I grew up in England, I use to read the horrible histories books.It is British humor. Even their comedy for children is dark.
Watch "Horrible Histories" and you will get the idea.
I am liking that they do have little people in the cast. People can no longer complain about that.
It's not really like that, the scene with the pterodactyl thing was just straight up violent (for a kid), the dudes legs literally goes limp and he dies... i dunno kids violence would be he just gets swallowed or something.
and I wouldn't say the show emulates British humor much either, it's very much taika watiti jabbering humor (except widgit who genuinely gets me to chuckle).
The show just doesn't seem to know what it wants to be where as the movie (which I've since seen) was very much a silly irreverent adventure movie.
Yes the little people showing up in the last ending was definitely a nod to the original.
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