Title: Tales of Vesperia
Genre: Role Playing Game
Platform: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
Players: Single Player game. 2 - 4 player co-op (battles only).
Developer: Namco Bandai (Tales Studio - Team Symphonia)
Publisher: Namco Bandai
Release Date:
Xbox 360
- Japan: August 7th, 2008
- Asia (Japanese): August 14th, 2008
- North America: August 26th, 2008
- Asia (English): September 4th, 2008
- Europe and Australia: June 26th, 2009
PlayStation 3
- Japan: September 17th, 2009
Versions: Regular Edition, Special Edition (NA), and 360 Bundle (JP)
Demo: Available on Xbox Live Marketplace in all regions.
Available on PSN Store in Japan. Read this topic for instructions on making a Japanese PSN account.


Trailer 1
Trailer 2
Europe Launch Trailer
Town Footage
Field and Basic Battle Footage
Advanced Battle Footage
Outside the battle system this is a typical Japanese RPG. You visit towns to meet people and buy weapons then go to dungeons to heroically vanquish some foe before heading back to an inn which magically heal all wounds. What differentiates this game from others is its battle system.
There are no random battles. You will see all enemies on screen. When you bump into one, you will be taken into a battle screen. Battles are done completely in real time. You have a basic attack button and an "artes" (magic/skills) button. By combining basic attacks with different directions + the Artes button, you'll be able to rack up combos on the enemy. All while your AI controlled or human controlled (if you have friends playing) do the same thing with you.
There are various AI settings to tinker with so that your partners are always doing what you want them to. You can assign different AI patterns for different situations and save them for quick use as well. You also have skill points to manage to change how your character moves/attacks/dodges/etc.
You can play as any of the party members in the game. All of them have their unique fighting style. Watch the gameplay video for the combo system at work.
The two largest additions to the battle system are Burst Artes and Fatal Strikes. kiryogi explains:
Burst Arte - During overlimit, do an Arcane arte and hold down the Arte button, if there's any OL gauge left, you'll do a burst arte.
Fatal strike - These can be executed once you've drained the ppropriate fatal strike gauge. You can see these gauges as 3 colored arrows when you target an enemy with RB.To drain them, use attacks that correspond with the direction. Check out Arte descriptions to know what each one does. There will be a little colored arrow next to it's name. A good example for getting a feel for it is to spam Azure Edge over and over. First off, Azure Edge will deal green -> FS damage. So by doing this in repetition, you'll eventually drain the green -> gauge. Once you have, you can trigger the FS glyph be doing an arte that corresponds with that direction. Now with good timing, hit RT and you'll execute a fatal strike.
Advanced notes: Artes aren't the only thing that drain FS gauge, normal attacks do as well! Say you attack by holding forward for all 3 hits, that'll deal green -> FS gauge damage. While if you did low attacks, that'll deal V red FS gauge damage. And finally, any type of up/launching attack will deal blue ^ FS gauge damage. But the thing to remember is, you can only trigger the FS glyph with an arte.
Expert notes: On top of triggering fatal strikes, another big key is executing fatal strike chains. And how do you do this? When you trigger a FS glyph, don't trigger the FS, instead keep retriggering it with the same arte or an arte that corresponds with the glyph that was triggered. This will raise your FS chains, and thus also raise your grade. See how long you can keep this up before triggering the FS and finishing off the enemy.
Check out the demo on Xbox Live, but be warned that it feels quite limited.
This is the first top tier (let's forget the spin-offs and concentrate on Tales Studio) jRPG franchise on a high definition console! Give it a try.
Spoiler-Free Secret Mission Guide
I made a spoiler-free Secret Mission guide by copy+pasting Xenogirl08's stickied topic on GameFAQs. I just spoiler-tagged the spoilers. I added some comments as well.
Secret Missions are optional objectives during boss battles. Each gives you an achievement (5 gamerpoints each). Doing all of them in one playthrough gets you a costume + title for Yuri.
Secret Mission 1 (
Secret Misison 2 (
Secret Mission 3 (
"Use the Billybally plants to stun
Secret Mission 4 (
Zagi 2
Lured Zagi
Secret Mission 5 (
Dreaded Giant
"Downed the
Dreaded Giant
Secret Mission 6 (
Secret Mission 7 (
"You took out the bridge supports, thus keeping
Secret Mission 8 (
Zagi 3
Secret Mission 9 (
"You defeated the Leader Bat and prevented
[Firestorm: Important: When you hit The Sands of Kogorh, exit right away and go back to Mantaic. Sleep at the inn until you receive "Mother's Memento" or you won't be able to do a later Secret Mission.]
Secret Mission 10 (
"Destroyed the core and prevented magic from inverting day and night." Destroy the core, but you have to do it before you defeat
Secret Mission 11 (
"You lit up all the candlesticks and eliminated the illusions of
Secret Mission 12 (
Nan & Tison
"Timed your strikes between
Nan and Tison
Tison and Nan
Secret Mission 13 (
Secret Mission 14 (
Zagi 4
"Use Karol's Nice Recovery Smash arte to force
Secret Mission 15 (
Secret Mission 16 (
"Use the item, Mother's Memento,
on Estellise.
Part 2 of the battle
[Firestorm: Important: After this battle, head to
Phaeroh's Crag
enter the portal there to get to Yormgen. Go to the Sage's house and listen to his story
Secret Mission 17 (
Raven's Rain arte.
Yeager reveals the hermes blastia
Raven use his Rain arte
Secret Mission 18 (
Secret Mission 19 (
Secret Mission 20 (
Khroma Dragon
Secret Mission 21 (
Secret Mission 22 (
Zagi 5
Secret Mission 23 (
second battle.