Last Updated: October 28, 2012
-Diggeh updated the 'Mega Bloks' post (below).
Poster (included in all copies of the game):

Size comparison:
Mega Bloks:
Diggeh, made a nice post with more details and pictures about it, check it out!
For more information regarding what is Skylanders and how does it works, please the check last year's OT; or visit the official website.
-Diggeh updated the 'Mega Bloks' post (below).

Release Date(s)
AU: October 17, 2012 | EU: October 19, 2012 | US: October 21, 2012 | JP: 2013
[Wii U launch title on November 18, 2012 in the US]
Toys for Bob (Wii, Xbox 360, PC, PlayStation 3) | n-Space (Nintendo 3DS) | Vicarious Visions (Wii U)
What do I need to know about the game?
Is basically a dungeon crawler on which you collect loot/treasures, gain experience and so on. Think of it like Gauntlet; but with "cute characters".
Check out this two clips to learn more about how the game plays and look.
Michael Graham (from Activision) demoes Skylanders Giants.
-Part I
-Part II
Do I need the figurines to play the game?
Yep (along the "Portal of Power"). Basically the figurines serves a memory cards. Each of them store your progress (nickname, experience, levels, etc.) and you can use it across
any platform that has the game on it. So if you start playing on PlayStation 3, but later that day go and visit a friend that has the game on Xbox 360, you just need to carry
the figurine and play. The figurines are placed over the portal, and as long as it's there, the levels and experience you obtain are stored automatically on it.
If you want to change charcters as you play, you just swap them as much as you want/need.
Any figurine works?
On 'Giants'? Yep.
Across both games:
-Figurines from last year's game can be used on this game.
-Re-released figurines from the first game, which now will have a different pose or look can also be used across both games.
-Entirely new figurines (new characters, Giants, etc.) can't be used in the first game.
*NEW*Can I sue the same portal, across all versions or do I need a new portal for each?
Last year's game, the portals were also cross platform; except the "big portals" on the 3DS.
Meaning, that you could use any portal on any version (3DS>PS3, PS3?>Wii); but not on the 3DS. 3DS portal included an USB cable,
but only connected to the 3DS through IR. (NOTE: 3DS-Giants portal, doesn't include an USB cable).
As for this year's version:
Level cap on the last game was '10', was that raised or is it the same?
For 'Giants' the new level cap is '15'. Keep in mind that there are abilities that you get by leveling up your character
on the console version, so if you want a different path/ tree you might need to reset the figruine; otherwise you can just
jump-in with any Level 10-Skylander and level up to 15.
Any differences between consoles/PC versions?
At the moment, no. Last year's game aside the Wii version using "waggle" for some things, the other versions were pretty much the same but in HD.
No word on the Wii U version's unique additions; but Vicarious Visions is well known for pushing Nintendo hardware and adding extras, so we'll know soon.
Can I play online with other people?
Like last year's game, the game doesn't have online multiplayer. Local multiplayer is still limited to up to 2 players.
Heard the first game was "easy", is 'Giants' easy too?
Well, there's "easy" and there's "cakewalk". The first game might've been easy, but wasn't as easy as many made it sound. Heck, for the last boss
you needed multiple characters/figurines to beat it, and there are some really intense hordes thoughout the game too.
But, with that in said; 'Giants' now includes 3 difficulty settings along a 4th unlockable (and more difficult) one.
What about additional modes?
From Nintendo World Report:
Last year's 3DS game was a platformer of sorts. Is this year's version similar?
Yeah. Like last year's game, the story is a spinoff that is connected to the main storyline of the others. The actual game is an action/platformer
kinda similar to the original Spyro/Crash games. This version also doesn't require the figurine to be on the portal all the time.
You "transfer" your character from the portal to the game and is stored in the cartridge until the next time you transfer it back
(you can have 2 characters stored at the same time). Saved data is only stored on the figurine when you transfer to/from it.
n-Space (Heroes of Ruin for the 3DS and the Call of Duty games on the original DS) is making this version;
as Vicarious Visions is busy with the Wii U version of 'Giants'.
(Short gameplay clip from E3)
There are multiple versions, which one I need to buy?
It basically comes down to this:
-If you already have a portal from that platform, you need the 'Portal Owners Pack'.
For (US) $59.99 you get the game, one figurine (Tree Rex)with a sheet of stickers and a trading card and a poster.
-If you don't have a portal, then you need the 'Starter Pack'.
For (US) $74.99, you get the game, a 'Portal of Power', 3 figurines with their respective stickers and trading cards and a poster.
-The portals on the 'Starter Packs' this time are wired/USB (except 3DS version which communictaes with the 3DS through IR).
Only the PS3 and Wii portals from last year's game were wireless. So, if you want a wireless portals for those platforms;
(Xbox 360 portals was wired last year) you might need to grab one from the first game.
Now, here comes the kicker.
-The PC, PS3, 360, Wii and Wii U(?) versions all include the same 3 starters: Tree Rex, Cynder and Jet-Vac.
-But the 3DS starter includes: Tree Rex, Cynder and Punch Pop Fizz (red variant of Pop Fizz).
When are new figurines going to be released?
Like last year's game, in waves. Every few months, stores will receive a few packs (either singles, 3-packs.
Color variations are planned too, though those are just "for show" as the different color doesn't change anything in the actual game.
Last year the last wave of figurines was released around Summer 2012 (this year); so if you're planing on collecting them or looking for
a specific one be ready to keep an eye out across stores...and wait a little bit too.
AU: October 17, 2012 | EU: October 19, 2012 | US: October 21, 2012 | JP: 2013
[Wii U launch title on November 18, 2012 in the US]
Toys for Bob (Wii, Xbox 360, PC, PlayStation 3) | n-Space (Nintendo 3DS) | Vicarious Visions (Wii U)
What do I need to know about the game?
Is basically a dungeon crawler on which you collect loot/treasures, gain experience and so on. Think of it like Gauntlet; but with "cute characters".
Check out this two clips to learn more about how the game plays and look.
Michael Graham (from Activision) demoes Skylanders Giants.
-Part I
-Part II
Do I need the figurines to play the game?
Yep (along the "Portal of Power"). Basically the figurines serves a memory cards. Each of them store your progress (nickname, experience, levels, etc.) and you can use it across
any platform that has the game on it. So if you start playing on PlayStation 3, but later that day go and visit a friend that has the game on Xbox 360, you just need to carry
the figurine and play. The figurines are placed over the portal, and as long as it's there, the levels and experience you obtain are stored automatically on it.
If you want to change charcters as you play, you just swap them as much as you want/need.
Any figurine works?
On 'Giants'? Yep.
Across both games:
-Figurines from last year's game can be used on this game.
-Re-released figurines from the first game, which now will have a different pose or look can also be used across both games.
-Entirely new figurines (new characters, Giants, etc.) can't be used in the first game.
*NEW*Can I sue the same portal, across all versions or do I need a new portal for each?
Last year's game, the portals were also cross platform; except the "big portals" on the 3DS.
Meaning, that you could use any portal on any version (3DS>PS3, PS3?>Wii); but not on the 3DS. 3DS portal included an USB cable,
but only connected to the 3DS through IR. (NOTE: 3DS-Giants portal, doesn't include an USB cable).
As for this year's version:
I can confirm the 3ds portal from Giants works on the Wii version of Giants via usb. Still only lights up blue, though...
Level cap on the last game was '10', was that raised or is it the same?
For 'Giants' the new level cap is '15'. Keep in mind that there are abilities that you get by leveling up your character
on the console version, so if you want a different path/ tree you might need to reset the figruine; otherwise you can just
jump-in with any Level 10-Skylander and level up to 15.
Any differences between consoles/PC versions?
At the moment, no. Last year's game aside the Wii version using "waggle" for some things, the other versions were pretty much the same but in HD.
No word on the Wii U version's unique additions; but Vicarious Visions is well known for pushing Nintendo hardware and adding extras, so we'll know soon.
Can I play online with other people?
Like last year's game, the game doesn't have online multiplayer. Local multiplayer is still limited to up to 2 players.
Heard the first game was "easy", is 'Giants' easy too?
Well, there's "easy" and there's "cakewalk". The first game might've been easy, but wasn't as easy as many made it sound. Heck, for the last boss
you needed multiple characters/figurines to beat it, and there are some really intense hordes thoughout the game too.
But, with that in said; 'Giants' now includes 3 difficulty settings along a 4th unlockable (and more difficult) one.
What about additional modes?
From Nintendo World Report:
Giants is an ideal sequel, adding more ideas and refining concepts already in place. Aside from its 16-level main story, the game features Heroic Challenges,
Arena Battles, and Skystones. Heroic Challenges, short, timed levels, were present in the first game, but Giants uses them with much more creativity.
Most of the original ones, which are still playable here, just featured simple “collect X of Y” objectives, while one challenge in Giants was an ice-themed four-lap race.
Arena Battles and Skystones are brand new, though. The former, the closest thing to a horde mode Skylanders has, sends predetermined waves of
enemies at you in themed stages. The mode is a great way to test new characters in combat or level up your favorites. Skystones, on the other hand,
is a strategic and addictive tile-based card game reminiscent of the card games present in some Final Fantasy games. It’s slow to challenge, but
becomes a fantastic diversion from the regular gameplay when it picks up.
(From their review, based on the Wii version. Score: 9.5)Arena Battles, and Skystones. Heroic Challenges, short, timed levels, were present in the first game, but Giants uses them with much more creativity.
Most of the original ones, which are still playable here, just featured simple “collect X of Y” objectives, while one challenge in Giants was an ice-themed four-lap race.
Arena Battles and Skystones are brand new, though. The former, the closest thing to a horde mode Skylanders has, sends predetermined waves of
enemies at you in themed stages. The mode is a great way to test new characters in combat or level up your favorites. Skystones, on the other hand,
is a strategic and addictive tile-based card game reminiscent of the card games present in some Final Fantasy games. It’s slow to challenge, but
becomes a fantastic diversion from the regular gameplay when it picks up.
Last year's 3DS game was a platformer of sorts. Is this year's version similar?
Yeah. Like last year's game, the story is a spinoff that is connected to the main storyline of the others. The actual game is an action/platformer
kinda similar to the original Spyro/Crash games. This version also doesn't require the figurine to be on the portal all the time.
You "transfer" your character from the portal to the game and is stored in the cartridge until the next time you transfer it back
(you can have 2 characters stored at the same time). Saved data is only stored on the figurine when you transfer to/from it.
n-Space (Heroes of Ruin for the 3DS and the Call of Duty games on the original DS) is making this version;
as Vicarious Visions is busy with the Wii U version of 'Giants'.
(Short gameplay clip from E3)
There are multiple versions, which one I need to buy?
It basically comes down to this:
-If you already have a portal from that platform, you need the 'Portal Owners Pack'.
For (US) $59.99 you get the game, one figurine (Tree Rex)with a sheet of stickers and a trading card and a poster.
-If you don't have a portal, then you need the 'Starter Pack'.
For (US) $74.99, you get the game, a 'Portal of Power', 3 figurines with their respective stickers and trading cards and a poster.
-The portals on the 'Starter Packs' this time are wired/USB (except 3DS version which communictaes with the 3DS through IR).
Only the PS3 and Wii portals from last year's game were wireless. So, if you want a wireless portals for those platforms;
(Xbox 360 portals was wired last year) you might need to grab one from the first game.
Now, here comes the kicker.
-The PC, PS3, 360, Wii and Wii U(?) versions all include the same 3 starters: Tree Rex, Cynder and Jet-Vac.
-But the 3DS starter includes: Tree Rex, Cynder and Punch Pop Fizz (red variant of Pop Fizz).
When are new figurines going to be released?
Like last year's game, in waves. Every few months, stores will receive a few packs (either singles, 3-packs.
Color variations are planned too, though those are just "for show" as the different color doesn't change anything in the actual game.
Last year the last wave of figurines was released around Summer 2012 (this year); so if you're planing on collecting them or looking for
a specific one be ready to keep an eye out across stores...and wait a little bit too.

(Can be used as 'avatars'. Click each for a wallpaper and their name for info about the character.)
Tree-Rex | Lightcore Shroomboom | ShroomBoom | Zook | Stump Smash | Stealth Elf
Thumpback | Lightcore Chill | Chill | Zap | Slam Bam | Gill Grunt
Bouncer | Lightcore Drobot | Sprocket | Drill Sergeant | Trigger Happy | Drobot
Crusher | Lightcore Prism Break | Flashwing | Terrafin | Bash | Prism Break
Ninjini | Lightcore Pop Fizz | Pop Fizz | Spyro | Wrecking Ball | Double Trouble

Hot Head | Lightcore Eruptor | Hot Dog | Ignitor | Eruptor | Flameslinger
Eye-Brawl | Lightcore Hex | Fright Rider | Cynder | Chop Chop | Hex
Swarm | Lightcore Jet-Vac | Jet-Vac | Sonic Boom | Whirlwind | Lightning Rod

Tree-Rex | Lightcore Shroomboom | ShroomBoom | Zook | Stump Smash | Stealth Elf

Thumpback | Lightcore Chill | Chill | Zap | Slam Bam | Gill Grunt

Bouncer | Lightcore Drobot | Sprocket | Drill Sergeant | Trigger Happy | Drobot

Crusher | Lightcore Prism Break | Flashwing | Terrafin | Bash | Prism Break

Ninjini | Lightcore Pop Fizz | Pop Fizz | Spyro | Wrecking Ball | Double Trouble

Hot Head | Lightcore Eruptor | Hot Dog | Ignitor | Eruptor | Flameslinger

Eye-Brawl | Lightcore Hex | Fright Rider | Cynder | Chop Chop | Hex

Swarm | Lightcore Jet-Vac | Jet-Vac | Sonic Boom | Whirlwind | Lightning Rod

Poster (included in all copies of the game):

Size comparison:

Mega Bloks:
Diggeh, made a nice post with more details and pictures about it, check it out!

For more information regarding what is Skylanders and how does it works, please the check last year's OT; or visit the official website.