I will post a brief prologue explaining the story. I will post a picture and two sentences beginning our epic tale. You will then be allowed to post any picture and any text as long as you connect the previous post to yours and the story has some resemblance of continuity. You are allowed no more than two sentences.
Seeming surrounded by FOGHATS, the rebel leader named Sympel makes a break for an abandoned warehouse and finds... A TIME MACHINE. (And scores 100 points!)
I will post a brief prologue explaining the story. I will post a picture and two sentences beginning our epic tale. You will then be allowed to post any picture and any text as long as you connect the previous post to yours and the story has some resemblance of continuity. You are allowed no more than two sentences.
It is the year 2099. Humans, no longer the dominant lifeform on Earth, have fled to the ruined cities of yesteryearm, persecuted by the evil FOGHATS. They are a robotic race of playtpuses hellbent on the destruction of man.
In the bowels of [enter city here], a rag-tag team of rebels and an ex-con with a big heart plan an scheme to steal a moving shipment of medical PEZ dispensers for the sick inhabitants of the subway dwellings.
They wait only for nightfall to attack...

Seeming surrounded by FOGHATS, the rebel leader named Sympel makes a break for an abandoned warehouse and finds... A TIME MACHINE. (And scores 100 points!)