Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
I hear a ton of people giving it a ton of Shit but I honestly do not know why. My system is mid-higher tier and I love to use it. I love to see the Sexy Ray traced visuals (for the few games that do it right) and all the bells and whistles. In single player games as long as I get hit around that 60fps mark, I am good. The technology is not perfect and there are the rare occasions where I will notice artifacting or frame stutter but very seldom. Some will argue about input delay but I just do not feel it. I could see where if you played competitive multiplayer it could become a problem but most do not.
Thoughts, Do you use it? Do you hate it? Do you not have the option?
Thoughts, Do you use it? Do you hate it? Do you not have the option?