Um it would appear that the multiple thread title changes caused a flub in the database axing the original thread. So close to 20k posts too.
anyway, official Halo 3 thread is GO.
Um, I haven't been keeping track but just to kick the thread off, here's the first review I found.
"What bothers me most is that Bungie still can't tell a story worth a damn. Because it's an established franchise with enormous hype, this is going to be a huge game. Like Metroids and Zeldas, it'll get unswervingly positive reviews from people who wouldn't know narrative from nonsense, people who make sweeping misguided assumptions about the average guy jumping online and having a grand ol' time getting teabagged and called a faggot. And for those average guys and the occasional average girls, whether they play online or not, this single player story will be the face of gaming: as retarded, confusing, and juvenile as ever."
Alright, keep all complaints and disappointments in this thread.
anyway, official Halo 3 thread is GO.
Um, I haven't been keeping track but just to kick the thread off, here's the first review I found.
"What bothers me most is that Bungie still can't tell a story worth a damn. Because it's an established franchise with enormous hype, this is going to be a huge game. Like Metroids and Zeldas, it'll get unswervingly positive reviews from people who wouldn't know narrative from nonsense, people who make sweeping misguided assumptions about the average guy jumping online and having a grand ol' time getting teabagged and called a faggot. And for those average guys and the occasional average girls, whether they play online or not, this single player story will be the face of gaming: as retarded, confusing, and juvenile as ever."
"It's no wonder Halo isn't exactly a hot movie prospect. At this point, it's nothing but a suit of armor, a set of guns, and a handful of supporting characters. Alex Garland's rejected script had some nice moments between Master Chief (unmasked, by the way) and Cortana."
Alright, keep all complaints and disappointments in this thread.