Gold Member

Developer: Eidos Montreal
Publisher: Square Enix
Release dates:
NA: February 25th, 2014
AU: February 27th, 2014
EU: February 28th, 2014
Price: $59.99/€59.99 [prices may vary depending on platform of choice]
Sony Playstation 4 / Microsoft Xbox One
Sony Playstation 3 / Microsoft Xbox 360
Microsoft Windows

Thief is set in a dark fantasy world inspired by Victorian and steampunk aesthetics. Garrett, a master thief who has been away from his hometown for a long time, returns to it, a city named 'The City', and finds it ruled over by a tyrant called 'The Baron'. While The City is infested by a plague, the rich continue to live in good fortune, and Garrett intends to exploit the situation to his favor.
Gameplay is choice-driven, with players having a number of possible paths and approaches in a given level. Players may use the environment to their advantage, as well as pickpocket characters. As Garrett attempts to steal in levels, guards and other non-player characters (if they are aware of his presence) will try to flush him out and kill him. Different NPCs may use different means to find him, and the game's artificial intelligence will be aware of the level design, and therefore, know of potential hiding spots. Players may enter a "Focus" mode, which provides several advantages. It enhances Garrett's vision, highlighting pipes that can be climbed, or candles that can be put out to make the area darker. Focus can also slow down time, so that Garrett is able to steal more effectively while pickpocketing. Garrett can also use Focus to push enemies or perform debilitating attacks. It can be further upgraded over the course of the game. Note that Focus mode is not a mandatory gameplay mechanic and can be disabled.
Thief features an extremely in-depth custom difficulty setting that allows you to create the Thief experience you prefer. For more information on this, check the video in the Media section further down or check out this exellent summary by DieH@rd / Sn4ke_911.

As a child, Garrett was recruited into the Keepers but later left the organization, went into business for himself as a thief, and now uses his Keeper skills to steal from the rich and give to himself.
In Thief: Deadly Shadows a large scar runs down one side of his face, the result of Viktoria plucking out one of his eyes in Thief: The Dark Project. During the second and third games Garrett sees with a mechanical eye, a piece of Mechanist technology given to him by the Hammerites at the end of The Dark Project. The mechanical eye incorporates a zoom lens.

Bow - Perhaps the most vital asset in Garret's arsenal. It folds down for easier movement
Arrows - Because without arrows the bow is useless. Arrows come with various attachments, such as water arrows and rope arrows
Blackjack - A knock on the head puts any guard to sleep long enough for you to steal his money, underwear and anything he's guarding
Claw - Essential tool to scale walls and rooftops

Thief 101 - Everything you need to know
In-depth look at the custom difficulty settings in Thief
Stories from The City
Gameplay trailer
Launch trailer

Click here for the dedicated review thread

Question: this game does not look exactly like the game I played back in '98, will I still enjoy it?
Answer: Maybe you will, but please don't drive-by post in this thread that this game is bad because it's not the game it was 16 years ago. Check the custom difficulty setting video and see if the options available are interesting to you
Question: what can you tell me about the resolution and/or framerate?
Answer: Xbox One runs at 900p and 30 fps, the Playstation 4 version runs at 1080p and 30fps. No info on PS360 versions yet [will add when available]. Discussion about the resolution is ongoing in this thread.
Question: Isn't stealing like, against the law?
Answer: Stealing from people is totally okay, but only if they're decadently wealthy while poor people are perishing in the streets of hunger and plague
Question: What if I spot errors in this post, or want to see something added?
Answer: Please send me a PM and I'll try and fix and/or add it as soon as possible