The Walking Dead: 400 Days is an all-new DLC episode for Season 1 and a brand new chapter in the world of The Walking Dead.
Although the events of 400 Days take place in the same geographical region as Season 1, this is not Lee or Clem’s story.
400 Days is split over 5 short stories; each presents the apocalypse through the eyes of a different survivor.
The Walking Dead: 400 Days will be available for $4.99 USD, or equivalent prices.
If you bought Season 1 of The Walking Dead on the Telltale store, 400 Days will be a free download.

Centered on a truck stop on a Georgia highway, 400 Days tells five linked stories; each taking place at different points in time and from the point of view of a different survivor, from day one of the undead apocalypse to day 400.
The five stories can be played in any order and will change based on the choices that you make. Echoes of the choices you made in Season 1 will carry over into 400 Days and the choices you make in 400 Days will resonate into Season 2.
At the end of 400 Days, the stories will all be wrapped up and leave a few hints towards what we can expect to see from Season 2.

Is this episode part of the season 1 season pass or multipack?
No. 400 Days is DLC (downloadable content) for Season One and therefore requires an additional purchase to play. However, if you’d like to buy or if you have already purchased Walking Dead Season One from the Telltale Online Store, 400 Days is included as a thank you for your purchase.
How much will 400 Days cost?
400 Days will cost US $4.99 or equivalent (slight variations are possible based on region and games system).
Was this episode created by the same people that made Season 1?
Why isn’t this episode about Clementine?
The creators of 400 Days wanted to provide a different perspective on the world of The Walking Dead prior to Season 2 beginning later this year and provide interesting ‘connective tissue’ between the two seasons.
Does this episode play in the same way as Season 1?
Yes. 400 Days offers the same game-play dynamics as Season 1. Even in this self-contained series of short stories, your choices will matter.
Will my choices in Season 1 affect 400 Days and will my choices in 400 Days affect Season 2?
Yes. 400 Days will check to see if you have a Season 1 save file. The decisions you made in Season 1 will have an effect on your 400 Days experience. And yes…choices made in 400 Days will resonate in
Season 2.
Why is it called 400 Days?
The events you’ll experience take place over a period of 400 Days.
Is 400 Days Season 2 of The Walking Dead game?
No. 400 Days is a ‘special episode’ of season 1.
How do I buy/install 400 Days?
400 Days cannot be purchased as a standalone game. It’s DLC (downloadable content) and therefore, you must have at least episode one, season one of The Walking Dead installed on your games system to play.400 Days will be available to buy from within The Walking Dead season one.
Is it a good idea for 400 Days to be my first experience of Telltale’s The Walking Dead, or should I play Season 1 first?
Telltale highly recommend that you play through Season One first.

Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icXre05VFx0
Launch Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R47-A5_taro

Official Site - http://www.telltalegames.com/walkingdead/400days
Steam Link (not live at time of posting) - http://store.steampowered.com/sub/28983/
Walking Dead Wikia - http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/The_Walking_Dead:_400_Days

Big thanks to Kyonashi for doing all the work for the OT. I feel this DLC deserves it and I am looking forward to playing it later today. And please USE SPOILER TAGS!