Tobey Maguire should have folded when he had the chance. The "Spider-Man" star is being sued for his involvement in what is said to be an illegal Beverly Hills gambling ring that, according to Radar via Star magazine, was so top-secret that the entrance was guarded by armed men in bulletproof vests.
Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were also players in the no-limit Texas Hold 'em games, which had buy-ins of $100,000, but were not named in the lawsuit.
The reason Maguire was singled out has to do with a former hedge fund manager named Bradley Ruderman, who is currently behind bars for operating a Ponzi scheme and defrauding clients.
According to an FBI investigation, Ruderman lost $25 million of his investors money at these celebrity poker games. After Rudermans company filed for bankruptcy, it needed a way to repay clients whose money was used during the pricey gambling events. Thats where Tobey comes into the picture. As TMZ points out, unlicensed poker games are illegal in the state of California, making any winning illegitimate. The lawsuit thus aims to use Maguires winnings to pay off debts to Rudermans clients and creditors.
Court documents allege that Tobey won around $300,000 from Ruderman between 2007 and 2008.
While Leo (who once lost $50,000), Ben (who had decent poker skills) and Matt (who apparently never won) lucked out by avoiding suits, some other big Hollywood names werent so lucky. Notebook director Nick Cassavetes, Welcome Back, Kotter star Gabel Kaplan and several more famous power players are facing a lawsuit similar to Tobey Maguires.