How do I put this.
Here are the various musical tracks, as I understand it (feel free to correct):
Japanese DBZ: Kikuchi
English DBZ: Falcouner
Original DBZ Kai: Yamamoto
Substitute DBZ Kai: Poorly placed and truncated Kikuchi tracks
Buu Kai: Sumitomo
I like Yamamoto's music, plagiarized or not. I had a fondness for his stuff back in the Budokai games before DBZ Kai was even a thing. I'm kind of a stupid soundtrack nerd, and things like this are significant factor in my enjoyment. I like the Frieza and Cell arcs, despite all their problems, but the substitute music just sucks. I never heard how the Kikuchi score was utilized in the original DBZ, but I have to imagine it it was notably better than what we are getting now.
All I'm saying if that if Sumitomo's stuff (which I'm unfamiliar with) is any good at all and isn't crippled, like what we are getting now, it's a boon to me despite everything else.