Question for you guys. What sort of button lay out do you guys use? Do you dedicate a button to max mode activation?
This is the first time I've ever really dived into a KoF game, and I'm having trouble with max cancels. Specifically, theyre so damn fast that i feel like i cant get my hand across the stick fast enough lol.
My layout right now is:
I normally don't use buttons for dedicated button combos, but since it's only four buttons and the game is pretty speedy, it's more reliable to use one for MAX mode cancels IMO. Plus you can double tap the button to do something like C MAX C into stuff easier.
Oh my, that's adorable."Clark's the only one going extinct today!" (Clark vs Dino)
Oh my, that's adorable.
Since I have no access to XIV, I played some 98 and 97 yesterday. Connecting Clark SDM never gets old!
Ah ah ah Nakoruru got instant overhead ?
Japanese commentator going in.
"Love Heart is my new SNK waifu"
"Love Heart is like 3rd Strike Chun li"
Hey, I'm working on a review, and I was wondering: Is the 6-player 3v3 Party Mode new to the series?
unless you count the ages of arcades when a friend tells ya, leave me the 3rd character and I got your back, is entirely new to the series
is likely resembling that backup from arcades lol
What is it? Does it work only on standing opponents?
According to LI Joe, this is Xhao Hai's current tier list.
The menu theme is so awful.
I feel some vega / sagat normals with Love Heart, she has amazing horizontal range, wish she had better or more colors tho
24. RH: Will the skin colour customisation option return from KOF XIII?
ODA SAN: As weve moved to a new engine with KOF XIV there is now a new process in designing our 3D models. So for now we havent designed skin colour customisations, but its something that could be considered in the future.
On a stick, the game really is designed around the old Neo Geo layout since there's no AD combo press. With the NG layout on a stick, the button combos are at most one button apart. Using the other 4 buttons for the combos like this:
Means you can also ABC or BCD (for cancelling straight into an EX move) with 2 fingers instead of 3. I prefer it like this since it's easy to remember which combo to press, based on the top row of buttons.
Though it's hard to get used to punch and kick being next to each other, if you're used to Street Fighter's layout. But you can do this instead
But your layout is obviously best if you are used to SF's layout!
Yes, it follows the old MVS cabs setup.Am I right in assuming A = light punch B = light kick C = heavy punch D = heavy kick? I'm fighting game trash who still picks up all the new fighting games. I'm pretty lost with XIV at the moment.
Is the Art of Fighting ending just them doing BBQ and Ryo and Butt being mad at that?
so have anyone found all of the team edits?
Team Dragons: Ryo, Mui Mui, Kensou
Team Tigers: Ramon, Joe, Robert
Team Old Masters: Tung, Gang Il, Chin
Team Beautiful Hair: Nakoruru, Athena, Kula
Team Tung's Disciples: Terry, Geese, Shun'ei
Team Lucky 7's: Mui Mui, Love Heart, Alice
Team Birds: Zarina, Nakoruru, King of Dinosaurs
Team NESTs Girls: Sylvie, Kula, Angel
Team Ninjas: Andy, Mai, Bandeiras
Some guys at GameFAQs are working on it and have found a whole bunch, with only one more team remaining:
Edit: Although worth pointing out these may not be 100% accurate. I'm trying to follow that thread I linked for updates, so sorry if it's not spot on.
Any US East coast players here by the way ?
Yeah. I'm from New York City