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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Except San Bernadino, the Boston Marathon, Fort Hood, the Beltway Sniper...

Not that Santorum's logic isn't every bit as flawed as you point out and that domestic terror groups do tend to be right wing religious maniacs, but still.

Do we have to do a shooting Olympic to show that Christian knuckleheads are at least every bit as dangerous as jihadist terrorists?


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Do we have to do a shooting Olympic to show that Christian knuckleheads are at least every bit as dangerous as jihadist terrorists?

Well, it's because for... reasons... white Christians who murder abortion doctors aren't considered terrorists.

Mike M

Nick N
Do we have to do a shooting Olympic to show that Christian knuckleheads are at least every bit as dangerous as jihadist terrorists?
No, but refuting Santorum's nonsense with "all domestic terrorists are Christians" is disingenuous.


No, but refuting Santorum's nonsense with "all domestic terrorists are Christians" is disingenuous.

I think you're missing what he's trying to say. "Jihad" is a muslim word. Someone who is not muslim won't be a "jihadist" simply because of terminology. Same as how the KKK is a uniquely christian group. Someone who is a Jew isn't going to be in the KKK. That's the silliness with Santorum's statement.

Mike M

Nick N
I think you're missing what he's trying to say. "Jihad" is a muslim word. Someone who is not muslim won't be a "jihadist" simply because of terminology. Same as how the KKK is a uniquely christian group. Someone who is a Jew isn't going to be in the KKK. That's the silliness with Santorum's statement.
No, I understood that, it's the "and domestic terrorists too" I'm picking nits over.


I guess I could've worded it better but I wasn't trying to imply all of the domestic terrorism is carried out by Christians. But considering 95% of active shooters are white males that usually have some sort of Christian ideology, the vast majority are.


A friend was arguing with some guy who shared this.


Having looked it up, this would exempt:

-John Adams
-John Quincy Adams
-Martin Van Buren
-Grover Cleveland (who could be a Tea Party favorite since he didn't want the government doing anything to help during a recession)
-Woodrow Wilson
-Warren G. Harding
-Calvin Coolidge (big conservative president too)
-Herbert Hoover
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
-Bill Clinton
-Barack Obama

Unless you don't count militias, then the list expands.
God is more powerful than any government, no? If Christians believe such, then God is in fact allowing mass shootings.

Or God is in fact weaker than the US government.

happy holidays

Huh? I'm not even sure how this guy had the wherewithal to post this. Does he think that (or does he think that historians think that) Hitler succeeded in wiping out the entirety of the Jewish race to the point that there would be no Jewish people today?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
The Minions probably worked for Hitler though, serving history's greatest monsters and all.


Can someone confirm this?

Similar meme (there's a lot of overlap) covered here; http://www.snopes.com/denmark-socialism-brutal-meme/

The TLDR version; there are high taxes on cars specifically to encourage people to use public transportation and the higher overall tax rate is made up for by free education, healthcare, medical leave, unemployment insurance compensation, etc. There's a lot of figures here that sound bad in a vacuum but it's cherry picking facts to make it sound awful.
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