From the Denver Post-
People believing in something stupid so that they feel special; Or maybe I'm just not enlightened?
Get back to me on the August solar eclipse if old.
They have no leaders, no formal hierarchy and no enforced ideology, save a common quest for answers to questions about the stars. Their membership has slowly swelled in the past three years, though persecution and widespread public derision keep them mostly underground. Many use pseudonyms, or only give first names.
They call themselves Flat Earthers. Because they believe Earth the blue, majestic, spinning orb of life is as flat as a table.
At the Tuesday night meet-ups, dubbed Flat Earth or Other Forbidden Topics, believers invite fellow adherents to open discussions in which the like-minded confirm one anothers hunches and laugh at the folly of those still stuck in the Enlightenment.
Theres so much evidence once you set aside your preprogrammed learning and begin to look at things objectively with a critical eye, says Bob Knodel, a Denver resident and featured guest at a recent Tuesday meeting. You learn soon that what were taught is mainly propaganda.
Ive researched conspiracies for a long time, he says. Ive looked very critically at NASA. Why is it that the astronauts have conflicting stories about the sky? Is it bright with stars, or a deep velvet black?
His wife, Cami, shares his views. Our YouTube channel gets people to critically think, she said to the Fort Collins group. The heliocentric model says that were spinning at 1,038 mph. They say you wont notice it because its a continual motion. But you should be able to feel it. You shouldnt be able to function allegedly spinning that fast.
The weekly meet-ups also give forum to friendly lines of questioning. Some are straightforward (What do you say back to people who call you stupid?) and summon a ready-made answer (Youre not stupid, period. They have to understand that there are deceptions going on at enormous levels). Others stump even the experts. How are we Flat Earthers supposed to explain to our friends the solar eclipse in August? asked one attendee. The room fell silent. Well have to do more research and get back to you on that.
It was interesting, but I didnt think it was real, he says. I started the same way as everyone else, saying, Oh, Ill just prove the earth is round. Nine months later, I was staring at my computer thinking, I cant prove the globe anymore.
The movement, though, is not a monolith. Differences of opinion divide the community on matters of scientific interpretation, cosmology, strategy and even the most fundamental questions of geology, such as: what shape is our planet?
Many subscribe to the ice wall theory, or the belief that the world is circumscribed by giant ice barriers, like the walls of a bowl, that then extend infinitely along a flat plane. Sargent envisions Earth as a giant circular disc covered by a dome. He likens the planet to a snow globe, similar to the one depicted in The Truman Show, a fictitious 1998 existential drama about an insurance salesman unknowingly living in an artificially constructed dome.
They want you to think youre insignificant, a speck on the earth, a cosmic mistake, Sargent says. The flat earth says you are special, we are special, there is a creator, this isnt some accident.
(All scientists and educators consulted for this story rejected the idea of a flat earth.)

People believing in something stupid so that they feel special; Or maybe I'm just not enlightened?
Get back to me on the August solar eclipse if old.