Genre: Puzzle
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Giant Sparrow
Release Date:
PS+ users (US) 16th of October
PS+ users (EU) 17th of October
Normal PSN (US) 23rd of October
Normal PSN (EU) 24th of October
Will cost €12.99/£9.99 in EU. $14.99 in US
Compatible with Move and DualShock 3
About this game :
An independently-produced title, Unfinished Swan is a surreal maze game set in an entirely blank world. You find yourself chasing after a swan who has wandered off into a surreal, unfinished kingdom. The game begins in a completely white space, and you can throw paint to splatter the surroundings and reveal the world around you. Discover the land through further innovative new game mechanics to uncover your surroundings. Each level will bring new twists, challenges, and puzzles until you eventually come face-to-face with the eccentric King that built this realm.
Screenshots :

Videos :
Teaser Trailer
Story trailer
Move hands-on
Presentation with Ian Dallas
Reviews :
The Escapist 5/5
A must-play for any PlayStation owner, The Unfinished Swan is a short but brilliant exercise in broadening perception, and utilizing simplicity.
Push Square 100
The Unfinished Swan is the second generation-defining downloadable from Sony in eight months. Giant Sparrow's debut is a confident, creative tour-de-force – and it's one of the most imaginative adventures you'll ever play.
Eurogamer Italy 9/10
The Unfinished Swan is one of the best titles available for PS3, with its minimalistic graphics and its sublime soundtrack. Do we have finally a good reason to buy a Move controller? Yes, indeed!
Sixth Axis 9/10
Tragic, powerful and thought-provoking, but also intelligent, witty and beautiful - Giant Sparrow's debut is begging to be played.
IGN - 9/10
The Unfinished Swan is short and the challenges you face in the two-hour game aren't all that challenging -- but they don't need to be. This is a storybook for you to open up and get lost in.
Gaming Nexus 8.9/10
Giant Sparrow delivers one of the most unique games of the year. Sadly, The Unfinished Swan is a little too easy for its own good. Players can easily blow through the game in a couple hours. Still, the game's story is strong enough to keep you engaged from beginning to end. You've never seen anything like The Unfinished Swan before!
Vandal Online 8.2/10
A beautiful, intense but short surprise. A great experience anybody interested in games should buy, taking into account that its opening sequence feels way better than the rest of the gameplay, and that most players will only go through the story once, that is 4-5 hours tops.
Joystiq 4/5
The power of The Unfinished Swan – not unlike a Terry Gilliam film, coincidentally – lies in its engagement with our imagination, in its ability to remind us of that capacity for whimsy and fantasy. If your life could use a little less logic and a little more fascination, The Unfinished Swan should not be missed.
Game Informer 8/10
Similar to Journey, The Unfinished Swan is brief, visually stunning, and more focused on the experience than with testing combat skills or platforming prowess. Some collectibles are available in the form of hidden balloons and storybook pages, which might bring completionists back for additional playthroughs. While I feel that the overall experience didn't impact me as much as Journey, and won't stay with me as long, it still has plenty of unique ideas to offer.
PSN Stores 4/5
Short and sweet to its core, The Unfinished Swan really is the PlayStation Network’s bedtime story. You won’t find much challenge in the game’s puzzles, but what you will find is that something special which that inner child in all of us can adore.
Destructoid 7.5
If it had expanded the latter half of the adventure more and focused less on the plant puzzles, it would have been near-perfect.
Playstation Official Magazine UK 70
The Unfinished Swan deserves high praise for being inventive, unique and absolutely beautiful. But this shouldn't obscure the fact that these things apply more to the look and the core mechanic than the gameplay and how said mechanic meaningfully develops. The engagement with the narrative and characters isn't on a par with that of the top titles in a similar vein, and there's a lingering sense of what might have been.
Eurogamer - 6/10
The Unfinished Swan is gentle and beguiling, but also thematically patchy and insecure in its own merits, choosing to constantly introduce less interesting new gameplay systems rather than fully explore any single motif.