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Todd Phillips officially reveals Joker Sequel



Well shucks, looks like we're heading down Joker Lane again with old Toddy P.

Joker: Folie á Deux (Madness for Two)
Folie à deux ('folly of two', or 'madness [shared] by two'), also known as shared psychosis[2] or shared delusional disorder (SDD), is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief, and sometimes hallucinations,[3][4] are transmitted from one individual to another
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Im Ready Season 4 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
After remaking The King of Comedy for the first one, along with hiring Scorcese and Deniro... Which existing film are they going to use as a blueprint for the sequel? Terry Gilliam's Brazil? Black Swan using Perfect Blue as a reference?
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Good, this and the new Suicide Squad are the only good things DC have going right now.

*Maybe Shazam as well, although that family direction at the end was kinda shitty.


Elden Member
who’s ready for a full multiverse plot of Joaquin, Nicholson, CG Ledger, Hamill and Ceaser all traveling together through time and space to save the DC world from strait white male Warner Execs.

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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I really want to see this movie. Is it up on any streaming service at all to watch for free without ads?
The first Joker was, as a social study of the illness of modern society, is such a perfectly fine movie by itself, it doesn't really need a sequel.
The subtitle "folie à deux" implies that the story will center around Joker meeting Harley Quinn, which already makes me a whole lot less interested in this sequel.

I hope to be proven wrong though and I'll probably watch this movie because of Joaquin alone. He really nailed the character in the first movie, but introducing a screwed up love story will only water it down .


Stories that didn't "need" a sequel include:

- Alien (1979)
- Terminator
- Amazing Fantasy #15

Good stories don't need sequels. The appeal is getting to see a new story centered around a universe or character you enjoy. Seems like people forget this when it comes to movies they just generally dislike.

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
A Joker movie without Batman is ok, once. I don't need or desire to have more of that. And since there is no current live action Batman that can be force feed into this narrative, I say make another Batman and never tell the audience who is playing him. I don't need any Bruce Wayne screen time or Wayne Manor. Don't need Alfred or Robin or even the Batmobile.
Batman needs to be in this with some significant screen time.

Even if the Batman that is chasing him throughout the movie is a construct of the Joker's own psychosis.
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A Joker movie without Batman is ok, once. I don't need or desire to have more of that. And since there is no current live action Batman that can be force feed into this narrative, I say make another Batman and never tell the audience who is playing him. I don't need any Bruce Wayne screen time or Wayne Manor. Don't need Alfred or Robin or even the Batmobile.
Batman needs to be in this with some significant screen time.

Even if the Batman that is chasing him throughout the movie is a construct of the Joker's own psychosis.
damn, that would be phenominal


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Probably Harley Quinn... like almost certainly from that description.. she is his psychiatrist who then goes crazy from his manipulation isn't she? Hopefully a new actress though.


The subtitle is genius.

Not only its a reference to a real life mental disorder, but it also sounds cool as hell and fits the theme of the movie

I'm hoping for another Joker or grown up Batman.

Harley would be meh
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