
- Platform: PC (Steam)
- Developer: Galactic Cafe
- Genre: First person exploration
- Price: $15.00 (currently on sale for $11.99)
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Welcome to The Stanley Parable Official Thread!
Before letting you delve into the majesty and wonder that is to be had in this thread, I thought I would show you how an Official Thread is made.
The first thing one must do when constructing an Official Thread is to devise a sufficiently clever title. This title will preferably be exceedingly obtuse to those who have had no experience with said game, thus allowing the rest to feel that they are "in" on the joke. Merely quoting a line from the game is insufficient!
Once you have spent several weeks debating on a thread title, you can begin working on the body. This must be full of the most beautiful and eye-catching graphical design that money can buy. You want people to remember your OT, do you not? When interviewing designers for this job, ensure that they have at least 6 years of graphical design experience, have worked on several motion pictures, have created ads for the largest names in the business, and are sought after by all of the major websites.
Now, you will begin gathering as much relevant information for the game as possible. Every word in this thread should be important and relevant to the content of the game. It's preposterous to think that anybody wants to read through paragraphs of your blather just to find out what a game is about! Lovingly pore over each and every word to give your reader the best impression of the game as possible. Can you imagine reading through all of that and still having no good idea of what the game is about? How absurd.
As this entire process can take months, and even years, be sure to spend sufficient time preparing! It's advisable to begin crafting an Official Thread before the game is even announced. The worst thing you could possibly do is try to whip together an Official Thread on the day said game is releasing. Invariably it will be full of worthless drivel, and everybody reading it will be able to instantly tell that you are merely trying to be more clever then you actually are.
Now that we are finished with that, time to get to the STANLEY PARABLE OFFICIAL THREAD!!
... where did I put it? It was right here a second ago...
Q: What in the world is The Stanley Parable?
A: It's officially a "first person exploration" game developed by Galactic Cafe with brilliant narration by Kevin Brighting . Not everyone will enjoy this game -- in particular, logical and emotional types. It's a suitably meta experience that parodies many video game tropes.
Q: Should I play the original mod first?
A: Probably not, unless you don't want to buy the full game.
Q: Should I play the demo first?
A: Absolutely! It will give you a good idea of what you're getting into (or possibly no idea at all), and the content is all unique to the demo itself. I would highly recommend that everybody play the demo before the full game.

Let's begin...