname on GAF or Dash won't add you.
Screenshots of the TOP 20* scores (tbd) will be posted in the specific GAF's iOS Challenge threads, so DON'T add me on Gamecenter or at least don't compete in the weekly challenge if you don't want your real name to be shown. You can easily avoid your real name to appear if you follow the few simple steps on the FAQ Section above "How to Hide Your Real Name on Game Center".
GAFFers only, I won't accept requests from non-gaffers. Sorry lurkers.
Check the Master List Membership above if you want to add others, but being on the list isn't mandatory to play.
Scores are valid only for the "This Week" section on the leadearboards and those scores made before the challenge won't be counted for the full final results, even if mistakenly counted during the challenge.
You can still enter the Challenge even if it has already started, granted I can accept your GC's friend request on time. You can join the contest at any time, even if there's an hour to go.
Posting your new scores in this thread is encouraged as well as posting your Game Center profile for others to check on your score when you do so. This is not at all mandatory anyway.
Game-Specific iOS Official Threads:
Pocket Planes |OT| + NeoGAF's crew #NeoGAF
Draw Something: GAF meet-up + spreadsheet
Tiny Tower |OT|
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Indy Hype
Angry Birds Space |OT|
Infinity Blade 2 |OT|
Hero Academy |OT| FREE iPhone MP strat from Orcs Must Die/Age of Empires devs
NOVA 3 |OT| Gameloft's Unreal 3 powered Shooter sampler plate
Board & Card games: GAF iOS community:
If you play or are interested in playing/finding iOS board games (Carcassonne, Ascension, Ticket to Ride & more) and card games (Assassin's Creed: Recollection, Shadow Era TCG...) with an active GAF community, join us at
iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread.
NeoGAF's very own Best iOS Games List
Jedeye Sniv has put together a list of NeoGAF's favorite games!
"iOS gaffers voted to bring you NeoGAF's Best iOS Games of All Time."
The Official NeoGAF Best iOS Games of All Time
Links to Previous Official Threads:
iOS Gaming OT 1
iOS Gaming OT 2
iOS Gaming OT 3
Happy gaming, and, as always:
"Ciao, see you on the leaderboards!"
If you have any suggestion, bring any erroneous info to my attention or whatever you feel like, just shoot me a pm or drop a post in this thread.
Thanks to these guys for their contributions:
Flunkie for redacting the beloved OT3 while I was, er, banned and thus taking the reigns and doing an amazing job while adding the oh-so-cool factor to our Touch Gaming OTs!
Vyer and bathala for the tips on how to hide your real name in GC for the FAQ Section!
teamaxe for the cool banners!
Jedeye Sniv for the best iOS game voting thread!