Lights and Waves
The story mode endings are seriously so freaking cute. I'm enjoying just doing 1-2 a day and making my way through all of them.
Thank you to you and Xevren!He has an air parry, so why not? It's not something you greedily rely on, but using it as a thing to put people on notice, so that they stop jumping in with Normals Abuse is a solid strat.
Geese can get parries off during pressure strings pretty nicely, and his SDM counter hits like a truck and guards his entire body CS Sweeps, Jump-ins, everything "physical" thing. His footsie normals ain't all that great, so his parries are even more important than they'd be if he had a far reaching st.B or such.
The character interactions in this game in general are so entertaining. It's something I've always liked about SNK, even if it ended up being hidden behind... interesting translations in the old days.The story mode endings are seriously so freaking cute. I'm enjoying just doing 1-2 a day and making my way through all of them.
Thank you to you and Xevren!
Ok, so what is my goal with Geese? I know he can zone a bit, has good supers, and has the SRK + P move after a knock down. But what is the optimal way to play him? I'm too much of a Street Fighter player, if that makes sense. I always feel like I'm playing this game wrong.
Posted in the previous page:
Look like Kensou and Mui Mui are going on a date - forget Sylvie, the dragon gal is bringing Athena's age to an end.
So Andy and Mai live together now!Posted in the previous page:
Look like Kensou and Mui Mui are going on a date - forget Sylvie, the dragon gal is bringing Athena's age to an end.
Watch the following interaction, Kensou is still crazy for Athena.Posted in the previous page:
Look like Kensou and Mui Mui are going on a date - forget Sylvie, the dragon gal is bringing Athena's age to an end.
I just finished KOFXIV's trials. Which doesn't much since the trial mode has easier trials than your usual 2 bar bnb for any given character.
I know XIII's trials were brutal but these erred a bit too much on the easy side. The only one's I had trouble with were Angel's and Nelson's trials and those mostly because of how unorthodox their controls are compared to the rest. I mean, I thought trials were more of representation of what's possible in the engine rather than just "here's a combo, here's a combo with a super cancel, here's combo with a max cancel into super..."
Food for thought. Does Kula and K' fit the shoto model?
Watch the following interaction, Kensou is still crazy for Athena.
I love how Billy cut the conversation short the minute Joe showed up. Clearly Billy's still salty that Joe's dating his sister.
Also, there's no mention of Robert & Yuri's relationship? In fact, it seems as though Robert's taken on more of a mentor role concerning Yuri. I get that he can't marry her without incurring the wrath of Ryo, but still. Then again, I believe it's been downplayed for most of the KoF games.
Amazing, thank you! Do you know if Geese's QCB+P palm attack is safe on block?MatchMaking Spreadsheet Updated.
Add this link as well as the new names to the OP when you can, Tizoc!
Not a problem! I don't know about the optimal way to play him, but here are some notes, at least:
- qcb+ A can combo from light crouching punches. So 2 crouching weak punches into it is among his best weak attack, meterless conversions. Which isn't all that great, but it's good to use.
- Cr. C is slower that close C (so doesnt' use it after landing jump-ins) but it has nice range, is an OK anti-air/hop check, and can be combo'd out of by specials / his f+A command normal.
- F+A is a great surprise overhead when done by itself, and a combo-fodder tool when done off close / crouch C attacks. You'll be surprised how often people fall for the overhead when you chase after their recoveries and meaty it into their wakeups.
-His Jumping / Hopping C, the "Pattycake" can hit like 3 times out of a hop. Honestly, people don't expect this too much, and they're all air moves, so if they think you'll hit 2 times, and then try to block the predicited low moves upon landing... while you're STILL in the air, here's a free opening!
- Cr.D -> F+B command normal can be cancelled into DP+P. Even though his sweep isnt' a hard knockdown, this allows you to chase after the sweep, and get the OTG throw even at mid screen, in the few ground frames before an opponent can tech. Even if you don't go for the throw, this lets you chase after someone who recovery rolls, and apply an OK block string if you don't hit.
- Much like with the trick above, there are a few frames on knockdown where OTGs will work, if an opponent falls into them. Hence you can OTG with RAIZING STOOORRRM. DP OTG, or Raigou Reppuken on sweeps, or the knockdown from be qcb+C->f+P in the corner, if you like.
- Normal Air fireball Shippu Ken is kinda roll bait. Geese recovers hella slow from it, but it's good to stop jumps or change trajectory. But don't forget about the EX one, which lets him keep his momentum while jumping with it.
- Don't forget weak hop normals. Hoping over a PREDICTABO sweep and hitting with a swift A or B can get you a nice quick combo quite often.
- His mid-blow counter switches sides, and leave opponents open for combos. Just keep that in mid, in case you catch a few obvious pokes with it.
That's the stuff I keep in mind, without going into his MAX mode options.
Safe-ish, at least. Even the furthest retreats can be punished by some things, so I won't pretend I'm 100% sure, but it's the option I'd go for on block. ...If I'm not trying to trick people with overheads.Amazing, thank you! Do you know if Geese's QCB+P palm attack is safe on block?
Here's some general Notes that still apply to XIV:
Fastest normal is usually 4 frames. With most characters it's their close C or close D, with some it's a light normal.
Dps are usually 4 or 5 frames, EXs can be quicker (3 frames) but that's rare.
Rekkas on block are generally -7/-8 but they're really hard to punish, in most cases you need a very specific move and with some characters they can only punish with meter.
Light projectiles usually have more startup but stupid fast recovery, where even if you block it point blank they'll still be safe.
Heavy versions are quicker in travelling and startup but have actual recovery.
Crouching lights can range from -1 to +4 on block, heavies generally lean to have more negative frames but usually safe if spaced.
Sweeps are generally negative, but with most characters they are block or whiff cancellable so you won't really many chances to punish raw ones.
Blowbacks are + on block, or at the very least even. Deep air blowbacks are very +, enough to get a free hop mixup after.
Anything invincible is generally death on block, but in some cases the punish needs some effort (eg: K's or Kula's dp. You need to run after it to be close enough to punish heavily)
If you want something specific, best way to get an "estimate" is using the "1 guard jump" setting in training mode. Do the move and let the cpu block then hold up, whoever jumps first is at advantage, if you or the cpu are much higher that means the move is vastly + or - on block.
Hopefully that helps.
Amazing, thank you! Do you know if Geese's QCB+P palm attack is safe on block?
I'm messing around w/ Sylvie and while I like her game, I wish they gave her one rangy normal that connects into a special. She feels like a corner monster, but 1. You have to get them there and 2. Who isn't a corner monster in KoF?
I've got some time right now, anyone on the East Coast for some quick matches ?
I'm messing around w/ Sylvie and while I like her game, I wish they gave her one rangy normal that connects into a special. She feels like a corner monster, but 1. You have to get them there and 2. Who isn't a corner monster in KoF?
>vs. Angel: You won't build any muscle fooling around. Challenge yourself for real!
>vs. Antonov: I'm gonna take that shiny belt!
>vs. Athena: My heart breaks, having defeated justice...Could it be that my heroic heart is crying out?!
>vs. Bandeiras: Not good enough! I was already defeating ninjas some 65, 000, 000 years ago.
>vs. Chang: Your flesh is chewy...But you are not tasty at all, you scum!
>vs. Clark: A hastily put together wrestler like you is no match for a king of dinosaurs like me!
>vs. Daimon: If you weren't so good at recovering, there'd be no way for you to remain unscathed.
>vs. Geese: Face justice evildoer! Wait, no, face evil's judgement! GRRR!
>vs. K': A predator like you is no match for a dinosaur!
>vs. Kim: These fangs will crush your sense of justice to pieces.
>vs. King: Those Muay Thai kicks are powerless against a dinosaur!
>vs. Meitenkun: You're gonna cry at night thinking about how scary I am, aren't you? Wahahaha!
>vs. Mian: A suspicious masked fighter! I have punished you!
>vs. Nakoruru: This dinosaur strength is unmatched, surpassing even nature itself!
>vs. Nelson: See that boxer?! THAT was a proper ending! GRR!
>vs. Ramon: The true battle to be the best in Mexico! Viva Mexico!
>vs. Terry: Seems like you've already fought a real wrestler before! I bet he was really strong!
>vs. Verse: You flashy idiot! I won't allow you to steal all the attention of the audience!
>vs. Vice: I win in strength. That's because dinosaurs have the maximum in muscles, snake lady!
>vs. Yuri: Dinosaurs are stronger than dragons and tigers! GRRR!
>vs. Antonov: YAY, I got the belt!! Hmm, How much you think is worth?
>vs. Bandeiras: Hey ninja! Is that outfit the only thing cool about you?
>vs. Choi: You make those nails yourself? Aren't they a little dull?
>vs. Gang Il: Hey, Old man! You act pretty big! But can you handle a young girl like me in that state?
>vs. Geese: Isn't a little greedy trying to be a strong fighter and a business man while also maintaining a name as notorious villian?
>vs. Iori: Hmmm, something's lacking...Ah right, what's lacking is your screams!
>vs. K': Hmph, what a letdown...Right now, you're nowhere near as good as me.
>vs. Kensou: Still haven't realized all of your power?
>vs. Kula: You're still a little kid. You haven't changed at all since then.
>vs. Kukri: Can you get a clear look at how cute I am with your hood up like that?
>vs. Kyo: I thought the real deal would've been stronger...Too bad; what a letdown.
>vs. Leona: Maybe it'd be better if you took life a little bit easier?
>vs. Mai: Unlike me, that playful cuteness of yours doesn't hold up.
>vs. Nakoruru: Using an animal to fight me! Playing dirty is no good!
>vs. Ramon: Trying to go easy on me by covering that eye? ...I'm not so weak that you can win that way.
>vs Shun'ei: With those headphones on, you can't hear my beautiful voice.
>vs. Sylvie: Who on earth paid to make you...? Not that you can hear me anymore. Too bad.
>vs. Terry: The way you lose looks so good! You really are a star!
>vs. Verse: Lots of hands, lots of fire, this thing is completely absurd *Pouts*
>vs. Yuri: You're cute but I'm the strongest cute one.
Can you MAX cancel out of specials, or only normals?
Tried Meitenkun in a few matches and he can be pretty effective on even a basic level. His normals look solid but his cr. HP being the sweep kept throwing me off (especially since his cr. D, which I kept doing by mistake, has crap horizontal range). His level 1 charge time feels fast even by KOF standards.
I also showed him to my friend (a non gamer) and she really liked his sleepy animations. I thought she would call his design girly but she just said that he was very pretty.
Her far LK is cancellable, you can combo it into QCF+P and then hit confirm into super from there.
Has there been any update as to when we should be expecting the patch? I haven't really played since beginning of last week due to some pretty meh connection. Hopefully it isn't delayed because of the 3 character online glitch.
3 character online glitch.
What is this?
I tried it 2 times successfully.
step1. Select 2 characters first.
step2. Wait unit the last second.
step3. Select the registered team.
step4. You can use NAKORURU three times!
But it failed if I change the member of registered team.
there are still some unknown conditions haven't tried.
Hmmm, sure, I'll give it a shot.
Triple Nakoruru
Instructions on how to do it are in one of the comment replies:
Triple Nakoruru
IndeedOnce the patch hits we should play some o/
Just picked up the game and I am loving the old school feel. I am pretty garbage at 2D fighters but the video in the OP is helping me understand some KOF fundamentals. Anyone have other resources to recommend that will help me learn, or recommendations for beginner characters? ie who is the Ryu of KOF that will help me learn basics?
Just picked up the game and I am loving the old school feel. I am pretty garbage at 2D fighters but the video in the OP is helping me understand some KOF fundamentals. Anyone have other resources to recommend that will help me learn, or recommendations for beginner characters? ie who is the Ryu of KOF that will help me learn basics?
Just don't try Angel lol.
Not yet. I'm waiting for it to go on sale.Can you buy Nightmare Geese?
Well, it froze on us ^^
GGs, I had some slowdown, I missed A LOT of specials, confirms, etc lol. Must do the input too fast
And they killed Andy shoryu, incredible. It really doesn't have any more invincibility frames...
SRK's in general seem less invincible in the game... And as you saw a few times, V-Slasher with Leona isn't absolute at all anymore, and traded 100% more than it ever would have in the past (since it was always generally impossible, lol.) Semi-safety is a big deal in the game, but absolute invulnerability is few and far between. And I REALLY miss Maxima's Full-Body-Bubble Guardpoint on DM Vapor Cannon, lol. You sweeped me out of it a few times, and that made me quite sad, lol. K.O.D has more body-covering GPs... And even on normals!![]()
I understand they reduced the invul on the supers across the board. But not on the shoryus. Terry normal Rising tackle still got his invul. Sie kensou dragon still has. Iori, K', Kyo, Athena, Robert, Ryo, Kim... None of them lose against simple normals on wake up or jumping normals. There is no point zoning with him when all his moves can be stuffed and especially the move who is crucial to his style. He doesn't even have overhead or command grab. He got even less range on his normals ! The guy got fucked lol.
I'll be back to Sie Kensou on point !
I think Andy is suppose to get more use out of that command normal dive + the fact he can basically break Kuuhadan at 2 different points (on the ground and in the air... both which can be used to extend combos / add safety) + the fact he can mess opponent anti-airs better than anyone, with his quick un-jump. He's definitely not as scummy as his 2K2UM dive 50/50s and command unblockable, though, ha.