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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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This doesn't necessarily fall under "right-wing", but it's the first time I've read something on Facebook that actually made me physically angry.


Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
Similar meme (there's a lot of overlap) covered here; http://www.snopes.com/denmark-socialism-brutal-meme/

The TLDR version; there are high taxes on cars specifically to encourage people to use public transportation and the higher overall tax rate is made up for by free education, healthcare, medical leave, unemployment insurance compensation, etc. There's a lot of figures here that sound bad in a vacuum but it's cherry picking facts to make it sound awful.

Thanks dude.


Can someone help me out here, not sure I understand this one fully.

I guess they're trying to say she doesn't act like a woman or something, I can't really see why that should be any sort of issue. Or they could be saying she's secretly a man which is literally false since she has a daughter.



Can someone help me out here, not sure I understand this one fully.

Anecdotal (yea, I know, I know), but I know some women who have stated that they will vote for Hillary because she is a woman and they want a woman to be president. That is their only reason for voting. At all. These aren't people who go out and look at issues or such either. I guess this is aimed at those women?
Voting for her because she's a woman is a poor reason.

I'm not voting for her because she's a woman, but I'm glad the Democratic nominee is going to be a woman so I can vote for a female president. Just like I didn't vote for Obama simply because he was black, but it's nice to finally have a black president. I'll probably feel the same way about other minorities running for president, because I doubt the Republicans are ever going to nominate one of them.
A lot of the mass shooting victims or shooters this year were super religious. That meme seems really odd after 2015.

Japan has super unjust courts and not much God either and they have no shootings at all, lol.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
American Sniper's wife speaks out against background checks

She's rather respectful, even if I think she's totally wrong here and it's odd she's saying this considering her husband was killed by a mentally unstable man who had access to a gun, but I've seen a ton of conservative folks passing around this message which just bugs the fuck out of me.

I mean, the message that "99.9% of us are good people and we should celebrate that!" is just a complete avoidance of the issue. Even more hypocritical coming from the side that constantly claims guns are needed to protect us from violent criminals breaking into our homes and tyrannical police states and that every Muslim is out to kill them.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
200 million terrorists is pretty crazy you got to admit.

That'd get me scared.

Good thing I can do incredibly basic math.
Hell, the same person who posted the other one just put this one up.
I hate comparisons like this. This 'friend' is about to be blocked.

I'm guessing: "I've never met anyone who is like this, but they are proof that America is going down the drain. Kids aren't tough like they used to be. They used to take bullets, now they like the color pink!!!"

Right, that's make no sense at all....
I call it a lack of empathy.

I thought there was a thread where someone didn't take a job because they thought it was better being lower class in America.

People really love to exaggerate, and other people really like to believe those exaggerations.


Are they trying to say that more money means you can eat out a lot?

you can eat all ya want on the government's teat and it all comes out of the middle class' fridge!

In all honesty, that filled fridge is just overflowing with processed garbage. I'd rather have an onion and a bottle of wine instead
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