Steam | GOG | Amazon retail | GamersGate | DRM Free : 19th June
Developed by Black Pants Game Studio
Official website
There is a demo to the beta version of the game called: Tiny and Big: Up That Mountain

Set in land where common physics apply, but everything else looks different. You are Tiny, a technophile
guy with a ray cutter, a gripping device and a fine attitude towards the world. But now your nemesis Big
stole the only heritage your grandpa left you: A nice pair of white, fine rib underpants! And hes surely up
to no good, why else would he take them up that haunted mountain A quaky spot So load up that
selfmade raygun and rope device (snitched from the local hardware store) and take your annoying and
jabbering backpack to accompany you. Its always been good use to your gramps. Run, jump, drag,
shove and laser your way through the ancient scenery, gain back those underpants!

Tiny moves in a completely destructible and physically plausible environment. Hes equipped with three
basic tools to modify his surroundings, as a means to get to otherwise unreachable spots in the game, or
slice and dice a level just for fun. He can use his mighty laser to cut and form any object at will. To move
objects, Tiny can choose between a grappling hook to pull, and a rocket to push pieces into position. Of
course, as the game proceeds, combining your tools gives the player a unique and sandboxy variety of
possibilities to solve puzzles.

Tiny and Big: Up That Mountain, has already won some awards: