...You do know that her storyline isn't finished as of Zero and continues (at least) into Ao, right?
I didn't.
...You do know that her storyline isn't finished as of Zero and continues (at least) into Ao, right?
The more I see of 3rd the more I want it. I was pretty adamant about dismissing it as a Persona 3 FES type dungeon crawler but it seems a lot meatier than that.
how did i even miss this topic!
Just watched the Prologue translated on youtube
It looks friggin awesome and damn does it connect immediately to everything that came before and after.
Fucking assholes say Cold Steel is a good standalone jumping point for the series but WTF is so ingrained!
Falcom made CS specifically for it to be a jumping in point for a new audience. I get where you're coming from but it's not wrong.
Well, the realistic deal is that Falcom wants the US to be caught up with Japan on Kiseki and the only way to do that was to get moving on Cold Steel. It seems like they didn't have much of a choice in skipping 3rd/Zero/Ao. Also, while 3rd can come out later on Steam. Zero/Ao in 2-5 years would come out in the US on...psp and psp is not going to be a viable release platform in the US in 2-5 years, which is obviously problematic. So since they can't bring out 3rd/Zero/Ao, might as well say they're unimportant and leave people feeling less bad about missing them.
I think maybe the best solution would be 3rd coming out on Steam after CS2/3, and then at some point Falcom re-releases Zero/Ao on PS4 as a remaster and the game can come over then.
Well, some of Zero is translated here, but it stops midway through.Ouch
If only they were raking in enough cash to expand and translate faster... if it would even translate to being more efficient with more people
I suppose I would be happy with just a detailed synopsis at this point lol
the majority of the content is standalone but all the most interesting parts of Cold Steel are what ties everything together.
Well, some of Zero is translated here, but it stops midway through.
I still think we'll get the three missing links someday. Falcom just wanted us to play catch up while the Vita/PS3 were still somewhat relevant. It makes sense, because if they focused on 3rd/Zero/Ao before Cold Steel we would likely have never seen Cold Steel at all, since it doesn't have a PC version and its systems would be long dead by the time they could realistically start working on it. It's an alternate way of viewing the story - just be glad Cold Steel isn't a direct sequel to Ao and instead happens during the same timeframe.
If Cold Steel III is PS4, it could always be put on the backburner while Zero/Ao were worked on. I know there's apparently 1000000000 issues around the PC versions of these games, but hypoethetically speaking, I wouldn't be averse to going CS -> CSII -> Crossbell duology -> CSIII.Yeah, I share some of this optimism, although perhaps more on the wishful side for the Crossbell games. I'm hoping we can get the 3rd in a reasonable time frame.
One fear that I have right now is that Cold Steel III will heavily spoil/rely on Ao. That would create a potentially tricky situation for XSEED and for the fans.
One fear that I have right now is that Cold Steel III will heavily spoil/rely on Ao. That would create a potentially tricky situation for XSEED and for the fans.
On top of that, there's a ton of 'unspoken, read between the lines' callbacks to 3rd throughout Cold Steel.
I've been watching someone play Cold Steel for the first time after he marathoned through SC ~ Ao and he's having paranoia moments over little design touches involving the old school building and so forth, related back to 3rd.
(As a heads up, if you wish to avoid it, the two images are from early Sen + a late game 'map' from 3rd.)
Here's a link to one of his observations:
Another observation I've personally made:
3rd's title screen:
Cold Steel, chp 4:
The most frustrating thing about stuff like these is that there's never any comment on these kinds of connections, but we do know that Falcom does a lot of subtle storytelling in the game's engine, too. Storytelling-wise, one of the important things I think 3rd teaches you is to look for the stuff that's "between the lines."
This is especially important because 3rd has two protagonists who don't need to learn about the world, which you didn't have with Estelle through FC. They could use Estelle being an idiot as an excuse to teach you something about Zemuria. You don't really get that opportunity with Kevin and Ries.
And even now. I'm playing through 3rd now, and I'm seeing things and recognizing subtle comments in dialogue that I never noticed before that make me rethink things about the later games. 3rd really is a brilliant title. Not only is it seeding so much information in an incredible and brilliant way, I think it's proof that Falcom has pretty much known the direction this series is going to go for a long time.
The connections are everywhere both explicit () and subtle like the examples you postedScarlet
Oh, that spoiler is something else entirely! ...and I'm not even sure where it goes yet.![]()
Well after watching the 3rd prologue ... I was like THATS fucking Ries but of course she mentions she has a damn sister... so yeah
Apparently though its never explicitly stated that Scarlet is Rufina Argent?
Scarlet can't be Rufina. I think there were some amazing crack theories regarding this, but Sen II does dash this idea completely.
3rd, however, also basically gives you the details for Rufina and what's happened with her, and the templar sword that both Ries and Scarlet use are apparently one of the weapons a Gralsritter might wield.
So did Scarlet steal one of was she once affliated with the church? You dont need to spoil it for me but seems crazy to give he a damn Templar blade for no reason
It's not without reason, don't worry. But you get your answer in Cold Steel II.
Im gonna guess shes a heretic at this point and pray Kevin shows up to take her number lol
I can make you a list, but... You played through FC, SC and Cold Steel yourself, right?Kevin is busy in Crossbell during Sen II, unfortunately
I wish there was a list of all known Ouroboros members/members of the Church WITHOUT Zero/Ao spoilers, haha. Those pages taunt me on the wiki. ._.
So I just finished The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky and currently downloading FC (which I bought on this sale almost at full price because I was loving the first one so much), I really liked the game it has that JRPG magic I thought it was forgotten in the PSX/PS2 era.
Does the second chapter finish Estelle story or I will be waiting years before I see the conclusion on the third chapter?
After I finish with Zero no Kiseki, should I go back to the 3rd or proceed and finish Ao no Kiseki ?
I have no hesitation whatsoever in saying 'absolutely.' You'll find some of the scenes to have a lot more meaning to them, in a sense, if you have context from 3rd going on them.
Yeah, I finished all three English games. And eh, don't worry about it. I'm mostly just interested in knowing how many blanks there are to fill in. Like, The Enforcers go up to 15 as far as we know, so there's obviously a handful that haven't been revealed yet.I can make you a list, but... You played through FC, SC and Cold Steel yourself, right?
My original idea for the Wikia was to use games specific spoiler tags so that users themselves could personalise and control its contents. Turned out to be more complex than I hoped, heh.
I'll write down about whose existence we know, not what we know and from what games they're from. Like: "Ouroboros known: 0, 2, etc."Yeah, I finished all three English games. And eh, don't worry about it. I'm mostly just interested in knowing how many blanks there are to fill in. Like, The Enforcers go up to 15 as far as we know, so there's obviously a handful that haven't been revealed yet.
I'll write down about whose existence we know, not what we know and from what games they're from. Like: "Ouroboros known: 0, 2, etc."
Septian Church
Dominion:The first (and support), the second (and support), the fifth (and support), the eighth, and the ninth (and support). We don't know whether all seats are occupied.
Anguis:Legion:The second, the third, the sixth and the seventh. Only (strong) suspicions about one, four and five.__0, I, II, VI, VIII, IX, X, XIII, XV, and a new, still unnumbered one.
Considering the teaser, I'm almost certain Cold Steel III will take place after II. I don't expect it to start earlier than II's second half.
I'll write down about whose existence we know, not what we know and from what games they're from. Like: "Ouroboros known: 0, 2, etc."
Septian Church
Dominion:The first (and support), the second (and support), the fifth (and support), the eighth, and the ninth (and support). We don't know whether all seats are occupied.
Anguis:Legion:The second, the third, the sixth and the seventh. Only (strong) suspicions about one, four and five.__0, I, II, VI, VIII, IX, X, XIII, XV, and a new, still unnumbered one.
Considering the teaser, I'm almost certain Cold Steel III will take place after II. I don't expect it to start earlier than II's second half.
In the Legion portion, when you say, do you meannew, unnumbered oneor aa revealed Enforcer who hasn't announced his numberLegion candidate, just like Renne was and what Weissman proposed Estelle to be?
(some 3rd reveals)Also, curious to know what the suspicions are onthe unrevealed Anguis, unless it's heavy from Ao/CS2 plot details.
That's right. And I understand why they settled on Enforcer rather than Legion -- since Legion signifies a group rather than an individual -- but since Falcom consistently has it read as 'Legion', I'm sticking with that.Nitpicky, but isn't it Enforcer instead of Legion as of the English version of Second Chapter? I want to say Xseed even retroactively updated the PC version of First Chapter to change it from Legion to Enforcer, but I'm not sure if I'm right on that or not. Some clarification on the terminology would be appreciated.
Ao no Kiseki Evo
Post ch.2, pre ch.3
Man, the intermission suckssss. Stopping the story to have a bunch of boring ass swimsuit fanservice filler is zzzzzz. Hard to play it for more than about 15 mins at a time because it seriously puts me to sleep.
I'm kind of worried about the fanservice direction Kiseki is going. I get the feeling Cold Steel is gonna have even more stupid animu stuff like Let's Go to the Beach event!
I guess SC still had the Onsen quest, but at least it was a quest and it felt a lot more goofy/funny and random than the "which girl are you going to lather with suntan lotion" crap in Ao.
Can't wait to finish the intermission and get back to the main story!
One secondary character bit I might have missed in SC but that seems explained in CS early on regarding a sword fighting schoolthey make a big deal of Rean's Eight Leaves techniques, because only the Ka-Fai school teaches it. I remembered Annelace uses a similar technique, so I assume that means Annelace was part of that school too and is a bigger shot than I thought? Is this mentioned in FC or SC?
Ao no Kiseki Evo
Post ch.2, pre ch.3
Can't wait to finish the intermission and get back to the main story!
From the top of my head:Going from SC to Cold Steel, I was favorably impressed with a number of system changes and quality-of-life tuning. So I wonder when they first appeared, between 3rd and CS, and I figure this is the best place to ask. I'm talking about stuff like:
- fast travel in towns
- a dash button on top of the default running stance
- the ability to skip animations during fights
- a map available everywhere, including dungeons, paired with an orbal ability to see chests on the map.
I also noticed a paradigm shift in equipment and quartzes, where the tradeoff approach of "boost x stat but decrease y" seems gone. I'm not listing this as a positive because I'm honestly ambivalent about it.
The other thing I miss from FC/SC is the ability to overlay directions while on the field. I liked knowing in one click that if I kept going that way, I'd reach Whatever Gate while going the other way sent me to Something Tower. If anything, I wish more games did it.
I assume links are new to Sen, considering their explanation is that they rely on the ARCUS system, but are counters a new thing too?
One secondary character bit I might have missed in SC but that seems explained in CS early on regarding a sword fighting schoolthey make a big deal of Rean's Eight Leaves techniques, because only the Ka-Fai school teaches it. I remembered Annelace uses a similar technique, so I assume that means Annelace was part of that school too and is a bigger shot than I thought? Is this mentioned in FC or SC?
- S-Craft Animations can be skipped since Zero;
Though I have not played 3rd, from what I've understood from some of the tidbits I've read about it & the way people comment on its importance & connectedness to pretty much everything, isn't the best way to describe it that it acts as a kind of bridge between Trails in the Sky FC + SC and pretty much everything that comes afterwards, rather than being "just" an epilogue? So while it expands on some stuff that's already talked about in the first two games, it also introduces quite a lot of completely new plot threads that will be more or less important in both the Zero + Blue duology as well as the Cold Steel trilogy. I mean, epilogues can and often do set up future storylines in fiction, but isn't 3rd kind of too far removed from FC & SC (i.e. focuses on different main characters, whole new setting) & the new story stuff a bit too significant that calling it an epilogue doesn't quite do it justice? To me it sounds like rather than Trails in the Sky 3rd, the game should've been called something like Trails to the Future with just how much it is seemingly focused on setting up subsequent games.FC/SC are a self-contained duology. The 3rd game is a really big deal, but it's not about Estelle anymore and even though it's an awesome game with a ton of really important plot stuff, it's 'introducing new things and new plot threads for the games after it' more than it is 'we didn't resolve this from FC/SC.' Basically, it's an epilogue.
Damn, I knew I had seen that technique elsewhereErm... I kinda want to answer this, but in hindsight, I can't remember where and when exactly were the reveals made. =/
FC spoilerOne of the practitioners of Eight Leaves One Blade is Alan Richards, and we learn that he was taught by Cassius, whom yes, being a [Divine Blade], means he is one of the master-class practitioners of Eight Leaves One Blade.
Yeah, it was always a bit frustrating to sacrifice stats for others, because you intuitively want to max everything, but that allowed for better balance and took more dedication in character builds. That's why I'm ambivalent, I always groaned when faced with these maluses, but I find I'm almost missing them now.The paradigm shift in equipment and quartzes you describe seems to be part of the ARCUS orbment system. Up to the ENIGMA-II system used in Ao before it, it followed the basics introduced in FC. Cold Steel tried to make the system more accessible to newcomers, but veterans of the series generally consider it to be a step back.
Whoa. Where does that bit of lore appear? Did I somehow miss it in SC or is it detailed in 3rd ?About your spoiler: Ka-fai is Anelace's grandfather.
Going from SC to Cold Steel, I was favorably impressed with a number of system changes and quality-of-life tuning. So I wonder when they first appeared, between 3rd and CS, and I figure this is the best place to ask. I'm talking about stuff like:
- fast travel in towns
- a dash button on top of the default running stance
- the ability to skip animations during fights
- a map available everywhere, including dungeons, paired with an orbal ability to see chests on the map.
I also noticed a paradigm shift in equipment and quartzes, where the tradeoff approach of "boost x stat but decrease y" seems gone. I'm not listing this as a positive because I'm honestly ambivalent about it.
The other thing I miss from FC/SC is the ability to overlay directions while on the field. I liked knowing in one click that if I kept going that way, I'd reach Whatever Gate while going the other way sent me to Something Tower. If anything, I wish more games did it.
I assume links are new to Sen, considering their explanation is that they rely on the ARCUS system, but are counters a new thing too?
One secondary character bit I might have missed in SC but that seems explained in CS early on regarding a sword fighting schoolthey make a big deal of Rean's Eight Leaves techniques, because only the Ka-Fai school teaches it. I remembered Annelace uses a similar technique, so I assume that means Annelace was part of that school too and is a bigger shot than I thought? Is this mentioned in FC or SC?
The website for Trails in the Sky SC hints at it under Anelace's profile. If it's not outright stated in SC, it is in one of The 3rd's side stories.Whoa. Where does that bit of lore appear? Did I somehow miss it in SC or is it detailed in 3rd ?
The website for Trails in the Sky SC hints at it under Anelace's profile. If it's not outright stated in SC, it is in one of The 3rd's side stories.
(some 3rd reveals)The First: Dan Russell, Tita's father. They share voice actors. He left Liberl right before the execution of the Gospel Plan started and returned soon after it was completed. Both speak in a polite manner. We know Dan used to be a highly skilled Bo staff fighter before retiring from Guild after an unspecified injury.
(some 3rd reveals)The First: Dan Russell, Tita's father. They share voice actors. He left Liberl right before the execution of the Gospel Plan started and returned soon after it was completed. Both speak in a polite manner. We know Dan used to be a highly skilled Bo staff fighter before retiring from Guild after an unspecified injury.
(minor 3rd reveals)He's immediate presence during the Salt Pillar incident has me the believe he is the cause of that incident and earned him his alias.
That 1st spoilerculation, whew.
=PWell, that would be something of a twist if it turns out Dan is really an Anguis. Though I guess if that's the case, it's the perfect scenario for Agate to get Erica's approval lol
I would be devastated if that happened.
From what we see of Tita, she's so close to both of her parents.Her dad being an Anguis would be awful.