NookGaming - 10/10
Noisy Pixel - 9.5/10
NintendoWorldReport - 8.5/10
Final Weapon - 8/10
Destructoid - 8/10
Push Square - 7/10
Nintendo Life - 7/10
The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails is one of those rare, utterly exceptional games that leaves me at a loss for words upon completion. It’s a crime that this game took as long as it did to come westward, but better late than never. Better still is that it stands tall like a well-aged wine. Nayuta’s tale deftly weaves all of developer Falcom’s best talents into a single emotional and fun-filled synthesis.Crunchy, satisfying combat and platforming is strengthened further by an incredibly fun progression system that gives you more even after the credits roll. The story is imagination-filled, emotional, and left me so content that I shed some tears at its ending. I could list some nitpicks I had with the game, but they mean nothing in the face of how otherwise accomplished this package is. If you're looking for the single, shining example of what Falcom excels at, this is the game you look to.
Noisy Pixel - 9.5/10
NintendoWorldReport - 8.5/10
With a fairly enjoyable main narrative that plays second fiddle to engaging gameplay and effective presentation, The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails may be slight in terms of length when compared to other Trails games, but it's a spinoff that matches them in quality and enjoyment. There's something compelling about its relative simplicity and all of the small things you can do from moment to moment that all complement each other and help your character progress, both in terms of story and capability. With Ys and the Trails games typically being separated into action and turn-based combat, respectively, I'd love to see either series experiment with the other form given how well it comes off in Boundless Trails. Young Nayuta's adventure is well worth experiencing for yourself; just don't forget to pack a lunch.
Final Weapon - 8/10
The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails brings a vastly different experience compared to other Trails games, but it's a true Falcom title that will captivate players all the same. From an otherworldly setting with dozens of levels to a simple gameplay system that evolves with progression, Falcom presents a very fun action RPG with high replay value, and intriguing story/lore, and a pleasant cast of characters.
Destructoid - 8/10
The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails is pure gaming comfort food. Its mix of action, platforming, and RPG is too pleasant to resist, especially accompanied by its fantastic soundtrack. It certainly shows its age, and especially its portable origins. But that aside, Nayuta’s tale captures an authentic spirit of classic RPGs that I found as charming as I did entertaining. I’m sure fans of Falcom’s work have this one pre-ordered already, but even if you aren’t in that fandom, give this one a look.
Push Square - 7/10
The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails is an effortlessly charming action RPG. Even though the story struggles to engage, there's so much to like about the game's hectic mix of hack-and-slash combat and responsive platforming. An easy recommendation for fans of Ys, or fast-paced, skill-based action titles in general.
Nintendo Life - 7/10
The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails is a fun action RPG that takes elements of the wider series it's based on and crafts something unique. The minute-to-minute gameplay is also engaging, although with some minor platforming frustrations here and there. While the story may be simplistic and not as politically engrossing as the mainline Trails games, the heartfelt cast of characters and side quests help flesh out its world.

The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails Reviews
The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails is rated 'Strong' after being reviewed by 36 critics, with an overall average score of 79. It's ranked in the top 25% of games and recommended by 72%...

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