
Thanks to zeopower for the banner!
Platform: PS Vita
Release date: 11/14 February 2014
Genre: Action
Players: Single player
Multiplayer: Online mode is available to allow for 4 player co-op to finish various missions
Official Website
An age of peace comes to a terrifying end when a gateway from the Otherworld, home of the Oni, results in hordes of Oni flooding into the human world. This became known as the Awakening.
It is the mission of the Slayers to slay the Oni and bring peace once again to the world.
Toukiden is an action game from KOEI Tecmo creators of the Musou series. Players create a character (Slayer) and travel through battle fields similar to ones in Musou games, completing missions. These missions can either be defeating a set number of Onis, or clearing a field from Onis, etc. Along the way they can collect items which they can then use to craft equipment to strengthen their character.
Players can also play some of the games missions with up to 3 other players via online.
Note that the demo of the game doesn't feature some of the elements and features that the full game has such as increased limit to stored items and multiple save slots.
Game play features
Character creation:
Can choose between a male or female character and customize their hair and facial appearance. You can change the hair color of your character within the game at any time by visiting your room.
Upon killing various Onis, players can purify them (Hold R) to get items from them which they can then be used in crafting equipment.
When battling stronger or larger Onis, players can cause some of their limbs or body parts to fall off, if purified they will weaken the Oni allowing for it to be defeated much faster. However should a body part regenerate, the battle will be prolonged.
Mitama are the souls of notable heroes from Japanese history, they can be equipped to your weapon to gain extra (passive) abilities such as increased attack power or faster health regeneration. Various Mitama can be acquired from slaying stronger Onis, and various weapons can be equipped with more than 1 Mitama.
Mitamas also offer additional abilities (Boosts) during gameplay by holding R when stationary and choosing which buff to have active such as increased attack power or the ability to leech health from attacking enemies.
The game states there to be more than 200 Mitama to collect, allowing the player to customize their abilities set to their preference.
When on battle fields, you can recover the number of Boosts you can use by praying at certain glowing stones.
For more details on Mitamas, refer to the Official Websites Mitama section
Click the link below for a list of where to find certain Mitama, but be warned that it may contain some mild spoilers, so better to check this spreadsheet if you just want to clean up on any missing Mitamas
Health and stamina:
At the top of the screen players will see their health and stamina bars. Both can be extended and increased using items and mitama. Upon taking damage players can recover some health from the damage taken over a short period of time.
Stamina is consumed when attack, dodging or running, and recovers when not performing any action, but can be recovered quickly by holding R1 while stationary.
Movement: Press the X button to perform a rolling dodge, while holding R then moving will make your character run. Both of these consume stamina.
Take note that you can cancel an attack into a dodge roll, but it wont actually occur until the attack animation ends, this is the case in the demo at least, but its not a major issue once youve gotten used to it.
In the full game speaking with various NPCs and allies and completing missions with or for them will increase your relationship with them.
The game offers players a choice of 6 weapons which they can purchase and equip at anytime during their play and each with their own unique properties and moves. Any attacks or actions using a weapon will consume stamina.
Next to the health bar is a circle that fills up as you attack, once full, you can press Triangle+O to unleash a powerful attack that deals big damage on enemies.
The game has a tutorial mode which can showcase the various moves each weapon can do. Here's a basic rundown of them for now:
- Long sword: Standard weapon with versatile attack combinations. By pressing the circle button and attacking an enemy or enemies they will become surrounded by an aura. Pressing the circle button will have you sheath the sword and inflict damage on enemies based on the color of the aura they had before sheathing.
- Bow: A long range weapon with various attack options, and the player can move while using the bow to attack by holding the R button. Pressing Square will you have fire a single arrow, you can also hold the button to charge it up.
The Triangle attack has 3 levels, gained by pressing the button twice or thrice. Pressing it twice will have five arrows fired horizontally in front of you, while the 3rd level will have the arrow you fire explode and spread damage over the area surrounding the targeted enemy.
The O attack will allow you to target enemies and fire homing arrows at them, but this attack consumes the most stamina.
- Gauntlets: Close range weapon, and boasting the strongest attack stat in the game. The Triangle button can be charged to inflict fire damage on the enemy which does damage over time, in addition holding Square+X will make you enter a block animation lessening the damage you would take from an enemy's attack.
The biggest negative to this weapon is that its attacks are slow making getting used to this weapon to take a while.
- Chain and Sickle: Pressing Square will attack with the chain which has a good long range, while Triangle will attack with the sickle. The chain attack has the longest range of the melee weapons.
- Daggers: Another short range weapon but unlike the gauntlets is faster. Pressing the Triangle button will launch you into the air and you can continue attacking your enemies.
You can remain airborne damaging opponents with your attacks by pressing Triangle while in the air. You can continue an airborne assault for as long as you have Stamina to perform attacks or actions with.
Note that the Daggers are the weakest weapons in the game.
- Spear: The Spear is considered one of the best weapons in the game, due in part to its Brace ability.
Attack-wise it boasts good stats being among the stronger weapons in the game, Square will do a straight stabbing attack, while Triangle is a horizontal sweeping attack. Each button can be pressed 3 times for a short combo.
The O attack will have you aim your spear to throw at your enemy for big damage.
Brace is done by holding Square+X, doing so will have your character crouch with their spear held in front of them, any enemy rushing towards you will take damage, making it effective against enemies who have a ramming attack such as the Manhunter.
More detailed Toukiden weapon info can be found at the KOEI wikia, as posted, the above is just meant to give a basic idea of the weapons.
Transferring your save data from the demo
Keep the demo installed on your Vita and you'll be able to continue your progress in the main game so long as both the demo and main game are the same region.
Weapon exhibition video
Anime promo trailer
Toukiden opening

Omnigamer review: http://www.omnigamer.com/toukiden-age-demons-review-monster-jam/
Gamekult review: http://www.gamekult.com/jeux/test-toukiden-the-age-of-demons-SU3050067097t.html#psv
PSU.com review: http://www.psu.com/a022453/Toukiden--The-Age-of-Demons-Review--Monster-Hunter-meets-Dynasty-Warriors
savecontinue.com review: http://www.savecontinue.com/2014/02/review-toukiden-the-age-of-demons/
hardcoregamer.com review: http://www.hardcoregamer.com/2014/02/10/review-toukiden-the-age-of-demons/73588/
thesixthaxis review: http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2014/02/10/toukiden-review-ps-vita/
Online IDs
Feel free to add these members to your friendlist if you wish to play Toukiden with them, but for clarification purposes, state in your friend request that you are from NeoGAF along with your GAF username.
PSN: SoopaMan2K
PSN : do_you_even_pose
PSN: kjross
PSN: Reknoc
PSN: Deep_Chord
PSN: Raze_Panumbra
PSN: Manac0r33
Baron Von Beans
PSN: BaronVonBeans
PSN - themlasu
PSN: Todoh789
The Last Wizard
Psn: nighthawk17
psn: Kaji_AU
ID: thongorthegreat
PSN: Blestsoul
PSN: Razienn
PSN: swnnyh
PSN: tjokeboke
Crovax PSO
PSN: Crovax44
PSN: killatopak312
PSN: maouvin
PSN: Scherii
Petit Melon
PSN: petitfraulein
Lyte Edge
PSN: lyteedge2
Psn: darkjedi187
PSN: SwarnaD
Doom Bear
PSN: Graelinn
PSN: twaalf
PSN: Zunja
PSN: Darcion
psn: LaughingBanana
PSN: Aspirations26
Night Angel
PSN: XxTheReaperxX
PSN: impact1g
PSN ID: ramyeon1989
Glittering Crux
PSN: GlitterBishounen
PSN: AmethystEnd
PSN: Yourfacedotcom
PSN: TheGrue
PSN ID: poetaster
PSN: Omegabalmung
psn: hypeman123
In closing