A second season The adventures of Baby Yoda and his Dad has been confirmed by Jon Favreau himself for Fall 2020. With that said, what's on your list of things you'd like to see next?
For me, I'd like:
A third crewmember on the Razor Crest. While Mando and Baby Yoda as a pair works, it would be nice to have another crewmate with whom he can banter with. I liked the interactions he had with Cara Dune, Kuiil and even IG-11. A droid as a new crewmate would be a hoot just to show that Mando is still uncomfortable with the idea of droids even after IG-11 sacrificed himself. As an alternative though, the crewmate could be...
A recurring Jedi character. As far as we know, Luke is the only Jedi in the galaxy after the fall of the Empire (though Rebels confirms Ahsoka Tano is still alive by this time). But what if they introduce a new Jedi character who's been in hiding since the fall of the Republic? If this Jedi meets up with Mando, he would see the potential of Baby Yoda and would probably want to take him off the latter's hand. That would be a good source of drama and conflict. Mando would become wary of the Jedi's motives and wonder if they are the right people to take care of his charge.
Tag and Bink. Let's have one episode with full on comedy. Better yet, let's get the creator of the fan film TROOPS Kevin Rubio to direct an episode featuring his bumbling pair of misfits from the comics. I heard Tag and Bink were supposed to have a cameo in Solo but were cut. This could be a nice way for Disney to make up for that.
Boba Fett. This would be big if Favreau could pull this off. It would Boba's first live action appearance since Return of the Jedi and a definite confirmation that he survived the Sarlacc Pit. And I'm sure Temuera Morrison (Jango Fett) would be up to wearing the suit. Storywise, it'd be interesting to see how Mando would react to meeting this guy who his people have branded an imposter. And we'd get to see what Boba thinks of the Mandalorians in general. Not to mention the Empire is sure to hire him to recover the Child.
So how about it GAF? What else would you like to see in Season 2?
For me, I'd like:

A third crewmember on the Razor Crest. While Mando and Baby Yoda as a pair works, it would be nice to have another crewmate with whom he can banter with. I liked the interactions he had with Cara Dune, Kuiil and even IG-11. A droid as a new crewmate would be a hoot just to show that Mando is still uncomfortable with the idea of droids even after IG-11 sacrificed himself. As an alternative though, the crewmate could be...

A recurring Jedi character. As far as we know, Luke is the only Jedi in the galaxy after the fall of the Empire (though Rebels confirms Ahsoka Tano is still alive by this time). But what if they introduce a new Jedi character who's been in hiding since the fall of the Republic? If this Jedi meets up with Mando, he would see the potential of Baby Yoda and would probably want to take him off the latter's hand. That would be a good source of drama and conflict. Mando would become wary of the Jedi's motives and wonder if they are the right people to take care of his charge.

Tag and Bink. Let's have one episode with full on comedy. Better yet, let's get the creator of the fan film TROOPS Kevin Rubio to direct an episode featuring his bumbling pair of misfits from the comics. I heard Tag and Bink were supposed to have a cameo in Solo but were cut. This could be a nice way for Disney to make up for that.

Boba Fett. This would be big if Favreau could pull this off. It would Boba's first live action appearance since Return of the Jedi and a definite confirmation that he survived the Sarlacc Pit. And I'm sure Temuera Morrison (Jango Fett) would be up to wearing the suit. Storywise, it'd be interesting to see how Mando would react to meeting this guy who his people have branded an imposter. And we'd get to see what Boba thinks of the Mandalorians in general. Not to mention the Empire is sure to hire him to recover the Child.
So how about it GAF? What else would you like to see in Season 2?