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The Official NeoGAF "Introduce Yourself" Thread


Neo Member
Hello everyone, I am DukeOfX

Used to be an arcade rat in the 80's and 90's, while being an RPG machine at home.
40, still finding a balance between Retro and modern gaming, but mostly having fun.


Neo Member
Been lurking Gaf for the past 3 years but have finally decided to make an account. Whole forum seems so much more helpful, friendly and inviting, so I see this as the absolute best time to join.

Been gaming since I was about 3, with Pokemon Red & Streets of Rage being my first games.
Favourite games would include Fallout 3, Streets of Rage 2, Witcher 3, Skyrim & Castlevania SotN.
Generally a bit of a weirdo.
Also have a cat named Tinky.

Hoping to be part of Gaf for a long time to come, aslong as it'll accept me 😜


Neo Member
Hello GAF. I've been watching you for a long time. From the shadows. I know what you had for dinner last night. Anyway, I've finally built up the courage to speak to you... will you go out with me?

Btw, i like vidya games and chocolate and science. And I only listen to music made before the 23rd of October 1990.

lil puff

Hello GAF. I've been watching you for a long time. From the shadows. I know what you had for dinner last night. Anyway, I've finally built up the courage to speak to you... will you go out with me?

Btw, i like vidya games and chocolate and science. And I only listen to music made before the 23rd of October 1990.
you are cool, welcome. Be yourself


Been lurking Gaf for the past 3 years but have finally decided to make an account. Whole forum seems so much more helpful, friendly and inviting, so I see this as the absolute best time to join.

Been gaming since I was about 3, with Pokemon Red & Streets of Rage being my first games.
Favourite games would include Fallout 3, Streets of Rage 2, Witcher 3, Skyrim & Castlevania SotN.
Generally a bit of a weirdo.
Also have a cat named Tinky.

Hoping to be part of Gaf for a long time to come, aslong as it'll accept me 😜

What was better Final Fight or Streets of Rage?


Neo Member
Ayy, I'm a guy from Michigan who just joined NeoGAF. Never always got super involved in online forums, but I'm thinking this one will turn me around. Currently really into playing Bloodborne and Guns of Icarus: Alliance. The lore of Bloodborne is reeeaaally starting to suck me in and I see myself wanting to find more and more. Oh, I also make videos sometimes related to video games.

My favorite games though are Medal of Honor: Frontline, Spec Ops: The Line, and maaaaybe Arma 3? My tastes are so varied that the last pick definitely switches around a lot.
Ayy, I'm a guy from Michigan who just joined NeoGAF. Never always got super involved in online forums, but I'm thinking this one will turn me around. Currently really into playing Bloodborne and Guns of Icarus: Alliance. The lore of Bloodborne is reeeaaally starting to suck me in and I see myself wanting to find more and more. Oh, I also make videos sometimes related to video games.

My favorite games though are Medal of Honor: Frontline, Spec Ops: The Line, and maaaaybe Arma 3? My tastes are so varied that the last pick definitely switches around a lot.
Welcome. Glad you joined. Sit back and let us suck you in like Bloodborne lore... hope that doesn’t sound awful.
Hi, I'm Baskin Robbins and I just joined the site a day or two ago. I enjoy Cold Stone more than Baskin Robbins, but Baskin makes some great ice cream cakes! I like video games, horror movies and sci-fi stuff, anime and good food. My PC is down right now and I have no friends, well I do but they are all more successful than I am and live far away, so we only get to hang out sometimes!

I know I've been posting a lot but that is because I have nothing else to do (My PC was, is my everything hub) Well, other than working out and cooking and maybe reading or playing something on PS4.

Anyway I hope to get a long with everyone and hopefully contribute to some great discussions. Thanks. \\//


Neo Member
Hello GAF, for a while i've been wandering in the shadows, always trying to catch up on the news about games and everything else.
It's been fun and now i've decided to take part in it and maybe have some good conversations.

I'd really like to maybe understand more life by talking to people with different experiences from all over the world.
I really enjoy talking to people about life and all of the stuff that just happens to people, from the good stuff to the bad, i myself have been going through some bad times e maybe we can help each other with our knowledge combined.

Just a brazilian dude trying to get throught life the best he can :cool:


Hi, I'm surprised my account was even approved seeing as I used a gmail address to register (although this was before I read the T&Cs- my bad). I've been gaming for the best part of two decades and have been stalking you guys for around five years. By day I'm a doctor and by night I'm a weeb who likes to sit in the dark and watch anime.

I currently own a PS4 Pro, One X, Switch, PS3, 3DS and a Vita. I built my rig in 2012 with a i5-2500k, 8gb of DDR3 and an AMD 6850 (which is now a GTX 1060). I predominantly game on console where I can. My favourite series include Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Yakuza, The Elder Scrolls and Persona. My favourite food is pasta. I suffer from bad constipation.


Hello All,

I'm the kinda guy that knows more about gaming then I actually get to play.
I have a PS4 with several games I need to finish and Xbox 360 with plenty to play on there as well.
Hearthstone is probably what I play most often and other things on the weekend.
I love movies and have a lot of movie knowledge.
I really like all kinds of music as long as as it's high caliber, where the artist put some heart, time and soul into it.

Happy to give my 2 cents and respect the opinions of others.
About to turn 40 :( ... I used to be a member here for a bit back in 2014 and lurked before that. There was a point where things started to shift on this forum for the worse so I stopped coming after seeing countless people being banned for dumb things and people being dog piled for stating their views and I really don't dig that. Since the restructuring, I came back to lurk and seen that things have changed, and hopefully stays that way. I was hesitant about making a new account, but ultimately I decided to and so here I am.

I have been gaming since the Atari 2600/intellivison era and owned a NES, TG16, Genesis, SNES, PS1 etc and every computer from an apple iic to 8088 cga pc to a core i5. I mainly play pc, PS4, 3ds and vita. Love RPGS, Rougelikes, Strategy games, western style and Japanese, also love single player open world games. I don't care much for multiplayer besides an occasional call of duty/battlefield4 match but its rare that I do.

Right now I am working on God of War, Ni No Kuni 2, stardew valley and Dragon Quest VII. I have 1000s of games and too many I picked up played for hours and stopped playing. Hell I rarely finish anything I start as something else always catches my eye. The last game I beat was a $5.00 deal on PSN for a game that got panned by reviewers, Technomancer. I absolutely loved it. Games to look forward to are Dragon Quest XI and Red Dead 2.

Mr Hyde

Hello Neogaf! I am relatively new to this whole forum thing so I decided to give it a go. I´m not very familiar with Neogaf but it looked like a good choice for a beginner. I have of course heard of it, and that its central focus is gaming, but i´ve never delved deeper into it. I registered mainly because I don´t have anyone to talk to about games. While I´m trying to learn the ropes here with the rules and etiquettes I can tell you a little bit about myself.

I am just a regular guy from Sweden, in my mid-thirties, who likes to play a lot of games. I´m also very fond of writing, both in the swedish and english languages, whether it be a simple forum post on GAF, a blog, lyrics or something daunting like a novel (never been published though). I love writing, since it improves my skills with the languages I speak and help me create a better vocabulary and fluidity with words.

I mostly play on the PS4 nowadays, but I´m open to any sort of system, although I have a strong fondness for Sonys consoles. I believe this is the best generation since the days of PSX, with strong titles coming in from every corner of the earth. My favourite games on PS4 is Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, Final Fantasy XV, Dark Souls 3, Horizon, The Evil Within, Hyper Light Drifter, Resident Evil 7 and a lot more. I love them all.

I believe I´ll have a good time here on Neogaf, it seems like a friendly place to be at, and I´m looking forward to discuss games and other topics here on a daily basis.



Neo Member
PressPlayOnTape for one reason: that's how I started and did not stop until now.
Life is hard and I can't play that much than I used to - But still love it.
I'm an old member from the old site who quit visiting because of what was going on in the community over the last year. Watched it from afar and rejoined as this current user once I saw how much things had improved.

Anyway, I live in Michigan. Love shmups, fighting games, and Versus-puzzle games (in that order) more than any other genres, although I do play pretty much anything. Mostly a console gamer now. Sometimes handheld. Mostly retro (NES and newer) with a decent sized physical collection that I've tweaked and sold and bartered to get my favorites. Just got myself back under 600. Just recently got into learning about CRT repair and mods. I own SCART cables, miscellaneous arcade buttons, square gates for joysticks, and other various nerdery, so I guess you can say I'm almost as much into the hardware as I am into the gaming side of things.

Trying to 1cc DDP: DaiOuJou on PS2 currently. Finished up Monster Hunter World recently and I enjoyed the 80-ish hours I spent. Getting back into Guilty Gear Xrd with a buddy and loving every moment.


Hey guys,

So glad to finally be a part of this community after spending so many years lurking and enjoying all the content on this site.

I never thought I would finally be a part of Neogaf but I'm happy to be here. Best thing about coming here is all the fantastic E3 coverage that gets posted. I have been enjoying it all these years and I'm sure it won't disappoint this year.

Cheers. :goog_cool:


I'm an old member from the old site who quit visiting because of what was going on in the community over the last year. Watched it from afar and rejoined as this current user once I saw how much things had improved.

Exactly in the same boat. This is my first post in a very,very long time. I'm still very sad that all my threads are gone. I've been around for about five years and wrote many threads. Here's hoping for the best and for a better future! Cheers everyone :)
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Neo Member
Hey, everyone. I'm Kitrinos, and I'm glad that I have found this website. It's nice to see people with similar interests to me on a website. I hope I can positively contribute here soon in the future.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Exactly in the same boat. This is my first post in a very,very long time. I'm still very sad that all my threads are gone. I've been around for about five years and wrote many threads. Here's hoping for the best and for a better future! Cheers everyone :)

Wasn't sure what you meant so I poked through your post history a bit and saw you mention you were disappointed when off-topic was briefly nuked and so forth during the October drama. Just FYI, that only lasted a couple weeks and was because of the witch hunt at the time. Everything was restored as soon as things cooled off. Your old threads should all be there readily available.


Heh heh heh...
Michele here.

I'm a really mysterious person, so I can't reveal most of myself right now.

But the staffs has selected me as a special person!

I am the only person who will be the leader of a Project!
A project toward the Resurrection of NeoGAF! Our project involves making this forum more active like old times, before the DDoS incident, and bringing back some of the oldest members! For we strive to be the 1st active and popular community in the forum history, including 1st in Alexa Ranking!

If we can bring back the activeness, then we are unbeatable! We will not be second to anything!

Anyways, I have Nintendo Switch, and I really like RPG and action games. Two I can think are Xenoblade Chronicles 2 which I already have and Smash, which I will be buying!
I’m Queso I used to lurk and barely post here under another name, but I requested a ban on my account due to the attitude the older members had. I am glad to see this place becoming more like what I originally enjoyed. So I signed back up.
Hey dudes. I've been around for a while but only now noticed this thread. I mostly game on PC, PS4 and a little bit on Switch, and my one true love are point and click adventures (actually making one that'll launch soon). I think the game I'm most hyped for right now is Frogware's the Sinking City, since I'm a die hard Lovecraft fan.. It'd better be good! :D


I'm former member Transhuman, banned for pointing out some woman was exploiting Carrie Fisher's memory to peddle #metoo clickbait fake news.

I was pretty pissed about being dogpiled and lied about, not sure if you'd be able to relate though Ty.


Mommy always told me to be polite, so just let me introduce myself. I'm your average 30+ gamer into Xbox/PlayStation, who doesn't get what's cool about Nintendo past GoldenEye 64 (fuckin legend with that splitscreen multiplayer we played on a 14 inch TV, pure madness). Also I drink, swear and try to quit smoking for the last year and here we go again without cancer sticks and with some meds to help me beat this awful habit. Wish me luck.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Mommy always told me to be polite, so just let me introduce myself. I'm your average 30+ gamer into Xbox/PlayStation, who doesn't get what's cool about Nintendo past GoldenEye 64 (fuckin legend with that splitscreen multiplayer we played on a 14 inch TV, pure madness). Also I drink, swear and try to quit smoking for the last year and here we go again without cancer sticks and with some meds to help me beat this awful habit. Wish me luck.
You have to be cool to get cool :cool:


Nah, not my cup of tea. Tried some Ninny games, but the aesthethic is unbearable to me.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I'm former member Transhuman, banned for pointing out some woman was exploiting Carrie Fisher's memory to peddle #metoo clickbait fake news.

I was pretty pissed about being dogpiled and lied about, not sure if you'd be able to relate though Ty.

Oh, yeah, I remember that thread. FWIW I did make an inquiry with the mod in question when you were permed since I didn't recall you being a bad poster and I was fighting against the whole "conform to this exact reaction in the daily #metoo threads or we will run you out of town" thought police myself at that point, but by October 17th I think we were pretty much doomed and I hadn't quite done enough since the bish incident to face off properly against the authoritarian swing that the users were self-enforcing and account suiciding en masse into me any time I challenged it, and that shit was exasperating and I had to do it alone. :goog_sleep: I'm strongly against that sort of dogpiling but the thread had already played out by the time I saw it and I didn't have the fight in me to do it every day at that point, but it was still my responsibility and I didn't step up when I could've, and only challenged your ban length with the mod in question to argue it down (interrupted by everything exploding probably since the #metoo facebook bs against me was posted two days later....or I didn't follow upon your behalf firmly enough, don't recall due to the timing).

Either way, sorry dude. @Transhuman is unbanned and you're welcome to return to your main. What a terrible thread. I <3 Carrie Fisher and I didn't see anything worth a big fuss about with what you posted and she'd never get triggered by something like that mild herself, and has a strong personality and sharp wit that cracked on people for trying to pander to her or fawn over her, so if we hopped in a time machine and grabbed her and gave her an anonymous gaf account to post there she would've been dogpiled 100x worse than you in the name of her own honor. That should highlight the ridiculous nature of the whole thing.


Unconfirmed Member
Can you unban Dennis so I have someone to talk to?


Ive been tempted to join for a while and I wanted to know more about. Neogaf has had a certain reputation for a few years. It doesn't seem like that's the norm anymore. Was there a thread detailing what actions were taken or the reasoning behind it all? I'd be curious.

Also I'm new. Hello world.


Hello everyone. I'm Lila. I've been into video games for as long as I can remember. One of the fondest memories of my childhood was getting a pink PS2 for my 11th birthday. Right now I'm mostly playing Far Cry 5 and AC Origins.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi!


Neo Member
Hello everyone!
My name is Vincent Coleman, I'm a Hotel Manager, and I like to write.
Playing indoor game, reading books, writing etc. are my hobbies.

God Enel

It's nice to see old members coming back. I'm really curious though why don't the stick to the other site? As most of them have moved over there.

And welcome to all the new members. I hope you find a place somewhere at this board.


It's nice to see old members coming back. I'm really curious though why don't the stick to the other site? As most of them have moved over there.

And welcome to all the new members. I hope you find a place somewhere at this board.

Probably cause of the insanity that is the echo chamber of that other site.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Hi guys - I've been lurking for a few months to pass time at work and have enjoyed discussions here in both OT & Gaming. I like that it is more reasonable than most forums & social media these days. It's actual discussion rather than hysteria, hyperbole virtue-signaling & name-calling for the most part. I like that.

I'd been thinking I should make an NeoGAF account, then suddenly it's E3, I'm at the LACC and checking out all your reactions to E3 on my phone while I'm actually at E3. That's when I decided it was time jump in here.

I'm a video game addict and animal lover. I have a beautiful Maine Coon cat who likes to watch me play & takes vicarious pleasure every time I get killed in-game. Hence my name.

My Favorite Games are Fallout 3, Halo Reach & Halo 4. My favorite games this gen are Quantum Break & Horizon Zero Dawn.

I look forward to talking with all of you in the future.

Jae Mara

Hey Gaf, been lurking for a few years now and have this account idle for a year and half or so, Old gaf put me a little off from jumping in sooner but I finally decided to take the plunge and engage with you fine folk.

Im 31, work in Animation, like to cycle and over the past few years have really got into listening to science and philosophy youtubing and podcasting. I'm a little sad my younger self never found these topics interesting until recently.

Love games, pretty much give every genre of game a fair swing if I think it will be fun. Some of my favourite games being; Zelda OoT, Deus Ex, FFVI, ICO, Grim Fandango and Castlevania SotN. More recent examples from this decade Hollow knight, Life is Strange, Thumper, Furi, Soma, To the Moon and Monster Hunter post 4u.


I started playing video games in the mid eighties on the NES and Commodore 64.
Turn based strategy, rouge lights, platformers and jrpg’s are my jam


Neo Member
Sup y'all! I joined here bout 6 months ago, didn't realise you had to be approved before you could post though. I had a big introduction written about myself but that shiz was lost to time. Now I'm just here cause want new internet friends.


Hi guys!

I have been a lurker for a long long time, like 7 years, but now I'm finally here.
I like to discuss game news and light hearted off topic threads.

Also if anyone is interested in discussing the Varginha Case (Brazil, 1996), just send me a PM! :D
Greetings. I used to post here quite a bit back in the day. Screen name then was just Deathdealer. Save avatar as I used to use. It's a crystal lizard. I changed ISPs, and later lost my neogaf account PW after a computer crash. So I had no way to access my original email to reset it. I continued to lurk. But recently decided I'd rejoin.

I've been gaming since the NES days. Used to be heavy into PC gaming when online competitive FPS were still fresh, but mostly just casual console play now. I like RPGs, racing games, and the occasional platformer. My other interests include reading, motorcycling, and astronomy.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Schattenjäger Schattenjäger , hey, welcome back. Your ban was totally unjust and carried out in evident bad faith to silence reasonable people during the witch hunt. :| Abhorrent stuff by the ex-mod in question and corroborated by other evidence of foul play. Sorry about that nonsense. We've pulled the legacy ban logs already and I'll be going through the rest of that ex-mod's bans one-by-one for review, and as many others as feasible. More on that front soon.

Death Dealer Death Dealer , yo, I can merge the accounts for you and get you back to your original username with combined post history etc. No hassle, just let me know.


Gabriel Knight
Schattenjäger Schattenjäger , hey, welcome back. Your ban was totally unjust and carried out in evident bad faith to silence reasonable people during the witch hunt. :| Abhorrent stuff by the ex-mod in question and corroborated by other evidence of foul play. Sorry about that nonsense. We've pulled the legacy ban logs already and I'll be going through the rest of that ex-mod's bans one-by-one for review, and as many others as feasible. More on that front soon.

Death Dealer Death Dealer , yo, I can merge the accounts for you and get you back to your original username with combined post history etc. No hassle, just let me know.
Thanks .. I never understood the point of having an echo chamber .. the point of a discussion board is to have a discussion and the best discussions are those that have representation from both sides (as long as people play nice)

Happy to see this place picking up again
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