In two months, there will be a anime convention taking place that I might attend. I say "might" because the convention is taking place in a city that roughly 70 miles away from where I live and is an hour long drive. It's a city I haven't been to in a long time and, to be quite honest, I never did like going to in the first place mainly because it took forever to get there. Thankfully, the trips were very few and it happened in my teens so maybe the trips won't be so bad now.
Anyway, if I go it will be a repeat of the last anime convention I went to: Have the guest VAs sign a paper with the ToonamiGAF banner on it basically showing their support of not just Toonami but our Toonami community as well.
As for the guest VAs that will be making an appearance....well, the guest list can speak for itself really
I'm on a week-long break from school next week, so during that time (weather permitted), I'll make the long journey to where the convention will be held so I can get a feel of the trip (and hopefully not get lost to and from the place). Should I feel that making the trip was up to my satisfaction, I'll attend the convention in early April.