Deadly Cyclone
Pride of Iowa State
This quote was too good not to share. From ESPN SportsCenter anchor Robert Flores:
Decent article too.
Igloo Australia.
We learned that according to the Lakers’ Nick Young, a dolphin recently tried to kill him. So Nick, while dolphins are trying to kill you, your girlfriend is trying to kill hip-hop. Let’s call it even, OK?
Decent article too.
Iggy performs as a caricature of American blackness. She’s much closer to post-fame Vanilla Ice than she is to Eminem at any point in his career. As an artist, she’s never represented who she truly is (her own cultural experiences are close to nonexistent in her music) and as a rapper, she hasn't got much in the way of an original voice or fresh perspective. And in terms of visibility, she’s leapfrogged every female rapper not named “Nicki Minaj” solely because she’s a leggy blond girl with “attitude.” It’s not “hating” to recognize how white privilege has garnered her a certain amount of attention, nor is it off-base to acknowledge how being a white girl who models can help a rapper land major mag covers.
The question of authenticity may seem antiquated in an era of hip-hop where Rick Ross can go from corrections officer to faux drug kingpin, but it can’t be dismissed when talking about appropriation. White media making black culture cool while disregarding the people from whence the culture came is fairly old news, but in this media age there are ways to make dissident voices heard. There is an important difference between portraying a fictional character and appropriating cultural stereotypes. It’s not just that Iggy isn’t being herself—it’s that she’s attempting to be “black.” In her own interview with Power 106 last week, Azalea discussed her Grammy nomination and the fact that people seemed happy that Eminem won Rap Album of the Year over her—despite the fact that he’s as white as she is.
“I found it to be kind of ironic,” she said. “It was because I’m white, therefore I’m appropriating culture. But then Eminem won it—who’s white and won it many times—and they didn’t seem to say anything about that.”
Igloo Australia.