The Legend of Zelda live-action film will release worldwide March 26, 2027


Just announced today via the new Nintendo Today app.

Kind of wish this was a CGI movie like the excellent Super Mario movie as that perfectly captured the essence of the video game it was based on in my opinion. Hard to imagine what a live action Zelda movie would look like with Link played by an actor. I'm expecting to be underwhelmed.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Tom Holland. With that chick from Mad Max as Zelda, Jack Black as the Great Deku Tree and The Rock as Epona.
Tom Holland as Link isn’t even that outlandish.

I wonder if he’ll speak with a British accent. Also will it be just fantasy like LOTR or comedy/fantasy?


Gold Member
Kind of wish this was a CGI movie like the excellent Super Mario movie as that perfectly captured the essence of the video game it was based on in my opinion. Hard to imagine what a live action Zelda movie would look like with Link played by an actor. I'm expecting to be underwhelmed.
I’d guess it’ll basically be CGI considering even “realistic” movies these days are made up of 95% special effects.

But yeah, I’d have expected them to go the animated route as well.

Very curious to see what this will look like..


Gold Member
Haha, can you imagine the creative control freakery Nintendo will demand on the script and director..
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Bound to be nothing more than two hours of shallow iconography studded with overplayed Hollywood twots. And, yeah, there's no way it'll launch to largely middling reviews offset by bumper box office takings, mostly driven by starry-eyed thirty-somethings who 'want to make up their own minds' or are 'seeing it with the kids'. Oh, and folks who are like:

"When the Great Deku Tree died, I was literally in pieces..."
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Gold Member
Link will be a kid. It's got to be a kids movie. No one else will take it seriously. Or do Ocarina where he's a kid and an adult.

Damn looking at shrunk and digitally deaged Tom Holland for half the movie will be awkward.

Kind of wish this was a CGI movie like the excellent Super Mario movie as that perfectly captured the essence of the video game it was based on in my opinion. Hard to imagine what a live action Zelda movie would look like with Link played by an actor. I'm expecting to be underwhelmed.

In an ideal world this would be a high budget 2D animated movie.
Imagine the world of Zelda represented with some Ghibli tier background work and attention to detail



Nintendo has the budget for it and Zelda has the brand recognition and appeal for audiences to show up.
Instead we'll get some awkward live action movie

I mean fuck hire the people that made the Oregon travel ads and given $300 million
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I kind of wish they'd go CG with this. That way we wouldn't have to try to force ourselves to accept a specific actor or actress into the mold of THIS IS LINK AND ZELDA. DEAL WITH IT. They could just make them look exactly like the video game.


Damn looking at shrunk and digitally deaged Tom Holland for half the movie will be awkward.

In an ideal world this would be a high budget 2 animated movie.
Imagine the world of Zelda represented with some Ghibli tier background work and attention to detail



Nintendo has the budget for it and Zelda has the brand recognition and appeal for audiences to show up.
Instead we'll get some awkward live action movie

I mean fuck hire the people that made the Oregon travel ads and given $300 million

This is how it would be done if Nintendo had any taste and artistic vision.
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